Super Golden Eye

C958 If He Could Help Then He Would Help

C958 If He Could Help Then He Would Help

3Zhou Xiaosang went to the front desk and asked, "Which room is Faang Yang and the others in?"    


The front desk answered respectfully, "Heaven Style Nomber One Room, they went in by themselves."    


Zhou Xiaosang did not say anything. Everyone who came to 307 Clubhouse knew that the rooms here were divided into four levels: heaven, earth, black, and yellow. Each level had nine rooms.    


The Heaven Style Nomber One Room, on the other hand, was rarely opened. But in Jiangbei, if Faang Yang wasn't qualified, perhaps no one was qualified.    


Zhou Xiaosang casually took a bottle of the Royal Cannon, and just as he walked to the Heaven Style Nomber One Room, he saw the princess coming out from the private room. "Bai Ling, do they have any requests?"    


Bai Ling quickly replied, "Boss, the customer wants some new tea."    


Zhou Xiaosang waved his hand, "You stay outside for now, I will personally go and greet them."    


After saying that, Zhou Xiaosang carried the wine and walked out of the room. He had a faint smile on his face and said, "President Faang, long time no see."    


Faang Yang nodded as a greeting. "Boss Zhou is still so charming!"    


Zhou Xiaosang opened the Royal Cannon in his hand and poured it over the few of them. He sat down on the sofa at the outermost. "I heard that a few distinguished guests have come, so I naturally do not dare to neglect them."    


Ji Ping shouted loudly, "We have been sitting for a long time, and the new tea that we have ordered has not arrived yet. Do you still dare to say that you do not dare to neglect it?    


It's fine for a small figure like me, but if Mr. Faang isn't happy, do you still want to continue running this club in Jiangbei? "    


Faang Yang glared at him. "What nonsense are you talking about? Boss Zhou had opened his shop for so many years, so he had seen all sorts of things. If you continue to speak nonsense, get your ass back to the East Sea! "    


"No, no, I won't say it, okay?" Ji Ping shrunk his neck in fear and sat down obediently.    


Zhou Xiaosang knew it was not Faang Yang's intention, but he still smiled and said, "I thought it was something big and easy to do. I will arrange it now."    


She got up and walked to the door. After saying a few words to Bai Ling, the little girl immediately ran away.    


After sitting down again, Zhou Xiaosang said, "I'll bring it over very soon. This little girl has prepared some thin wine, it can be considered as a welcoming gesture for President Faang."    


Faang Yang politely said, "Boss Zhou is really too polite. I'm really sorry about that."    


Zhou Xiaosang said seriously, "If it was not for President Faang, I am afraid I would not have the chance to sit here. Please do not decline."    


Faang Yang knew that Zhou Xiaosang was talking about the matter in the Eastern Sea. Of course, he didn't want to talk about the old days. He could only take the opportunity to drink and let this matter go.    


Soon, there was a light knock on the door. Bai Ling walked up with seven young girls. They were all around the age of eighteen or nineteen, and there was still a bit of childishness on their faces. They were all pretty good looking.    


Faang Yang was quite disgusted with this line of work. He turned his head and asked, "Boss Zhou, forgive me for being rude. These girls, are they willing or forced?"    


Zhou Xiaosang understood what he meant when he heard it. "President Faang, don't worry. They are definitely voluntary. If you don't believe me, you can ask them yourself."    


Although Shen Xin was rich, his sense of justice was bursting. He said disdainfully, "What do you mean voluntary? Who would be willing to fall? I'm afraid he's afraid of being beaten up and doesn't dare to tell the truth! "    


Shen Xin's words couldn't be blamed for being unpleasant to the ears. This kind of thing was basically a tacit understanding in this line of work. It was a secret that everyone knew.    


Zhou Xiaosang did not answer, but asked a girl beside him, "What's your name?"    


"Jiang Yan."    


" Did someone force you to work here, or was it voluntary? "    


Jiang Yan replied softly, "I did it voluntarily."    


Zhou Xiaosang then turned his head. "Did you hear that? That was not what I said."    


"I don't believe it!" Shen Xin raised his hand and pulled Jiang Yan to his side. "Tell me, how did they force you to do this?    


Don't worry, with us here, no one will dare to do anything to you! Furthermore, I can also help you redeem yourself, allowing you to regain your freedom! "    


Jiang Yan was helpless and helpless as she nervously rubbed the corner of her clothes, "I... really did it on my own accord!"    


Faang Yang could tell that things were not what Shen Xin thought. He asked gently, "Then can you tell me why you want to do this?"    


A layer of fog quietly surfaced in Jiang Yan's eyes. Her voice was a little whimper. "The family is poor. Dad gambled and owes a lot of money to other people. There are also two younger brothers who want to eat and go to school.    


Her mother was not in good health. She did not dare to go to the hospital even if she got sick. I do not have any ability and do not have other ways to earn money, so... "    


Faang Yang sighed. "But have you ever thought that maybe one day, you will regret your decision today?! For a moment's benefit, you have ruined your life! "    


Jiang Yan smiled sadly. "What else can I do? Mom is too tired. I don't want her to live so tired.    


When I was young, all the delicious food at home was for my brother to eat. When my father was unhappy, he would beat and scold me. Every time, it was Mom who protected me with all her might. Otherwise, I would have been beaten to death long ago!    


So, my biggest wish now is to cure my mother's illness, take her to travel around the country, and live a peaceful life in my old age."    


Shen Xin couldn't help but ask," Then have you ever thought about waiting for your mother to pass away? When you meet the person you love, how will you face it? "    


Jiang Yan self-deprecatingly said, "Since you have chosen this profession, how can you hope for true love?"    


Everyone was silent, and the room fell into a temporary silence. There were also a few girls who seemed to have been touched by Jiang Yan's words and began to sob softly.    


Hateful people must have some pitiful aspects. No one was willing to be born into depravity. There was no need to ask, and it was obvious that the other girls also had different kinds of tragic experiences and had taken this step.    


Faang Yang looked at Zhou Xiaosang. "Boss Zhou, these girls have signed a contract with you? How much did they pay?"    


Zhou Xiaosang looked at Faang Yang in confusion. "President Faang, you don't want them to leave, do you? I know you have good intentions, but there are many tragic things happening every day. Can you control it?"    


Faang Yang shook his head. "I can't control them. I'm not a saint either. But since we have met, if you can help me, count me in. "    


Zhou Xiaosang was a little speechless. "Alright, since President Faang has spoken, I can't deny your face. The few of you, pack up your things and go to the bank account to pay two hundred thousand each. Go home.    


I hope you can really live a happy life in the future. You won't come back here one day. "    


Jiang Yan and the others cried with joy." Boss... Is what you said true?! Can we really go home?! "    


Zhou Xiaosang pointed at Faang Yang. "Who asked you guys to be so lucky to meet a benefactor when you go out? In the entire Jiangbei, I'm afraid no one would dare to not give this master face."    


Jiang Yan knelt down to Faang Yang and kept kowtowing, "Thank you, benefactor, thank you."    


Faang Yang quickly helped her up. "Please don't do this. I didn't do anything. This way, after you go home and settle down your family, you can report to Yangming Group and see if you can arrange a job."    


"Yangming Group?" Jiang Yan shook her head repeatedly, "Benefactor, Jiang Yan appreciates your good intentions. But I haven't even finished junior high school, so I can't do anything if I go."    


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