Business Journey in Immortal Tao

C57 Enter Hong Jin City

C57 Enter Hong Jin City

2As the sky was getting darker, the army set up camp and camouflage tents were set up one after another. All of the camps cooked spirit beast meat directly for food.    0


Li Yun took out his caravan and parked behind the army. Five people were eating hot pot in the carriage and the five Dragon Horse were eating and resting in the carriage.    


After swallowing a piece of the Spirit Tiger meat, Li Yun said emotionally: "To think that the process of taming the Dragon Horse was actually as easy as Jiao and Ying said. However, I am worried that the cowardly nature of Dragon Horse will affect Master's charge. "    


Jiao opened her mouth and said: "Young master is not worried, once the Dragon Horse is embellished by others, it will follow master's character. Master is a brave warrior, and that Dragon Horse is a brave war horse.    


"If you feed the Dragon Horse medicinal pellets, would it be able to speed up its cultivation?" Chan was also very concerned about this topic.    


"Dragon Horse are called divine beasts because their bodies do not need to be cultivated intentionally. Even when they eat or sleep, the surrounding spirit energy would automatically enter their bodies to store and accumulate, so that they can be used to level up. But their accomplishments will be limited by the level of the owner. " After Jiao finished her sentence, she lowered her head to continue eating and drinking.    


Chan nodded her head and turned to Li Yun: "There is only a distance of twenty kilometers between the Hongjin City and the Hongjin City. And within a distance of twenty miles, there is not a single spirit beast.    


Hearing that, Li Yun's face revealed joy, and he happily said, "It's really exciting news. However, we need to discuss how to take over the Hongjin City. Let me mention our goal here, then discuss how to do it. "    


The two maidservants called out in unison, "Young Master, please speak."    


"Objective 1: To make all the people in the city deeply grateful for our assistance. Objective 2: To subdue all of the forces in the city so that the Dragon Coin issue can be promoted and the obstacles can be removed. Objective 3: To kill the mayor, but it is best if the people from the Hongjin City make their move and not us." Li Yun pondered as he said his request.    


Juan was the first to speak. "The lack of food in the city has been a long time. We can use food to shake the city and cause conflicts and conflicts among the various factions."    


Chan added, "We can also subdue some of the major powers."    


Tomorrow morning, two hundred meters below the city wall, there will be fifty food stalls, and only ordinary citizens will be allowed to eat them. The people of the various major powers and Hongjin City are not allowed to eat them, so there will be two hundred-man squads guarding each food. " Li Yun immediately decided on the method of feeding.    


On the morning of the second day, fifty large army pots, located two hundred meters away from the city gate of the Hongjin City, laid out fifty dishes. On the top of the plates of food, there was a white cloth held by a flagpole, and written on it were four big words: Free of charge: Eat!, Under the big pot, the firewood was blazing, the white soup was boiling, the spirit beast meat in the pot was floating in the soup, the smell of meat floated into the city, startling everyone.    


After a short while, the city gate was opened and dozens of citizens rushed out. They unsteadily walked over and ordered some food, then immediately received a bowl of spirit meat with soup in it.    


Afterwards, more and more commoners joined in the food group. City Guard at the city gate couldn't help but to run over, but was clearly rejected. Very soon, there was a clever City Guard, changing into the clothes of the commoners, they quickly received the food.    


More and more City Guard took off their uniforms, walked out of the city gate, and joined the army. This time, the City Lord could no longer sit still and immediately ordered the city gate closed, and sent messengers to meet Li Yun.    


When the envoy saw Li Yun, Li Yun only had one sentence: "Open the city gates wide and let the army enter the city."    


The envoy didn't dare to agree, so he could only return to the city to report in dejectedly.    


After the city governor received the news, he no longer dared to open the city gates. He feared that the hundreds of thousands of soldiers outside the city would invade.    


After two days of stalemate, a wave of haze gradually spread throughout the city.    


One night, just as Li Yun was about to rest, someone came to report that someone from the city had come to see him.    


Li Yun alighted and looked over. It was a cultivator in the middle phase of the Aurous Core stage. His white robe fluttered in the wind, looking imposing and imposing.    


"My name is Li Yun." My name is Li Yun. Li Yun asked politely.    


"I am Bai Shicheng, the Protector of the Treasure Pavilion in the Hongjin City Branch. I would like to see Young Master Lee to ask a few questions." Bai Shicheng said.    


Li Yun signaled Chan to call Hu Yong over and then said to Bai Shicheng, "Defender Bai, please speak your mind."    


"Young Master Lee, what do you want?" Bai Shicheng asked straightforwardly.    


Li Yun slightly smiled. "If there's someone who speaks out of the blue, I want to enter the main Hongjin City."    


"Young Master Lee has hundreds of thousands of soldiers, and his Hongjin City is only around thirty thousand. It doesn't seem that difficult to take down the Hongjin City." Bai Shicheng reminded.    


"Attacking a city and uprooting its territory only to injure the innocent. Since I can't bear it, I shall sit and watch." Li Yun replied indifferently.    


At this time, Hu Yong rushed over and said, "Hu Yong greets the young master. I wonder what kind of instructions you have for me."    


Li Yun slightly smiled: "Come, Hu Yong, this is the protector of the Hongjin City Branch of the Treasure Pavilion, do you know him?"    


Hu Yong said, "Protector Bai, of course I know him."    


At this time, Li Yun finally relaxed, "Protector Bai, I will be frank. Since I have entered the main Hongjin City, the master of the city needs someone to help him chop his own head for him."    


"What if the Treasure Pavilion does this for Young Master Lee?" Bai Shicheng could not help but ask.    


"I'll leave your business here unchallenged." Li Yun threw out his chips.    


"Young Master Lee, please wait for our news tonight."    


That night, the Hongjin City was burning brightly, and the sounds of killing shook the sky. Before the sky brightened, the city gate was opened wide, and tens of thousands of people walked out of the city gate in formation, unarmed, and presented their heads to the city lord.    


Without even a shot or shot, Li Yun successfully entered the main Hongjin City, and the entire city immediately began to provide relief. At the same time, he also issued a public security notice forcing the promotion of the order to conduct commercial transactions with dragon coins. The new bank was also officially opened under Hu Yong's management. Thirty thousand original City Guard were all undergoing integration and training.    


Li Yun did not forget about the Treasure House's efforts and immediately invited the Treasure school's Protector, Bai Shicheng, and the owner of the Hongjin City branch, Qin Ming, to a banquet at the City Lord's Mansion.    


After three rounds of wine and five dishes. Li Yun said: "This time, Li Yun easily entered the main Hongjin City, so the Treasure Pavilion has done a great deal. I have personally promised that the Treasure Pavilion will always be successful in business, today is the time for me to fulfill my promise."    


After saying that, he waved his hand and all kinds of daily necessities appeared in the hall. In Cloud Cloud City, I opened a department store and sold these goods: toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, towels, seasonings like soy sauce and other condiments.    


As for the Hongjin City, I will not open any shop, and let you open it, so that I can help you with your loans. How much do you want? How much do you want? Let all of the merchants on the continent manage these goods together.    




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