Super Golden Eye

C849 Tang Xiaoyu Couldn't be Killed?

C849 Tang Xiaoyu Couldn't be Killed?

3Faang Yang secretly sighed. He didn't expect Anthony to be so stupid! Everyone knew that if one didn't remove the roots of the grass, they would grow again in the spring. If he believed Rooney's words, wouldn't he be sending himself to his death?    


Sure enough, when he saw Anthony come out, Rooney waved his hand. Immediately, a few of his subordinates came forward and tied him up on the ground.    


Immediately following that, a dozen fully armed artificial men rushed into Control Room. After a burst of rapid gunshots and screams, there was no more movement.    


Anthony immediately knew that he had been deceived. He struggled to stand up. "Rooney! You bastard! Didn't you say that I won't make things difficult for others when I come out?"    


Tang Xiaoyu smiled." I'm sorry, Mr. Anthony. The one who attacked just now was one of my people! "    


Faang Yang knew that he could not wait any longer! With his understanding of Tang Xiaoyu, killing a person was like stepping on an ant.    


While Tang Xiaoyu's people and Rooney's people were busy cleaning up the control cabin, Faang Yang knocked out one of the crew members and changed into his clothes. He lowered his head and walked to Tang Xiaoyu's side.    


Before Tang Xiaoyu could react, he used all his strength to remove the joints of her four limbs. He also knocked Stephenson and Rooney to the ground and kept twitching.    


Tang Xiaoyu and Anthony saw Faang Yang suddenly appear and exclaimed, "Faang Yang?!"    


The difference was that Anthony had a joy of surviving the disaster, but Tang Xiaoyu felt a sense of defeat that she hated to the bone.    


Faang Yang did not dare to put down his guard. He kept his hand on the back of Tang Xiaoyu's neck. As long as she made any unusual movements, he could break her neck immediately!    


He waved his hand and cut the rope on Anthony's body. Faang Yang asked, "Mr. Anthony, are you alright?"    


"I am good, very good!" Anthony quickly removed the rope from his body and walked in front of Rooney. His murderous aura soared to the sky.    


"Rooney! I never thought that you would be so cruel and merciless, not even letting go of my brothers who have worked with me for so many years! Go to hell and receive your punishment!"    


Anthony held Rooney's head with both hands and twisted it hard. There was a clear cracking sound. Rooney's head fell to the side and died without knowing why.    


He threw Rooney's body into the sea with force. Anthony picked up the pistol on the ground and shot three times in the sky. Everyone's attention was focused on him.    


"Brothers, Rooney colluded with outsiders and wanted to seize the gambling boat. I saw through him and killed him on the spot! I believe everyone was deceived by him for a moment and did not betray the family on purpose.    


As long as everyone put down their weapons and listened to their commands, today's matter will not be mentioned again! All of you can still continue your lives in the past!"    


Presumably, Anthony treated everyone well. After listening to his words, the crew members who were originally following Rooney hesitated for a moment before putting away their weapons, indicating that they were willing to follow his orders. This made Anthony very pleased.    


"Thank you for everyone's trust! I will definitely not let you down! Now, we will take back everything that belongs to us! "    


Faang Yang pointed at Tang Xiaoyu in his hand. "Mr. Anthony, do you understand this woman?"    


Anthony shook his head. "I only know that her name is Tang Xiaoyu, the CEO of Jinyu Group. I don't know anything else."    


Faang Yang asked from another angle, "Do you know which power in the west has the most research on artificial people?"    


Anthony thought for a moment and said, "I heard that a branch of Blood Clan is very passionate about artificial people."    


Faang Yang reached out and rubbed Tang Xiaoyu's face a few times. He took off a mask and revealed the face of a western woman. "Now look at it again. Can you recognize it?"    


Anthony shook his head again. "I have never seen it before. But since she can bring so many artificial people, it is obvious that her status in that family is not low.    


Faang Yang, listen to me. It is best not to touch this woman. Even we have to retreat from the power behind her. "    


Faang Yang didn't know how Anthony could tell that he had the intention to kill. The sense of danger Tang Xiaoyu gave him was too great. Leaving her alive would only bring disaster to him sooner or later.    


Unwilling to accept this, Faang Yang asked, "Why can't I move? No matter how powerful the forces behind her are, as long as I don't go abroad, what can they do to me?"    


Anthony said seriously, "You can't say that. If you don't go abroad, won't they come and find you? Didn't Tang Xiaoyu also appear here?    


I admit that with your strength, you don't have to worry about the threats of these people. But you have family, right? Have friends, right? You have your own company, your own career, right?    


Can you guarantee your ability to protect all these people? I can tell you very clearly that those people are even more ruthless and ruthless than us!!"    


Anthony's words made Faang Yang calm down. Indeed, Tang Xiaoyu could walk unscrupulously in the country. Could it be that there was no one supporting her behind her back?    


He could not kill her, but he was unwilling to let her go. Faang Yang was in a bit of trouble. "Mr. Anthony, according to your opinion, what should I do with her?"    


Anthony said, "Mr. Faang, if you believe me, you can let me take her back. After finding out her identity, we can try to talk about it as much as possible.    


We are all businessmen, and harmony makes money. Having more friends makes more roads, and having more enemies makes more walls. Don't you think so? "    


Faang Yang did not answer immediately. Instead, he asked Tang Xiaoyu who was in his hand, "Miss Tang. If I let you go back, can you promise not to go against me again in the future? "    


Tang Xiaoyu sneered, "Dream on! You have ruined my plans one after another, and you want me to let you go, unless I die! "    


Faang Yang looked at Anthony helplessly, "Did you hear that? If it were you, what do you think we should do? "    


Anthony was also a little embarrassed. "In that case, let's lock them up first. We will think of a way after we settle the other matters."    


Faang Yang could only agree. "Okay."    


After finding two ropes, Faang Yang tied Tang Xiaoyu and Stephenson up tightly. Anthony went to a computer room first and let out his men who were previously captured. He let them take care of the two of them.    


As for Faang Yang, he and Anthony cleaned up the artificial people on the ship. With Faang Yang's help, it went very smoothly. An hour and a half later, there was no longer any trace of the artificial man on the gambling ship. All the guests were freed.    


Anthony led his crew to pacify the guests who were still in shock. All the signal jammers had been dismantled.    


For safety reasons, Anthony immediately sent an emergency signal to the family and requested for backup. Faang Yang also called Wang Qiang and the others down.    


Seeing that the situation was under control, after Anthony got the family's permission, he also moved the "Sea Giant" closer to the coastal waters.    


With such a big incident happening, everyone on the gambling boat no longer had the mood to play. There were even some people who had already contacted their private planes, wanting to leave this place as soon as possible.    


Looking at the devastated scene, Anthony's heart ached. "Sigh, after so many years of management, I didn't expect to receive such a heavy blow."    


Faang Yang comforted, "Things are unpredictable. No one could guarantee that they would never make mistakes. But I believe with your family's strength, you will soon suppress this matter."    


Anthony sighed." I hope so! "    


Just as the two of them spoke a few words, the entire "Sea Giant" suddenly shook violently, and the entire ship instantly collapsed!    


Faang Yang thought to himself, "Not good!"    


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