Business Journey in Immortal Tao

C82 Midnight Assassin

C82 Midnight Assassin

2Li Yun piloted the yacht to the pier designated by Joanna in the Darwin Center. After boarding the dock with Natasha and Judy, he raised his head and saw the gigantic Life Shopping Plaza.     0


After entering the shopping mall, Li Yun quickly found a car shop according to the shopping mall's guide. After understanding the needs of Li Yun and the others, the shop assistant recommended an electric car for him.    


Since there was no gas station on the island and charging was the most convenient way to replenish energy, Li Yun happily accepted this suggestion. After paying, he agreed to deliver the loan the next day.    


Afterward, the three of them entered a restaurant to eat. The three of them ordered a steak and a salad respectively before eating. The three of them were currently discussing some cultivation problems and experiences.    


Suddenly, the sound of something heavy hitting the ground came from the next table. A well-dressed white-bearded old man fell to the ground, and a middle-aged woman beside him cried out in fear. The hotel attendant quickly ran over to ask about it, and someone made a call to help.    


Li Yun only needed to use Divine Sense to know that this was a heart attack. In this kind of situation, rescue had to be done in time, and once the ambulance came, everyone would be dead.    


Therefore, Li Yun walked up to the crowd, separated them, and said in English, "This is a myocardial infarction. When the ambulance arrives, it will be too late. Everyone disperse."    


Hearing that, everyone dispersed, only to see Li Yun lightly pat the old man's left shoulder, using the Spiritual Energy to remove the blood clots in the man's chest, and after meditating for a while, the old man rolled around, looking around suspiciously: "What's wrong with me."    


The middle-aged woman quickly explained, "Dearest, you fell down from a heart attack, it was this mister's magical massage that woke you up."    


The old man stood up and stretched out his right hand towards Li Yun: "My name is Schubert, young man, thank you very much for saving me."    


Li Yun extended a hand to shake his hand, "My name is Li Yun and I was coincidentally eating at that table on the side. Now that you're fine, I wish you a happy day."    


Ever since Li Yun had cultivated to the Nascent Soul Stage, his mental state had already reached a very high level. Whether it was saving or killing, these were matters of fate and he wouldn't take them to heart. For cultivators, what they cared the most about was reaching a higher level.    


Thus, Li Yun returned to his table with a calm expression and continued eating.    


Schubert didn't expect his savior to be so calm and collected after saving him, as if nothing had happened. He had already thanked her just now, so it was very strange for him to thank her again. It was obvious that she was currently accompanying the two beauties for a meal, so if he rashly came forward, it would make others unhappy.    


Schubert was an Australian steel tycoon with more than ten mines and three smelting factories. Usually, the people standing in front of him all came for various benefits. Even chance encounters are carefully crafted.    


But this time was clearly different, he really didn't seem to have any interest in him. At this moment, the ambulance finally arrived. Under the doctor's insistence, Schubert could only follow the ambulance to the hospital to check his body.    


Seeing that everyone had left, Judy asked curiously, "I saw that Schubert obviously wanted to be friends with you, but you acted very coldly?"    


"If it's gratitude, then he has already thanked me. If it's money, then I think he might not be as rich as I am. His life and mine originally did not have any connections, so there's no need for a causal relationship." Li Yun said indifferently.    


Due to her relationship with cultivation, Judy understood the term 'cause and effect'. She immediately expressed her understanding of Li Yun's words. "Does Master mean that you don't want to leave behind too much worry in the secular world?"    


Li Yun was startled when he heard this. He didn't expect Judy to have such a good personality. He felt that he should guide her and do his duty as her teacher.    


"Talk about your understanding of cause and effect." Li Yun said in a seemingly casual manner.    


"All things have cause and effect, good cause gets good fruit, evil cause gets evil fruit. "Ah, Master, you did the right thing just now, why …" Judy fell into a state of confusion.    


Li Yun let out a sigh and patiently explained, "If you see a poisonous snake eating a frog and you kill it, what do you think the frog will give you in return?"    


Judy thought for a while and replied, "The frog is too weak. The only reward it gives is that it likes bugs and that's not what I want."    


"Right, he's too weak. The lives of cultivators are too long, and ordinary people only have a few decades of lifespan. The more ordinary people you befriend, the more sorrowful things you will feel in the future." Li Yun said.    


Natasha suddenly hugged Li Yun's arm and said emotionally, "You can't bear to see me die of old age, so you taught me cultivation, right?"    


Li Yun nodded and playfully said, "Congratulations, you got it right."    


Natasha felt a surge of warmth flow through her heart when she heard this. She found it hard to control her emotions. Her eyes rippled as she said in a delicate voice, "Dearest, I'm full. Let's go home."    


Li Yun smiled as he nodded, then beckoned for the waiter to settle the bill.    


A young waitress walked over and politely bowed to Li Yun. "We are very grateful to Mister for helping us save a dying customer, removing any problems that might happen to our store. We specifically wanted to give Mister a free dinner as a token of our gratitude. This is our VIP card, so please accept it."    


Li Yun received the VIP card from the waiter and thanked him with a smile. He turned to Judy and said, "This kind of result is acceptable."    


Judy nodded and followed Li Yun towards the dock.    


Just as they returned to the villa, the Leo came over and started running circles around Li Yun's feet. Li Yunxi sat down and took out a piece of the Spiritual Bull meat.    


After seeing that it had eaten almost a catty of beef, he stopped feeding it and let it move freely.    


Natasha hugged the little fellow lovingly and teased it while giggling.    


Li Yun suddenly said with a serious expression, "You guys stay here and don't move. Someone is going to the island, you guys better protect yourselves."    


Then his figure flashed and disappeared from the living room. In less than two breaths, Li Yun appeared in the living room with two white men in his hands. He threw the two of them on the ground and said to Judy, "Do you want to ask, or do you want to ask?"    


Judy said, "Let me do it. You can just watch from the side."    


Li Yun waved his hand and the Spiritual Energy rushed forward. The two of them slowly woke up, but they found that they could not move at all.    


One of them asked loudly, "What did you do to me? Why can't I move? "    


Judy smiled coldly. "What I've done to you isn't important. What's worth your attention is, what am I going to do to you next?"    




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