Super Golden Eye

C1189 The Golden Gambling Casino

C1189 The Golden Gambling Casino

2Faang Yang asked, "What is it? He sat down and said."    


Yuv Mei sat down beside Faang Yang and said softly, "I just received a call from Aita. She was detained in the casino. If she did not pay the ransom, she would be forced to pay the debt."    


"Aita? I think I have heard of this name."    


Faang Yang thought about it carefully. "Oh, I remember now. It's the one who hooked up with Daisy and used her birthday to ask you out, right? She clearly wanted to harm you, but you still want to save her?"    


Yuv Mei said with a complicated expression, "Aita's mother was my aunt and died early. We grew up together.    


She was not a scheming person and was easily fooled. I believe that if she knew the truth, she definitely wouldn't agree to do that."    


Wang Qiang shook his head repeatedly and muttered softly," She is really naive. "    


Faang Yang praised Yuv Mei's personality of being loyal. "If you want to save her, I can help you. But you are sure that she will not repay kindness with ingratitude in the future? What if she collaborates with others to frame you? "    


Yuv Mei lowered her head very low," If that is really the case, I have nothing to say. We are sisters. She is heartless. I cannot be unjust. "    


Faang Yang stood up. "Alright! Just based on your words, I will also help you!"    


Wang Qiang poked Faang Yang. "Are you crazy too? If Aita could hook up with Daisy once, she could hook up twice.    


Maybe this is the trap they set together to lure you in? If you want to catch a turtle in a jar, you won't be able to escape even if you want to."    


Faang Yang said confidently," I'm not a fool! If it was when I first came, I would definitely consider it seriously.    


But now, since Old Ib's manpower was already in place, it was impossible for Yabuli and Aermu not to know.    


Even if they don't put me in their eyes, they would never dare to offend Old Ib. Perhaps we are overthinking it?"    


Wang Qiang couldn't be bothered with him. He stood up and walked out." You go! If you die in the end, I will go back myself. You don't know what's good for you! "    


Yuv Mei saw Wang Qiang leave and apologized to Faang Yang, "Sorry, because of my matter, it made you guys feel awkward."    


Faang Yang smiled and said, "It has nothing to do with you. That kid did not get a girlfriend because he did not get a girlfriend, so he felt unbalanced in his heart. His menopausal period was brought forward."    


Yuv Mei asked curiously, "Advancing menopausal period? How old is Wang Qiang? And men also have menopausal periods? "    


Faang Yang was just saying it casually. He did not expect Yuv Mei to have the potential to become a curious baby, so he could only say nonsense.    


"Why not? Isn't it advocating equality between men and women now? So it was natural for men to have menopausal periods. Oh right, which casino is Aita at?"    


Yuv Mei's train of thought was successfully diverted. "The Golden Casino is the biggest casino in Kulun."    


Faang Yang said, "You should know where it is, right? Let's go and take a look."    


The two of them drove out again. Along the way, they relied on Yuv Mei to lead the way. They walked for half an hour and did not find a place. In the end, they still asked the police uncle. Only then did they know that they had found the wrong direction...    


Finally, they found the casino. Putting everything else aside, just its signboard alone was enough to attract people. It looked like it was as big as a small mountain of gold!    


Faang Yang sighed, "If this is true, I don't think I will be able to spend it all in a few lifetimes."    


Yuv Mei said, "Of course it's fake. Other things aside, if it was pure gold, I reckon that platform would not be able to withstand it at all. How heavy would that be?"    


The two of them walked into the casino as they talked. No matter where it was, the peak period of this kind of occasion was at night.    


Although there would be customers during the day, there were pitifully few. As soon as the two of them entered, two beauties with deep makeup immediately came forward to welcome them. They had a bright smile on their faces:    


"Happy to make a fortune! What do you want to play?"    


Yuv Mei frowned and subconsciously held Faang Yang's arm. "We are not playing anything. We are here to find Aita."    


A security guard walked over. "Looking for Aita? Then you must be Miss Yuv Mei. This way please."    


The security guard led them into the elevator and pressed down on the second floor. The elevator door opened and the security guard said to a big man outside, "He's looking for Aita."    


The big man took the detector and scanned the two of them. He found nothing unusual. "Follow me."    


The three of them walked from the corridor to the room at the end. They knocked lightly three times, paused for a few seconds, and knocked twice again. Soon, the door opened. The big man said to Yuv Mei and Faang Yang, "Go in."    


Faang Yang followed Yuv Mei into the room and found that there was another world inside. The place was brightly lit and the golden walls were brilliant. Countless well-dressed gamblers were wandering around in front of the gambling tables.    


In front of them, a few big men with big waists sized up Faang Yang and Faang Yang from head to toe. Finally, they fixed their eyes on Yuv Mei. "You are Yuv Mei?"    


Yuv Mei nodded. "Yes."    


The leader of the big men asked, "Did you bring the money?"    


Yuv Mei patted her handbag. "Yes."    


The man did not ask any more questions and stopped in front of a VIP room with the two of them. He knocked on the door first and went in to inform them. After he came out, he said, "Our boss is waiting for you inside."    


Yuv Mei and Faang Yang walked in together and saw a room about 200 square meters inside.    


In the middle was a luxurious gambling table. The surrounding space was divided into several independent units. The rest area, dining area, entertainment area, bathroom and so on.    


There were four men and two women sitting in front of the Gambling Table. Faang Yang only knew Daisy. Daisy obviously recognized Faang Yang as well, and her expression was somewhat unnatural.    


Yuv Mei, on the other hand, said loudly to a girl sitting beside Daisy, "Aita! Didn't you say you were abused by them? Didn't you say that you were very miserable? How do you explain it now?"    


Aita's face was somewhat embarrassed. She had quite a few chips in front of her and had clearly won quite a bit." Yuv Mei, I am really very miserable. This money was lent to me by Young Master Darcy. "    


On the left side of Darcy sat a tall and sturdy bald man with a fierce look on his face. There was a scar on his face from the middle of his brows to the corner of his mouth. It looked especially frightening.    


After seeing Yuv Mei, he smiled happily and said, "Miss Yuv Mei, I am Ba Tu. I am really sorry to trouble you to come over."    


Yuv Mei frowned. She really did not like this kind of place, especially when she saw Aita who was supposed to be delicate and pitiful in her imagination. Her face was full of spirit and anger.    


"You are right. If I had known this was the case, I would never have come! Faang Yang, let's go!"    


Ba Tu gave Yuv Mei a look and one of his men stopped Yuv Mei. "Miss Yuv Mei, I hope you can hear me out.    


Aita indeed owed a lot of money here, but after knowing that she was your relative, we did not make things difficult for her. This is an IOU, look at it yourself. "    


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