Super Golden Eye

C832 My People Belong to You

C832 My People Belong to You

3Ma Jun smiled as well. "The biggest chance I have in my life is to become friends with you."     1


Before Faang Yang could reply, his phone rang. Ma Jun tactfully went to chat with Ji Ping. Faang Yang walked to the window and picked up the phone. "Baofu, what's the matter?"    


Baofu said, "Master, I have already asked Hundred-Eyed to transport all the people you want back. If everything goes smoothly, we should be able to reach Jiangbei tonight."    


"Very good." A trace of cold light flashed across Faang Yang's eyes. "I asked you to protect Miao Yu in Imperial Capital. Did anything happen?"    


Baofu said, "Yes, we have dealt with more than a dozen kittens and puppies. If anything happens, we will arrive immediately."    


Faang Yang was very confident in Baofu's ability to do things. "That's good. You continue to stay by Miaoyu's side. If anything happens, contact her again."    




Before he could put the phone away, he heard Shapang, Ji Ping, and the others shouting outside for some unknown reason. They started to argue.    


Faang Yang was about to go over and see what was going on when he heard Chu Bingqing's weak voice from the bed, "Water... I want to drink water."    


Faang Yang was overjoyed and quickly took a cup of water. He slowly helped Chu Bingqing up and sat on his body to feed her some water.    


After putting her away again, Faang Yang asked with concern, "Bingqing, do you feel better? Where else do you feel uncomfortable?"    


Chu Bingqing smiled at him. "I'm fine. I just had a dream. I even dreamt that you were injured. Fortunately, it was not true."    


"It was just a dream. What do you want to eat?" Faang Yang naturally would not tell her what had happened before.    


Chu Bingqing shook her head. "I am not hungry. Oh right, how long have I been lying here?"    


Faang Yang said, "Not long, just two days."    


"Two days..." Chu Bingqing seemed to be a little tired as she slowly closed her eyes.    


Faang Yang immediately covered her with the blanket. "If you are tired, then sleep for a while more."    


Chu Bingqing opened her eyes again and looked at Faang Yang. "Faang Yang, tell me, why are they doing this to me? Is it because I am a woman, I should be a sacrifice to the family? "    


Faang Yang comforted her, "Bingqing, your health is not good now, so you cannot be too agitated. Let the past go. As long as I am here, I will never let anyone hurt you again!"    


Chu Bingqing's eyes were filled with tears, "But... I am still a member of Chu family after all. It is my own family's business..."    


"Since they do not treat you as one of their own, why are you still thinking about them?" Faang Yang interrupted Chu Bingqing's words.    


"Bingqing, it's not that you don't understand why they treat you this way. It's just that you don't want to understand. You are still fantasizing about sacrificing some of your own to see their change in you.    


But I have to tell you that you are very wrong! In the eyes of those people, there are only benefits! Everything is for the sake of obtaining greater benefits!"    


Chu Bingqing's tears could not stop flowing. She threw herself into Faang Yang's arms and cried, "But what else do I have after leaving home?"    


Faang Yang patted her on the back and said softly, "You still have me? I will always be with you, forever."    


"Impossible, impossible..." Chu Bingqing shook her head frantically, "What about Lu Wei? She is a good girl. Can you bear to see her in pain?"    


"One day, you will understand." Faang Yang did not know what to say. He could only silently hug Chu Bingqing and use his body temperature to warm her trembling body.    


Wang Qiang and the others took a look and quietly left. Only Shapang walked over with a warm lunch box in his arms. "Mr. Faang, this is the chicken soup cooked by my mother. She said that the patient is in good health after drinking it."    


Faang Yang then sincerely said to Shapang, "Shapang, thank you!"    


He did not say thank you, but the two of them knew it in their hearts. Shapang laughed foolishly and said, "What are you thanking me for? You have helped our family so much. I still don't know how to thank you."    


Fang Yangshun asked, "Shapang, how is the house of Uncle Lu and Aunt Zhang doing? Is there anything I need to do?"    


Shapang said, "It's about time. There's not much work to be done. By the way, Uncle Lu had moved his waist yesterday. He could not raise it at home.    


My mother specially stewed chicken soup and asked me to bring it over. She then helped them speak on behalf of Bingqing. When it's better, she will come over to see Bingqing."    


Fortunately, Shapang came in time. If he was a few minutes late, the outcome would be completely different. One drink, one peck, there was a fixed number. The good karma that he had planted that day had been obtained today.    


Faang Yang said gratefully, "The two of you are already so old, yet you still worry about us. I really feel bad about it.    


There is nothing much to do here. You should go back first. If Uncle Lu and the others have something to help them with at home, it will be hard to find them. "    


Shapang said, "If you want me to leave, I will leave. My mom said that I will listen to you from now on. I will have meat to eat every day. "    


Faang Yang was amused by him. "Haha, no problem. I'll contact the best barbeque shop for you. I'll give you a roasted lamb every day. How about that?"    


Shapang grinned and said happily, "Hehe, that's a good relationship! I will go back first. Wait for you to give me the roasted lamb. "    


Seeing Shapang leave, Chu Bingqing slowly raised her head. "Faang Yang, is there something you are hiding from me?"    


Faang Yang pretended to be surprised and said, "How could it be? What would I hide from you? "    


Chu Bingqing sniffed Faang Yang's body and suddenly looked up, "You have the smell of blood on your body. Are you hurt?"    


Because of the time constraints, Faang Yang only washed his clothes casually when he changed his clothes. There might be some blood seeping out from behind, and there was more or less some smell.    


He did not expect Chu Bingqing's nose to be so sharp. Faang Yang smiled bitterly and said, "This nose of yours is really good. Not bad, I accidentally got hung on my back and had a hole in it.    


Isn't everything alright now? Look at me. I'm full of energy. How can I look like someone who's in trouble?"    


Chu Bingqing did not speak. She gently lifted Faang Yang's clothes and saw the whip wounds on his back, knife wounds, gun injuries, and more than a dozen new injuries. The tears that had just stopped flowed out again.    


"Why? Why are you so good to me? If it was not because of me, why would you be so badly injured?"    


Although she did not know what exactly happened, Chu Bingqing's intuition told her that it was definitely related to her!    


Faang Yang pulled out a tissue to help her wipe her tears." silly girl, why do you take responsibility for everything? After knowing me for so long, you should know how many enemies I have.    


Fighting and getting injured are normal things. Don't worry, my life is tough. If I don't die, Yama King won't accept me."    


Chu Bingqing did not answer, nor did she speak. She just kept crying, as if she wanted to vent all her emotions.    


Faang Yang's mind was thrown into chaos by her crying. He used all of his skills, but it was useless. In the end, he could only hug Chu Bingqing and accept the baptism of tears.    


Chu Bingqing cried for half an hour before she gradually stopped crying. Ignoring the embarrassing look on her face, she said to Faang Yang with deep affection, "In this life, my people, my heart, only belongs to you!"    


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