Business Journey in Immortal Tao

C73 The Yacht Brave One

C73 The Yacht Brave One

2After a day and night of sailing, Princess Qian Qian finally reached the capital city of Britain, LD. A team of people wearing red clothes and black pants, and a tall bear hat, welcomed Li Yun at the port.    0


Under the witness of countless flashing lights, the Queen gave Li Yun the honor of being a baron and invited him to a grand feast with all the certificates and medals.    


The next day, Joseph of the St Steen Company invited Li Yun to the dock of the boat, the ship Brave. After the grand yacht exchange ceremony, a young naval officer gave Li Yun detailed training in yachting driving.    


Braveheart was a luxury yacht, fifty-two meters long and twenty-five meters wide. It had two decks, a streamlined enclosed design that could reach a maximum speed of two hundred and sixty kilometers per hour and a range of twelve thousand kilometers per hour.    


Closed design means that if the doors and windows are all closed, even if the wind and waves are high, the boat will not enter the water.    


The upper deck was the bridge, the dining room, and the lounge. The lower level had a large master bedroom and more than a dozen guest rooms, all functional. On the roof, there was even a small, two-seater commercial helicopter fixed in place.    


Li Yun led Zhang Kai, Tingting, and Yaxuan on a tour around the newly acquired yacht with an excited expression. If the cruise ship was a five-star hotel, then the yacht would be a private mansion.    


Zhang Kai immediately suggested accompanying Li Yun back to the country. Tingting and Yaxuan also responded warmly, each claiming to have been overseas for many years. They were a little homesick. Li Yun also felt it was too lonely to return home alone, so he immediately nodded in agreement.    


The four of them immediately went to the supermarket at the dock and bought all kinds of daily necessities, vegetables and fruits. Zhang Kai also bought some fishing tools.    


Li Yun drove the yacht to the refueling area on the dock and filled it with fresh water from the oil and water storage tank before bringing the three of them to the dock for lunch. During this time, Zhang Kai called Judy to say goodbye.    


"Zhang Kai, you just left like that?" Judy grabbed Zhang Kai by the collar and asked fiercely.    


Everyone in the restaurant turned their gazes over. Seeing this, Li Yun hastily tried to smooth things over. "Judy, let go of him first. Let's talk after you sit down."    


Judy didn't dare to not give Li Yun face. She was well aware of Li Yun's terrifying strength, and she was very clear that it was none of Zhang Kai's business. Li Yun would not put up a front towards her.    


Thus, Judy let go of him and sat down silently. Her face was full of grievances and she looked like she was about to cry.    


Zhang Kai hurriedly explained: "I also couldn't bear to part with you, so I called you to say goodbye. You must have a job, and it's a disciplinary squad. I don't want you to be punished because of that."    


"I will resign immediately and follow you to Hua Guo." With that said, Judy took out her phone to ask the Leader to resign. Her tone was very firm.    


With Li Yun's hearing, he could obviously hear what was being said on the phone. The punishment for leaving his job was quite severe, and when Judy grew old, she would not receive a single cent of her pension.    


Li Jun couldn't help but feel respect for this girl's courage in pursuing love. "Judy, welcome to our voyage."    


Upon hearing this, Judy's tears immediately turned into smiles. Ye Zichen gently held Zhang Kai's arm and humbly greeted his rude behavior just now.    


"Alright, what's the point of being modest? Brother Kai is not a stingy person. If you're done eating, then get on the boat and set off." Li Yun interrupted.    


Everyone expressed that they had eaten their fill and went on the ship together. Because only Li Yun had received driving training, Li Yun naturally became the captain. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Li Yun had chosen to travel across the Atlantic.    


Along the west coast of Africa, across the equator, into the southern hemisphere, then to South Africa, then east, to Oceania, where you can buy an island as a landing point.    


Although this route was unfamiliar to them, they were not in a hurry. They could resupply at any time and set the route. The computer would automatically drive them to the front deck to fish and play.    


The yacht sped along with the wind and waves, causing a school of fish to chase and jump around the boat. Li Yun casually collected more fish than Zhang Kai fished, and since it was getting late, Li Yun didn't dare to let the boat float on the sea, so he had no choice but to find a harbor to stop at.    


Just ahead of him was an island called Santiago and a small city called Praia. Li Yun anchored the yacht in a shallow area of the harbor. There was plenty of cargo on the boat anyway, so he didn't need to go ashore to resupply.    


It was not that Li Yun was afraid of trouble, but that there were three beauties on the boat. He did not know the local language, so he was afraid that the three beauties would be scared, because in Li Yun's mind, Africa represented backwardness, poverty, and war.    


The restaurant on Braveheart was much larger than the one on the trailer. It was about a hundred square meters, and Li Yun had always been good at cooking, so he personally cooked the fish that Zhang Kai and him caught, which consisted of steaming, braised fish, and fish soup.    


The five of them drank wine and sang. The atmosphere was very lively. Suddenly, Yun felt a small boat heading towards them. He raised his head and looked out the window. It was a seven to eight meter long small boat, much smaller than the Braveheart.    


There were lights on the top of the launch, and on the bow deck stood two uniformed men, obviously a marine police boat.    


Li Yun opened the cabin door and came out onto the deck. Judy and Zhang Kai also quickly followed. Judy reminded Li Yun that his title was very useful here and told him to keep his attitude up.    


The small boat gradually landed on the 'Braveheart'. The two sea police stepped over the side of the boat and jumped onto the 'Braveheart', not waiting for them to stand firm on the ship.    


Judy spoke in English first, "This is the newly conferred Baron of the Great Britain Empire. Please give your salutations immediately, so as to not cause any trouble in the foreign affairs."    


Just as the two of them were hesitating, Judy held up a newspaper in front of them. On top of the newspaper was a photo of the Queen giving her contribution points to Li Yun. The person in the photo was none other than Li Yun.    


Seeing this, the two did not dare to hesitate and immediately saluted, "Sir, please forgive our recklessness."    


Li Yun clasped his hands behind his back and indifferently said in English, "What business do you have?"    


The leader of the group stood at attention again, "We saw a strange ship moored in the bay. We have come here to inquire about its purpose and duty. May the baron have more of it."    


"Oh, I'm on a world voyage. It's getting dark. We'll stay here for the night and leave at dawn. I hope it doesn't cause you any more trouble." Li Yun faintly said in English.    


"No, no. We are deeply grateful for disturbing your rest, and we wish you a pleasant journey." The man saluted again and left with his men.    




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