Super Golden Eye

C1320 A Real Sky Wolf

C1320 A Real Sky Wolf

1Faang Yang took out his phone again. He thought for a while and called Chu Bingqing. "Bingqing, do you like pet dogs very much?"    


Chu Bingqing replied, "Yes, why?"    


Faang Yang said, "Don't ask first. Come to me. I have something to discuss with you."    


"Okay, I will come over immediately." Chu Bingqing agreed very straightforwardly. Since Faang Yang did not say it, it was definitely not convenient to say it.    


Twenty minutes later, Chu Bingqing walked into Faang Yang's room. "Why did you call me here?"    


"Follow me." Faang Yang pulled Chu Bingqing towards the bedroom.    


Chu Bingqing's cheeks turned red and her heart started to beat faster. "Faang Yang, you... I don't need to rush. I need to at least wash up first."    


Faang Yang was confused and pointed to Xiao Tian in the room. "What did you say? I was thinking, since you like to keep pets, then take a look and see if there are any pets that are similar to mine."    


Chu Bingqing was a little dumbfounded. "Ah?! You hastily called me here just to see your pet?!"    


Faang Yang nodded innocently. "Yeah, why don't you think there's something wrong?"    


"Nothing. Let me see." A trace of disappointment flashed through Chu Bingqing's eyes. But very quickly, she was attracted by Xiao Tian's perfect figure. "What breed is this? I don't think I have seen it before."    


Faang Yang explained, "It's called Xiaotian. It's Wolf King. Of course, you can't have seen it outside."    


Chu Bingqing was a little speechless. "Then why are you asking me what it looks like? Wolf King is one of a kind."    


Faang Yang said seriously, "Xiaotian's identity is rather special, and it is related to a thousand-year-old mystery group. I am worried that someone will harm him, so I need to find a few substitutes for him. "    


"It shouldn't be too difficult to just find a few substitutes."    


Chu Bingqing circled around Xiao Tian twice and suggested, "Looking at its size, I'm afraid that only the Long Fur Wolfhound can give it a try.    


The Long Fur Wolfhound was originally called the West German Long-hair. Due to its appearance being tall and powerful, coupled with its long and beautiful fur, it gave off the impression of an emperor.    


Find a reliable pet beautician and use Xiaotian as a template to modify it. The difficulty should be quite small, what do you think? "    


Faang Yang immediately turned on the computer and found the picture of the Long Fur Wolfhound. After carefully comparing it, he found that it really was somewhat similar. He immediately decided.    


"Then use the Long Fur Wolfhound dog! You have worked hard. Help me find ten Long Fur Wolfhound that are about the same size as Xiao Tian and decorate them according to Xiao Tian's appearance. After I'm done, I have an urgent need."    


Chu Bingqing agreed," En, I happen to have the phone number of the pet shop. Then I will go over and take a look. I will call you if there is any news. "    


"Okay, thank you."    


After sending Chu Bingqing away, Faang Yang did not stay idle. For the sake of safety, he called Baofu over again.    


"Baofu, help me send Xiaotian to the secret room later and hide him. Without my order, you must not let it appear. Do you understand?"    


Baofu said respectfully, "Yes, Master."    


Faang Yang gently stroked Xiaotian's smooth fur and softly said, "Xiaotian, there are bad people who want to attack you now. Follow Baofu and hide for a while.    


When I finish dealing with other matters and defeat the bad people, I will come back to pick you up. Okay? Be good and listen to me! "    


Xiaotian whimpered softly and licked Faang Yang's face a few times before reluctantly walking to Baofu's side.    


Faang Yang thought for a while and found a blood bottle. He pierced Xiaotian's tongue and received a few drops of blood. Only then did he sigh. "You guys can leave. Remember to feed Xiao Tian live food or beef once a day."    


"Master, don't worry. Baofu will not forget." After saying that, Baofu waved his hand, picked up Xiaotian, and quietly left.    


After Baofu and Xiaotian left, Faang Yang immediately put the wolf blood he received into a thermostatic bottle to prevent the blood from coagulating.    


With this thing, even without Xiao Tian, he could open the passage to the Holy Ancestor Treasure and firmly grasp the initiative in his hands.    


Just as he was about to lie down and rest for a while, Ann Hongtao called. As soon as the call connected, he heard Ann Hongtao quickly say:    


"Faang Yang, hurry to Azure City Mountain as soon as possible. Sect Master Senior Brother wants to see you and ask you about the Holy Ancestor Treasure in person."    


"Yes, disciple will go and book the plane ticket now." Faang Yang sighed in his heart. He really had a hard time. Even wanting to have a good rest had become a luxury.    


Fortunately, Chu Bingqing's movements were fast enough, and she had already prepared a Long Fur Wolfhound. Faang Yang personally rushed over to take a look. Other than the temperament that did not seem like it, it could almost be faked to be real!    


Faang Yang and the Long Fur Wolfhound quickly became familiar with each other. Faang Yang was still very satisfied with this substitute.    


"Very good. Let's just do it this way and get a few more. Then contact Baofu. He knows where to send these guys. I need to catch the plane. I'll be leaving first. "    


Chu Bingqing's eyes were full of reluctance. "You have only returned for less than half a day. Why are you leaving again? If this continues, even iron men will be exhausted!"    


Faang Yang said gently, "It's okay, I will pay attention to the treatment. But things are too urgent. I have to go there myself. Let's do this first, let's go. "    


Chu Bingqing gave a passionate kiss and reminded like a young wife, "Then you must be careful and protect yourself well."    


"I will. Goodbye."    


After leaving Chu Bingqing, Faang Yang drove to the airport and destroyed the sound of the Long Fur Wolfhound with his True Qi. This way, if it wanted to scream, it would make a whining sound and would not be exposed very quickly.    


When they arrived at the airport, Faang Yang arranged for a pet delivery. The Long Fur Wolfhound was a Long Fur Wolfhound. Even if it looked like a Moon Howling Heavenly Wolf, it would not be able to enjoy the treatment of a private plane.    


Just as he got off the plane, Faang Yang heard a familiar voice. "Mr. Faang! Over here!"    


Faang Yang turned to look. "Hua Yu? You didn't come specifically to pick me up, did you? Tsk tsk, is this still the big girl from the mountains that I know?"    


Hua Yu was wearing a simple white T and denim shorts, paired with a pair of Roman crossed high-heeled shoes. It was very cool and simple, but it did not make her look feminine at all.    


Hua Yu said angrily, "Disgusting! You bullied me the moment you came! Martial Uncle said you were coming. I've been dressing up for a long time!"    


Faang Yang touched his chin and thought for a while." I'm just thinking, how dare you dress like this on the mountain? Then wouldn't the Azure City Mountain Training Hall become the runway show? "    


Hua Yu said slyly, "If you dare to wear this on the mountain, I'm afraid you would have been captured by the senior brothers of the Discipline Department to the back of the mountain to cross the cliff and face the wall!    


You can only wear it occasionally after you go down the mountain. Before you return to the mountain gate, you will definitely have to change it. Eh, is this your pet? So beautiful!"    


Sure enough, all women liked small animals. Of course, the Long Fur Wolfhound was not small. Faang Yang waited for Hua Yu to play with fake Xiaotian for a while.    


"Let's go back to the mountain first. Master said that the Sect Master wants to see me. Don't let them wait too long. If you like it, I'll give you a few later. "    


Hua Yu's eyes lit up. "Really?! That would be great! You can't go back on your word!"    


Faang Yang was amused." Isn't it just a pet? Do you have to go back on your word? Aren't you looking down on Mr. Faang too much? "    


Hua Yu tilted her head and thought for a while." That's right. You are the landlord. You won't care about this. Let's go. The car is outside. "    


She did not expect Hua Yu to drive a Hummer! Of course, with Faang Yang around, Hua Yu naturally gave up the driver's seat.    


The two of them chatted as they went on the road. An hour later, they could see the shadow of Azure City Mountain in front of them.    


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