Super Golden Eye

C692 Spirit Stone Bracelet

C692 Spirit Stone Bracelet

4Ever since Faang Yang treated Shen Xin last time, Shen Furong had specially ordered people to collect a large amount of ancient money in case of emergencies. This time, he really did use it.    


As for Faang Yang, he did not really need to use the copper coin. Seeing Shen Xin leave, he immediately took out a Low Grade Spirit Stone and placed it under the floor of the original Spirit Gathering Array Array Eye. He laid it on the floor again, and if one did not look carefully, one would not be able to see anything.    


Just as he placed the Low Grade Spirit Stone on the floor, Shen Xin and one of his subordinates carried a large box and walked up. They walked out of the box and said, "This is all ancient money. Do you have enough?"    


"How can I use so much!?" Faang Yang took a few copper coins symbolically and set up a Black Tortoise Formation on the base of the Mind Calming Spell and Spirit Gathering Array.    


After the formation was set, Faang Yang stopped and stood up. "Miss Shen might wake up in a while. Tell the servants to prepare some porridge for her and give her less."    


Shen Xin looked outside doubtfully and said, "Sister-in-law Liu, ask the kitchen to prepare some millet porridge. Hurry up."    


"Yes, young master. I will go and ask them to make it right away." Sister-in-law Liu agreed and went to the kitchen to send a message.    


After giving the instructions, Shen Xin asked nervously, "Faang Yang, can my sister really wake up? She has been in a coma for four days!"    


"Shen Tong's body is relatively weak. She might have to wait a little longer, but she will definitely wake up." Faang Yang checked Shen Tong's condition.    


"If you could inform me on the first day, it might not be so troublesome. Forget it, I will help her recover faster."    


After saying that, Faang Yang took out another Low Grade Spirit Stone and shattered it with his true qi, then evenly broke it into a dozen pieces. He took out a pigeon egg-sized ___, which was exactly eight pieces.    


Faang Yang rubbed his palms together and flattened the edges and corners of the originally irregular Spirit Stone pieces. Then, he turned it into a round shape and pierced a hole through it.    


Looking around, he conveniently took a purple ribbon from the curtain and tied the eight spirit pearls polished from the Spirit Stone onto Shen Tong's wrist one by one.    


The reason why he did this was because the Shen family's Fengshui had been destroyed too badly, and it had a huge impact on Shen Tong. Even if he had used the Low Grade Spirit Stone to remake the Spirit Gathering Array, the effect was not obvious.    


However, the Spiritual Bead bracelet that was made from the fragment of the Spirit Stone could clearly feel that Shen Tong's complexion was much better. In less than five minutes, after four days, Shen Tong finally opened her eyes again.    


Seeing Shen Xin and Faang Yang standing guard in front of her bed, Shen Tong was stunned for a moment, then she self-deprecatingly said, "My life is indeed not bad. I originally thought that I would not be able to sleep this time, but I did not think that I would be able to live again."    


"Sister, as long as I am still here, I will definitely find a way to cure your illness!" Shen Xin's eyes were a little red.    


Shen Furong's wife passed away early. He had been busy with business in the early years. Basically, the two siblings depended on each other at home and had a very deep relationship.    


Shen Tong struggled to sit up. "Brother, I'm fine, right? I haven't even seen you. Even if you bring sister-in-law back, how can I die?"    


As she moved her body, Shen Tong found a bracelet on her hand. Although the work was not very good and the string of the beads looked familiar, it made her feel very warm.    


Gently stroking the bracelet on her hand, Shen Tong asked, "Brother, did you give this bracelet to me?"    


"Not me. It was Faang Yang who made it for you." Shen Xin tried to control his emotions. "Faang Yang said that he is confident in curing your illness."    


"Oh, it doesn't matter." Shen Tong had been tortured by the curse for many years. She seemed to have become somewhat numb.    


The cycle of reincarnation between hope and disappointment made her feel tired. On the contrary, this bracelet gave her a huge surprise.    


"I didn't expect Mr. Faang to have such skills. Brother, can you consider letting him work in our company?"    


Faang Yang saw sunlight and strong faith from Shen Tong. He was respectful to this tortured girl.    


"Miss Shen, stay here for the next few days. Don't leave this room, or even I can't save you. In three days at most, I will find a way to completely cure you of your chronic illness."    


"Three days? Don't worry, even if you don't tell me, I won't go anywhere." Shen Tong's gaze never left the bracelet on her hand.    


"If a person walks a few steps, he will be tired and will faint from time to time. How far can he go? Why would he cause trouble for others?"    


"Believe in yourself, everything will be fine!" Faang Yang saw Mrs Liu walk up with a bowl of porridge in her hands. "Drink some porridge first and rest. I will talk to Shen Xin."    


Shen Xin and Mrs Liu exchanged a few words and then went outside with Faang Yang. He lowered his voice and asked, "Faang Yang, you must save my sister."    


"Don't worry. Since I promised you, I won't ignore it." Faang Yang thought for a while and said, "There's one thing you want to do, although Boss Shen doesn't have any news right now. But I guess that important gray cloth... It must still be here! I just don't know what method Boss Shen used to isolate its aura.    


I believe that the bastard who did this should be able to deduce the approximate location of the gray cloth, but he can't pinpoint it in detail. That's why he wanted to use Shen Tong as a condition to force you to take it out yourself."    


Shen Xin violently slammed the table." If I knew where it was, would I have waited until now? It's just a piece of broken cloth. Can it compare to my sister's life?! "    


"Don't be impulsive." Faang Yang knew that they were close, but he did not expect it to be so good.    


"That gray rag is definitely a peerless treasure to those who know its origin. They definitely won't give it up easily. The initiative is still in our hands.    


Therefore, as long as the grey cloth is not in our hands, Shen Tong's life will not be in danger. However, for the sake of safety, I will still get someone to protect her."    


After saying that, Faang Yang gave Jin Yufei a call, asking him to rush to Shen Family Villa. After Faang Yang spoke, Jin Yufei came very quickly.    


Faang Yang roughly explained the situation and told Jin Yufei that her main responsibility was to ensure Shen Tong's safety and not let people with ulterior motives get what they wanted.    


Jin Yufei naturally did not have much pressure on such a task. Although she was not familiar with Shen Tong, they were at least girls. Speaking of which, it would be much easier to get along with her than with Wang Qiang's poker face every day.    


Bringing Jin Yufei to Shen Tong's study room, Faang Yang introduced, "Miss Shen, this is my friend, Jin Yufei. I also do not have time to accompany her here. It just so happens that the two of you girls can still talk together."    


When Jin Yufei saw Shen Tong, she was immediately attracted by the kind of otherworldly aura on her body. She sighed from the bottom of her heart, "I didn't expect that there would be such a beautiful woman in this world. She is a fairy that is completely otherworldly from the painting that descended to the mortal world."    


Shen Tong also carefully sized Jin Yufei up, "Big sister is joking. I am just a person who has been sick for a long time. I am just struggling at death's door. It is as if there is no relation between beauty and me.    


On the other hand, Sister has a heroic aura and an extraordinary spirit. She must be a hero among women who is not inferior to men. It is Shen Tong's honor to be able to know her sister. "    


Faang Yang sighed, "Do you guys need to be so sour?"    


Jin Yufei glared at him. "What do you know? It's really ruining the scenery."    


Shen Tong also mischievously said, "Big Sister, don't be angry. You still don't understand the principle of not talking about ice during summer?"    


Jin Yufei nodded after hearing it, Yes. " Well, sister said yes."    


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