Business Journey in Immortal Tao

C83 Viking Rick

C83 Viking Rick

3"No, you misunderstand. We are just two lost tourists who accidentally broke into your island." A man shouted loudly. The feeling of having one's entire body being trampled on by someone without any strength left in them was truly terrifying.    


Li Yun's cold voice slowly sounded. "Two men going out to sea in the middle of the night to play? Using a small boat? And a gun with a silencer? There was a TNT plastic bomb in the bag? Are there such tourists? You think I'm stupid, but you're stupid? "    


Judy suddenly said, "Stop wasting time. Two people live one. Tell me, who wants to live?"    


Li Yun turned to Natasha and said, "You go to the bedroom, there's someone here to kill."    


Seeing that they had already reached such a level, the two of them fought to be the first to speak.    


"Three questions. Those who answered the right question will stay for ten years, those who answered the wrong questions will be thrown into the sea to feed the fish. This is a private island, no one will know what happened tonight. Do you understand?" Judy said fiercely.    


"Understood." The two of them answered at the same time.    


"First question, who sent you?" Judy asked one of them, who hesitated.    


"You don't need to say anymore, you've already lost a chance to live. Now you answer. " Judy pointed at another man.    


The man quickly replied, "Rick, Solitary Wolf, this is Edika's brother."    


"Very good, you have one more chance to survive in this first round." Second question, where is Rick now? " Judy asked coldly.    


The man who had failed to answer for the first time took the opportunity to answer. "Three kilometers to the east of the island, on an uninhabited island, was an uninhabited villa. There were five of them, all of whom were Rick's trusted subordinates."    


Li Yun said to Judy, "Take care of them. I'll be right back."    


With that, he disappeared without a trace, leaving the two of them dumbstruck.    


Judy continued, "Are you Rick's men or hired killers?"    


The man said dejectedly, "We are killers. Rick gave us one million and told us to kill Li Yun."    


"They have five people. Why didn't they come themselves? I want to invite you guys." Judy was curious.    


"They don't dare. They are only pirates that are a bit more vicious than ordinary people. They don't dare to face Li Yun on their own." the man replied.    


The other man said regretfully, "We thought we knew how to conceal our assassination techniques, but who knew that it would be useless in front of Li Yun. The moment we landed, he caught us for no reason."    


"Alright, one last question. If I don't kill you, what use would you have towards Li Yun?" Think before answering. " Judy was proud of her master's bravery.    


With a soft "Pu" sound, Li Yun returned to the living room. With a shake of his hand, five muscular men laid on the floor with dull expressions.    


Judy asked, "Which one is Rick?"    


"The guy with the shaved head and a tuft of hair on his head." A white man said.    


Li Yun brought up that fellow. As soon as the Spiritual Energy was destroyed, Rick woke up with a start. He looked at Li Yun's face with eyes filled with fear. "You're Li Yun, how did you catch me?"    


Looking at Rick's bear-like look, Li Yun laughed. "You're still haunting me. I didn't want to bother about the last time you tried to assassinate me, but now you actually dared to come looking for me."    


"Don't kill me, I'll give you a ransom." Rick said in panic.    


"Oh, how much do you think a pirate chief like you is worth?" Li Yunchao asked with interest.    


"I'll give you three million, no, ten million. Please let me go." Rick quickly said.    


"Do you know how much of the prize money I gave you to the Australian government? Do you know how many people in the world want to see you die? I think you blackmailed an Australian ship in Somalia last year for ten billion dollars. " Li Yun said with a smile.    


"My bounty is one billion dollars. Can I give you two billion?" Rick gradually calmed down. He was certain that Li Yun was greedy for money.    


"Not enough. If I kill you, what's the use of keeping the money?" Li Yun asked.    


"Three billion, let me go." Rick said calmly.    


"It looks like you won't cry until you see the coffin!" Li Yun cast a glance at Judy.    


Judy strode among the four men and broke their necks in front of Rick. The cracking sounds of their necks being broken made Rick's eyes twitch. His dark face had actually turned a lot paler.    


He had seen many pirates kill people, and they all relied on their courage from time to time. He had never seen someone as calm as Judy, who was almost like a work of art. This was the difference between a professional and an amateur.    


"How much do you want?"    


Li Yun laughed, "10 billion, it wouldn't do to lose even a single point."    




"Judy, give him your computer, and give him your card number." Li Yun opened the meridians in Rick's hands and helped him to a chair.    


Judy quickly took out a laptop and placed it on the table to monitor Rick's transfer. The cunning Rick had more than two hundred and thirty accounts to store his stolen money, and fortunately he could remember all of them. It took him more than two hours to transfer all ten billion dollars.    


Li Yun looked at Judy, and after confirming that everything was in order, he lightly patted Rick on the shoulder. A wave of Spiritual Energy broke Rake's heart, and Rake's head tilted and slid off the chair.    


Li Yun turned to Judy and said, "I will never let anyone who wants to kill me live. "The two of them should be on their way.    


The two Caucasian men shouted out when they heard this, "Spare me, I won't dare to do it again."    


Li Yun harrumphed, "As assassins, you should have realized that you were going to be killed a long time ago."    


Without another word, Judy stretched out her hands and broke their necks, stopping their shouting abruptly.    


Li Yun waved his hand and put away the seven corpses on the ground. He said to Judy, "Clean the living room, I'll go clean up the corpses."    


Finished speaking, Li Yun immediately teleported outside the Hongjin City and flew a thousand kilometers to the east. At the place where a spirit beast was wreaking havoc, he dumped the seven corpses and returned to the Duke Island.    


Li Yun still wanted to stay in the Duke Island for a while longer. Firstly, to cultivate a relationship with the Leo, secondly, to give more guidance to Judy and Natasha in their cultivation, and thirdly, to observe if there were any other dangers to the Duke Island.    


The fourth point was that in terms of Wind Continent, Li Yun's power had already become on a certain scale, so for the time being, Li Yun didn't need to worry about it. Sixteen Nascent Soul Stage experts, thousands of Aurous Core stage experts, and tens of thousands of Foundation Establishment Stage experts …    




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