Super Golden Eye

C1107 Only When He Was Desperate Did He Know How Much Potential He Had

C1107 Only When He Was Desperate Did He Know How Much Potential He Had

3"Well..." Galina hesitated for a while and said slowly, "At the moment, I think Lonev will win. This is also the reason why I cooperated with him."     0


Faang Yang asked with interest, " Oh? Can you tell me your reason?"    


Galina said," The main reason is that this group of people are all elders. They have connections, connections, and their own armed forces. They are more powerful.    


Bramanvich was indeed a talent, but he was still young and did not have any foundation. He was very strong and fought with an old fox like Lonev.    


Although their sect had the biggest profit each year, they could only barely stand on equal footing with Lonev. If there was really something important, Pukkov was more willing to discuss it with Lonev.    


It can be said without exaggeration that if both parties really fight, Lonev can make Bramanvich's people disappear within three days!"    


Faang Yang did not ask anything else." I will think about it carefully. Should I also arrange a room for me? Forget about the special service. I like peace. "    


Galina's eyes were somewhat resentful, but she still personally sent Faang Yang to the guest room. After saying good night, Faang Yang closed the door.    


The moment the door was above his head, Faang Yang immediately jumped up and down like a civet cat in the room, searching for any clues. Something like a listening device.    


After looking around, he found nothing, which made him look up to Galina again. This woman really had extraordinary confidence!    


Since there was no eavesdropper, Faang Yang felt at ease and boldly called Shiwu Yu. "Listen, immediately find a way to contact the leader of Giant Axe Gang, Bramanvich. The sooner the better!"    


Shiwu Yu was stunned for a moment. "Mr. Faang, you mean Bramanvich of Giant Axe Gang? Why are you looking for him?"    


Faang Yang said, "Don't talk nonsense. I have something important to discuss with him. How long will it take?"    


Shiwu Yu immediately reported a string of numbers. "9094 * * 66. This is Bramanvich's number."    


"Huh?" Faang Yang was a little surprised. "Why do you have his number?"    


Shiwu Yu said embarrassingly, "Back then, we brothers practiced over there. Coincidentally, that kid was being chased and saved his life.    


Then he kept saying that he wanted to repay us. He didn't take it seriously before. But later on, we found out that the kid was the leader of Giant Axe Gang. That would be a huge gain.    


Later on, during the few operations in the E People, that kid really helped a lot! Because he's quite interesting, we've been in contact all along."    


Faang Yang immediately perked up." Then, shouldn't you guys make a call to contact him first, and then I'll go and find him? "    


Shiwu Yu replied, "No problem, but what do I have to say? You have to give me a framework, right?"    


Faang Yang thought for a moment. "Give him my number and tell him that Lonev is going to meet me. I believe he will weigh the pros and cons."    


"Okay. I will tell Bramanvich first, and then you guys."    


After hanging up the phone, Faang Yang wanted to take a shower, but the phone rang. Seeing that it was the number Shiwu Yu had told him, he picked up the phone. "Hello. Mr. Bramanvich?"    


Bramanvich said in a deep voice, "Yes, you are the Faang Yang that Brother Shi mentioned?"    


"That's right." Faang Yang did not feel unhappy because he showed more respect to Shiwu Yu in his words.    


Bramanvich said, "You said Lonev wants to see you? Is it convenient to reveal some details?"    


Faang Yang answered very straightforwardly, "Because Lonev feels that his position in the gang is threatened, so he wants to increase his influence. If there is a chance, take some action. "    


Bramanvich cautiously asked, "I don't know what Mr. Faang meant by saying this to me?"    


Faang Yang said very calmly, "Since you and Mr. Shiwu are friends, then we are not outsiders. I will say whatever I have to say.    


The reason why I came here was to ask for money. However, when I came here, I realized that it was almost impossible to make a fortune in silence.    


For the sake of future benefits and to reduce some trouble, I will definitely find a strong ally. The Giant Axe Gang was undoubtedly a very suitable choice.    


Prikoff basically doesn't manage much and only focuses on managing his own business. Then I can only choose from you and Lonev.    


I believe you also know that although it seems like Pukkov relies on you very much, in fact, your position in the Giant Axe Gang is far inferior to Lonev's."    


Bramanvich was obviously not convinced." In that case, shouldn't Mr. Faang call Lonev? "    


Sure enough, he could not keep his cool! Faang Yang sighed and shook his head. "Bramanvich, do you really think you are irreplaceable? Do you really think you can suppress Lonev?    


I can tell you this very directly. As long as I agree to join hands with Lonev, in less than a week, all the forces that you have worked so hard to manage will be destroyed! "    


" Hahaha... This is really ridiculous." Bramanvich was so angry that he laughed. "I believe Lonev wants to teach me a lesson. But if he dares to touch me, even if I die, he will lose a layer of skin!    


I really don't understand. Why can you turn me into ashes with just one more person? Just what gave you such courage?"    


Faang Yang didn't interrupt him. After he finished, he continued," Are you done? Then I will say something.    


You have said it yourself. Even with Lonev's strength, he can still deal with you. It's just that he will suffer a serious injury.    


Then let me tell you, what about the Ferocious Tiger Mercenary Group and the Snow Wolf Mercenary Group? If the three families join forces, do you think you can cause Lonev to suffer a great loss?"    


Bramanvich was finally moved. "Ferocious Tiger Mercenary Group and the Snow Wolf Mercenary Group?! Didn't they just experience internal strife? How could they still have the energy to work together with Lonev? What right do you have to decide for them?"    


Faang Yang smiled and said softly," The civil strife between the two families started because of me, and it was also because of me that they succeeded. Do you think I have the right to make a decision for them? "    


"Really?" Obviously, Bramanvich did not believe what Faang Yang said.    


"You can investigate if it is true or not. I have no obligation and responsibility to tell you. I've told you everything I need to say. Think about it carefully.    


I don't have much time. I will meet Lonev tomorrow at noon. If the conditions he gives me are tempting enough, perhaps this will be our last call. After all, I'm just a businessman!"    


Faang Yang knew that sometimes, the more you explain, the more suspicious others will be. Not saying anything about the truth will have a better effect.    


After saying that, Faang Yang hung up the phone. He could tell that Bramanvich might be a talent, but he was not deeply involved in the world and was not very sophisticated.    


If he told these people to cooperate, it would be a very dangerous thing. Because you would never know what he was thinking and what he was going to do next.    


However, Faang Yang liked to challenge himself. He liked those seemingly difficult and almost impossible missions.    


In Faang Yang's own words, if he didn't push himself too hard, how would he know how much potential he had?    


This sleep was very comfortable. It was not until the next morning, when Boris knocked on the door and woke him up that he lazily got up.    


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