Super Golden Eye

C1161 He Tracked Them All the Way

C1161 He Tracked Them All the Way

4After comforting the rest of the staff in the restaurant, Faang Yang brought two servings of porridge, some buns, and some side dishes back to Chu Bingqing's room.    


Chu Bingqing rested on the bed and drank a bowl of porridge and ate a few buns. She refused to get up and continued to sleep. Faang Yang could only let her do as she pleased.    


After leaving the room, Faang Yang said to Baofu, "I met a killer in the restaurant just now. What happened?"    


At this time, Baofu also knew what happened in the restaurant. "Someone probably pretended to be a staff member and sneaked in.    


There are too many people moving in and out of this place every day. I can't do all the screening. It's my fault."    


"You're not a god, so it can't be all your fault" Faang Yang pondered for a moment and said, "Looks like I really can't relax. I'll leave this place to you. I'll go out and take a look."    


Baofu said, "Master, should I let Hundred-Eyed go with you?"    


Faang Yang shook his head. "Although he's fine now, he still needs to rest for a few days. I have no problem with myself."    


After leaving Yangming Great Building, Faang Yang called Kakarov. "Mr. Kakarov, can I see you?"    


Kakarov lowered his voice. "Where are you? I will go and find you."    


It seemed that Kakarov's situation was not good. Faang Yang thought for a while and said, "Then let's meet at the old teahouse on Chang'an Road."    


Kakarov said, "Okay."    


Fang Yang first went to the old teahouse on Chang'an Road and asked for a private room. Ten minutes later, Kakarov walked in and sat opposite of Faang Yang.    


Faang Yang noticed Kakarov's haggard look and furrowed his brows. He asked, "Did something happen?"    


Kakarov smiled bitterly. "It was not just an accident. It was a disaster! Early in the morning, our headquarters was attacked by unidentified people. There were countless casualties.    


Most importantly, my brother Evans was taken away! He is very important to us. If we can't save him, or if the things he knows are controlled by someone else, then Ib family will be in deep trouble!"    


Faang Yang continued to ask," What business do you guys focus on in Imperial Capital? Is Evans really that important? "    


Kakarov said with certainty, "Yes. Evans is very important. He is our chief hacker.    


Our main task is to construct enough virtual servers to attack and destroy the government and economic systems of Europe and America."    


Faang Yang rolled his eyes. This guy was simply framing us! He didn't dare to do it in his own country, so he came here.    


However, there was a reason for this choice. The E People's territory was large, but there were few people! If he did something, he would be dug out in a minute.    


It was unlike in China, where the various networks did not care about the performance. It was the Five Flower Eight Sects. They had only launched a brand and it was canceled in a few days!    


If he really did something bad, he would first lock onto the target from the hundreds of millions of IPs and then set up a trap from afar...    


He was afraid that by the time it was implemented, he would have already run off to somewhere else.    


Logically speaking, after knowing the work of Kakarov and the others, Faang Yang should not have helped. However, they were really implicated by this incident. It wouldn't make sense if they didn't help them.    


After considering for a while, Faang Yang said, "Take me to the place where Evans was captured. I want to see if I can find any clues."    


"You? Alright." Kakarov was a little puzzled, but there was nothing he could do right now. In order to attack the church, most of the forces in the outer region had been cleaned up.    


They were suddenly attacked again and suffered heavy losses. The intelligence network in Imperial Capital was almost paralyzed. If they couldn't find Evans as soon as possible, his corpse might appear in the sea one day!    


Very quickly, Kakarov drove Faang Yang to a very high-end office building in the high city. On the thirteenth floor, the wall was pitch black, as if it had gone too far.    


Kakarov pointed to the thirteenth floor and said, "That is our headquarters. Twelve, thirteen, and fourteen floors have all been booked by us. There are police officers guarding there now, so we can't go up."    


"En," Faang Yang answered and made a phone call. He sat in the car and closed his eyes to rest. Kakarov was as anxious as a hero. He did not know what to do.    


Twenty minutes later, someone outside knocked on the window. Faang Yang opened his eyes and walked down.    


"Hundred Eyed Daoist, someone attacked this place at dawn. Can you find out where they went?"    


Hundred Eyed Daoist replied, "No problem. I will go and ask."    


Hundred Eyed Daoist's secret technique of Corpse Sect allowed him to communicate with any undead creature. Faang Yang's earliest intelligence network in Imperial Capital was built on these things.    


Very quickly, Hundred Eyed Daoist had an answer. "Let's go to the side and ask while walking."    


Just like that, Kakarov drove and stopped all the way. After nearly an hour, he finally stopped in front of an old building in the suburbs.    


Looking at the model, this should be an office building of a certain department. Although it was old, it was very sturdy.    


Hundred Eyed Daoist said, "Those people are right here!"    


Kakarov accidentally saw Hundred Eyed Daoist talking to the skeleton on the ground. His eyes lit up and he said excitedly, "Sir, are you Undead Mage?"    


"Undead Mage?" Hundred Eyed Daoist replied, and said, "I am a Daoist from the Corpse Sect! Not some Undead Mage! "    


Kakarov said respectfully, "Respectful Daoist from the Corpse Sect, I wonder if you are willing to accept me as your disciple?"    


Hundred Eyed Daoist refused immediately, "Don't even think about it! The rule passed down by the old ancestor is that the ultimate technique of Corpse Sect is only passed down to direct descendants!"    


Faang Yang didn't expect Kakarov to have such a thought. "Kakarov, let's talk about becoming your disciple in the future. Don't you want to save your brother anymore?"    


" Yes, of course I do! " Kakarov finally understood what he wanted to do. "But if that is the enemy's headquarters, I'm afraid the firepower will be very strong.    


And he is very arrogant. Yesterday I was busy and did not show up. From the surveillance, I saw that he dared to use all kinds of firearms. He is really lawless! It's hard to get close. "    


Faang Yang looked at Kakarov with amusement. "Since they have strong firepower, why must they fight with force?"    


Kakarov looked at Faang Yang with confusion. "What do you mean?"    


Faang Yang said calmly, "We can pretend to check a water meter, charge a electricity bill, and blend in.    


If you want to enter, you can think of a way to break their internal pipes. They can't fix it themselves, right?"    


Kakarov's eyes lit up. "High! It's really high! I'll go and prepare now. "    


Along with Kakarov's several phone calls, several cars started to gather towards them one after another. The funniest thing was that there was actually a construction team!    


Faang Yang asked Kakarov with a strange expression, "What are you doing? Are you going to demolish the house?"    


Kakarov said in a daze, "We can't go in. We don't need these equipment. How can we make their pipes malfunction?"    


Faang Yang was completely defeated by his naivety. "You are awesome! Then tell your engineering team to leave as quickly as possible! Organize the manpower. Is the signal receiver in place? "    


When it came to professional items, Kakarov did not hesitate at all." It's in place. All the calls made will be transferred to our signal vehicle. "    


"Very good. Everyone spread out and wait for orders." After Faang Yang finished his instructions, he said to Hundred Eyed Daoist, "Hundred-Eyed, I will have to trouble you to take care of some small problems inside."    


Of course, Hundred Eyed Daoist had no problem with that. "Alright, I'll arrange it right away."    


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