Super Golden Eye

C1186 A Good Show Started

C1186 A Good Show Started

3Wang Qiang nodded and looked at Faang Yang. "What's next?"     2


Faang Yang held Yuv Mei and walked up. "There's no value. Do you still want to keep them?"    


Wang Qiang said to the two bodyguards, "Did you hear that? Be quick. "    


Yuv Mei walked to the floor and did not return to her room. Instead, she went to Tuyark's study. Faang Yang followed behind her and saw Yuv Mei open the safe. She took out a few bank cards and some cash.    


Faang Yang guessed her intention. "You want to use money to get your father out?"    


Yuv Mei stared blankly at the money and cards in her hands. "Dad often says that there is nothing that money cannot settle. If there is, then it means that the money is not enough."    


What he said... No problem!    


Wasn't the reason why Yabuli wanted to deal with Tuyark because of the unknown tomb? If he had been given enough money, he wouldn't have wasted so much effort. Of course, it was definitely an astronomical figure.    


Faang Yang advised, "Let's wait and see. Didn't we ask the lawyer to run away? We'll talk about it when there's news. If you don't want to rest, let's go to the mining area together? "    


After knowing the cause of the matter, Faang Yang felt that he should go and take a look personally. He was more confident. Coincidentally, Yuv Mei also had the same idea. "Alright, let's go together."    


Wang Qiang was left to stay at home to watch over the house. Faang Yang and Yuv Mei drove a Porsche and headed towards the undeveloped mining area.    


The terrain of Kulun was basically made up of grasslands. It was flat and flat, and many of the mining areas were exposed to the sky.    


Soon, Yuv Mei saw a simple area in the distance. She pointed to the front and said, "That's the place. Huh? Why are there so many people? What are they doing?"    


Faang Yang slowly drove the car over." We'll know when we go over and take a look. "    


As soon as they reached the entrance, they were stopped by two guards. "What are you doing?"    


Yuv Mei opened the window. "I am Yuv Mei and Tuyark is my father. I want to go in now."    


The guard said rudely, "What Yuv Mei and Tuyark? We don't know each other! Hurry up and leave!"    


"We will leave now." Faang Yang saw the vague image of a Howling Sky Wolf on his open shirt. He immediately thought that the totem of Laya Legion was the Howling Sky Wolf!    


There must be a hidden weapon on his waist. Yuv Mei had no idea what had happened. Faang Yang turned the car around and drove away. He was still questioning her from behind.    


"Faang Yang, why should we leave? That is my mine! Can't we just take a look? "    


After driving to a safe distance, Faang Yang stopped the car and said seriously, "Yuv Mei, those are the people from Laya Legion. It seems that Aermu's people have already seized the initiative.    


If you had a direct conflict with them now, even you might be arrested! Fortunately, they seem to have scruples and do not want to make things worse. "    


Yuv Mei calmed down and looked at the grassland in the distance." So, you can only hide at home and be a coward? Can't do anything?"    


Faang Yang said, "Of course not. When our people arrive, it will be completely different. That place will still belong to you after all. Let me make a call first. "    


Faang Yang didn't call Old Ib, but Ruby. Since he was the person in charge of Ib family in Kulun, naturally, he would make all the arrangements.    


When the call connected, Faang Yang asked, "Ruby, when will your men arrive?"    


Ruby quickly replied, "Mr. Faang, this is a large-scale operation, so it will take some time for manpower and equipment to arrive. But don't worry, we are already on our way. We will arrive in ten minutes at most! "    


Faang Yang looked at the time. "I am now about a kilometer away from the mining area by the road, in a blue Porsche."    


"Okay, we will be there soon." Ruby was really punctual. Seven minutes later, a line of troops stopped next to Faang Yang's car.    


Ruby got out of his car and ran to Faang Yang's car. "Mr. Faang, let's go together."    


Faang Yang said, "We were coaxed from there. Aermu's people had already taken control of the mining area and had weapons."    


Ruby said quietly, "Weapons? They can't even compete with us in terms of weapons! Don't look at how well-built Aermu's people are. They are all simple-minded idiots. Leave it to me! Watch how I take down the mining area!"    


Faang Yang looked at Ruby with interest and threw out a card. "Okay. If you do well, I will treat all of your brothers' expenses tonight! Take the card, there's no password! "    


"Haha, thank you, Mr. Faang. You are too polite! If that's the case, we have to let our brothers perform well. We can't lose face. "    


Ruby did not stand on ceremony with Faang Yang and put away the card. How could a guy who could talk to Old Ib directly care about such a small amount of money?    


Wasn't he just here to enjoy money? If someone paid, they would naturally be able to mobilize everyone's enthusiasm.    


After the assembly was completed, they gathered on the road. Faang Yang was deeply shocked by their equipment.    


"Modul series protective suit. V94 sniper rifle, An97 assault rifle, universal machine gun, MP446 pirate pistol. Is this a gang or an army?"    


Ruby naturally saw Faang Yang's expression and said proudly, "Mr. Faang, I told you earlier that they might be a little stronger than their bodies. But if they fight, they have no chance at all!"    


Faang Yang could not accept it. "Not to mention Laya Legion, I don't think the garrison in Kulun has the equipment of you guys, okay?    


I'm curious. Are all the people in Kulun stupid? Are you going to let them train an army under your watch? "    


Ruby explained," Mr. Faang, actually Ib's father's main business is the arms trade. From the Kulun to the police station, basically all the equipment was sold to him by us! "    


Faang Yang nodded. "No wonder! Then let's begin your performance! "    


"The good show will begin soon!"    


Under Ruby's command, the three cars left the motorcade and parked at three different angles. The skylight that blocked the cars opened and a ladder rose! The horizontal board on top opened and formed a small sniping platform.    


The three snipers were in position. In this flat grassland, a height of more than ten meters was already considered a very threatening high ground.    


After the snipers were in position, they heard continuous gunshots. This type of V94 large caliber sniper had an effective range of 2000 meters. Now that they were within a kilometer of each other, it was really cool to fight.    


The most important thing was that the other side had no way to deal with it at all. They could only run around like headless flies, looking for cover, leaving dozens of corpses on the ground.    


The sniper's mission was completed. Ruby waved his hand. "Go!"    


The assault team was already ready. When they heard the order, they immediately split into two teams to cover each other.    


There were snipers on top to suppress the fire and report the enemy's position. Their attacks were like mercury leaking out of the ground, incomparably relaxed.    


From firing the first shot to cleaning up the battlefield, less than 15 minutes had passed! Forty-three enemies had been wiped out, and fifty-nine had surrendered!    


Faang Yang was very satisfied with Ruby's men. Most importantly, their fighting attainment was not something that ordinary hoodlums could grasp. "Ruby, your subordinates aren't all soldiers, are they?"    


Ruby said proudly, "They must be soldiers! Otherwise, why raise them? Now that it's safe inside, let's go in. "    


If it wasn't for this incident, perhaps no one would have known that Ruby had such a side to him, which made Faang Yang look at him in a new light.    


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