Super Golden Eye

C7 A Salesperson

C7 A Salesperson

1Chu Bingqing frowned. Jia Youming was her university classmate, one of the first old men to start a business with her.     1


However, the Hundred Flower Technology Company did not benefit well. Many people changed their minds one after another. Only he stayed here, like a pillar supporting most of the company's business.    


Chu Bingqing did not deny that Jia Youming was a very talented and capable person, but he was a bit too arrogant. Usually, he was mean to his colleagues. Other than Han Xueqing and Han Xueqing, he did not put anyone in his eyes.    


And the reason why he treated Han Xueqing well was also because he liked Han Xueqing.    


Chu Bingqing did not like Jia Youming's personal behavior. It could even be said that she felt a little disgusted. But because most of the company's clients were in Jia Youming's hands, she would usually turn a blind eye.    


She did not speak, but raised her head to look at Faang Yang.    


Faang Yang's expression was very calm, and he did not feel any dissatisfaction towards Jia Youming's words. On the contrary, Han Xueqing was like a lit firecracker that exploded in an instant.    


"Jia Youming, what do you mean by this? Faang Yang is someone I brought here. You said he is a business spy. Does that mean I, Han Xueqing, am also a spy? " Han Xueqing's temper was that of igniting a fire. Her eyes widened. She mustered enough strength to get ready to argue with Jia Youming.    


Of course Han Xueqing knew Jia Youming's feelings for her, but she did not like it. To be more precise, ever since Han Xueqing saw Jia Youming for the first time, she had a bad impression of him.    


A woman's sixth sense was always very strong, and Han Xueqing was no exception. She always felt that the pair of eyes behind Jia Youming's silver-rimmed glasses made people hate him. Moreover, he was sharp, mean, and not easy to get along with.    


On the other hand, although Faang Yang was not very handsome, he looked like a talent. Furthermore, he had resigned from the Taxaceae High Technology and was so capable. Most importantly, Faang Yang was a gentleman with a good character. The two of them had helped her a lot the moment they met.    


"Xueqing, you know I'm not talking about you." Jia Youming's expression changed slightly when he saw Han Xueqing get angry, but he did not hate Han Xueqing. Instead, he put all of this resentment on Faang Yang. No matter where you came from, in Hundred Flowers Technology... I have the final say.    


But Han Xueqing didn't buy his account, her eyes were filled with anger. She looked at Jia Youming and said, "Then who are you talking about? About Faang Yang? Let me tell you, Jia Youming, Faang Yang never wanted to work in our company. It wasn't easy for me to bring him here. Now you suspect his identity and want to drive him away? Then you will be responsible for our marketing department's subsequent performance!"    


" I am speaking based on facts. The company is the most important. I do not deny Mr. Faang's ability, but his identity cannot be verified. Unless he can produce evidence that he once worked in Taxaceae High Technology. In addition, the marketing department is an important part of the company. As the deputy manager of the company, I should consider the entire company." Jia Youming knew the result of quarreling with a woman, not to mention... This is the woman he likes.    


Han Xueqing had made up her mind to keep Faang Yang here today. Unless Jia Youming did not intend to chase after Han Xueqing in the future, he had to compromise today.    


But he did not plan to let Faang Yang go just like that. He wanted to retreat in order to advance. He reached out and pushed his glasses, and came up with a better idea.    


"Director Chu, how about this. Although I am the company's deputy manager, I will also be working in the marketing department. Let Mr. Faang work for me. The first thing he wants to do is to help me share some of the pressure. The second reason is to give him time to show his strength. True gold does not fear fire. If Mr. Faang really has the ability, I am willing to personally promote him to become the general manager of the marketing department. " Jia Youming said. He looked at the general manager, Chu Bingqing, and his face revealed a rare seriousness and seriousness.    


In fact, he had already thought of ten thousand ways to force Faang Yang to leave.    


Chu Bingqing felt slightly relieved in her heart. She looked at Han Xueqing, who was still angry but did not speak. She knew that this was the best result.    


"Let me introduce. This is Jia Youming, the deputy general manager of the company. Faang Yang. You just came to the company. If you have any questions, ask Manager Jia. He came from the marketing department. He is the most skilled in business among us. " Chu Bingqing said with a smile. She stood up and shook hands with Faang Yang. This matter could be considered to have come to an end.    


"Alright, then I will come to work early tomorrow morning. I have just left the Taxaceae High Technology today. I need to go home and pack my things. You guys can chat, I'll go out first." Faang Yang nodded and walked out of the office after saying that. As for Jia Youming, there were many people like him in the Taxaceae High Technology. Furthermore, Faang Yang's ambition wasn't here, so he didn't take it to heart.    


Han Xueqing saw that Faang Yang did not speak and thought that he was angry. She hurriedly chased after him and said that she wanted to find a few good friends in the company to treat Faang Yang to a meal, as a way to celebrate his appointment.    


As for Jia Youming, he watched Faang Yang's back as he left. His pupils shrank and he thought to himself, "You are still too young to fight me. Work for me tomorrow. Humph, humph, I'll make you feel better. Xueqing is mine. No one can take her away from me. Let's wait and see. "    


" Faang Yang, I'm sorry for making you suffer today. But I promise that Ms Bingqing is very good at recognizing people. She will definitely put you in an important position." The one who spoke was Han Xueqing, who had caught up with him. This Faang Yang was someone she had brought here, but he had been mocked and ridiculed by Jia Youming. It made her feel very guilty.    


In order to express her apology and gratitude to Faang Yang, she suggested, "Faang Yang, are you free tonight? Why don't we have a meal together? I have an appointment with a few sisters in the company. Let's get to know each other. This can be considered a celebration for you. "    


"It's dinner, huh? Okay, time and place, just let me know. I'm a little tired. I want to go home and rest. Let's call each other." Faang Yang wanted to refuse, but after thinking about it, it would not be good if he did not attend the first gathering. Furthermore, this was an opportunity to quickly understand the company's situation. He agreed.    


Han Xueqing saw that Faang Yang agreed to go, and her originally somewhat depressed mood immediately turned for the better. She turned around and threw Jia Youming's matter to the back of her mind. After sending Faang Yang away, she found the other sisters in the office and made an appointment.    


Faang Yang left Hundred Flower Company and drove home without stopping. He wanted to call his grandfather in Great Xing'an Mountain and ask what was going on. However, no one answered him. He thought his grandfather must have gone for a walk again.    


"Faang Yang, you are finally back. Go home and take a look. A few people are blocking your door and are throwing your things out. You, Great Master Lu, are arguing with them. " Faang Yang lived in the old city area of Jiangbei. There were a lot of old people living here alone. He often went over to help. As soon as the car was parked, enthusiastic aunties in the yard immediately ran over. The Great Master Lu mentioned by the middle-aged woman was the manager of the neighborhood committee. Lu Xianrong.    


"Don't worry, I'll be there right away." Faang Yang was stunned. He quickly got out of the car and ran over to take a look. His face was extremely dark.    


He looked in the direction of his eyes and saw that his things were all thrown in front of the door of the building. It was everywhere. The landlord and the three muscular men were chatting happily. From time to time, they would spit at Faang Yang's things.    


"I can tell that Faang Yang is not a thing with just one look. He actually provoked a few brothers. It's fine. Hit him hard. If he breaks it, it's mine!"    


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