Super Golden Eye

C266 Take over

C266 Take over

3Faang Yang had a calm smile on his face. This was an expression that shouldn't have appeared in this kind of situation.    


The way Fang Yihan called him cousin was really confusing.    


Everyone present was the Martial Artist of the Ancient Martial Realm. As for the Imperial Capital Faang Family... How many people didn't know about it? The power of the Azure Crow Bloodline was a top existence in the Imperial Capital where talented people came in large numbers. In this Eastern Sea, it really gave people the feeling of a fierce dragon crossing the river.    


Fang Yihan only appeared for a moment to congratulate Faang Yang for becoming the number one genius of the East Sea Profound Ranking. After that, he said to all the geniuses of the Ancient Martial Arts of East Sea, I, Fang Yihan, am here.    


He came and left, and it didn't take more than ten minutes.    


From the beginning to the end, Fang Yihan had always given people the impression that he was a gentleman. Liao Tong, who was standing next to him, was using his power as a dog. He looked at Faang Yang with disdain and hatred.    


After Fang Yihan left, the storm of challenges had finally settled down. Faang Yang had become the biggest winner without any surprises.    


However, Faang Yang was not happy at all. In fact, because of Fang Yihan's appearance, no one could be happy, including Duan Qigang and the others.    


When the ten-thousand-year-old dragon vein's spiritual light appeared, Fang Yihan appeared. The sudden appearance of ___ had changed the situation. Many people even had the misconception that if they really ran into the Imperial Capital Faang Family... They and Faang Yang might be able to turn the conflict into a pact and work together.    


After all, who knew if there was only one ferocious dragon after crossing the river?    


The details of today's competition had been told by many geniuses of the Eastern Sea. It had let the elders of their clan know how powerful Faang Yang was.    


Apart from the Ancient Martial Family that had a grudge with Faang Yang in the beginning, many other Ancient Martial Family's thoughts were shaken, and they were hesitating whether or not they should build a good relationship with Faang Yang.    


After all, Faang Yang was also a descendant of the Imperial Capital Faang Family. He was very powerful, and he had the help of a mighty figure like Ann Hongtao. His potential was immeasurable.    


Besides, Faang Yang had returned to the hotel after a great victory because of Fang Yihan. Not in a good mood. Wang Qiang and Ji Ping came back with Faang Yang and saw that Faang Yang was not in a good mood. Ji Ping cursed with hatred, "I'm afraid the Fang family sent this Fang Yihan here for Faang Yang!"    


Wang Qiang also had a solemn expression. He looked at Faang Yang and said, "After causing so much commotion in the Eastern Sea, they were finally attracted here. I just don't know who else will come this time besides Fang Yihan."    


Faang Yang's expression was calm as he asked, "This Fang Yihan is younger than me? What is his relationship with my family?"    


Ji Ping organized his thoughts and said, "Fang Yihan's family is now the head of Azure Crow Bloodline. His grandfather and your grandfather are blood brothers. If we count it, he is your cousin."    


Wang Qiang and Ji Ping did not stay in the hotel for long. After picking the first or second rank of the Profound Ranking, Faang Yang was also a little tired. After the two of them left, Faang Yang immediately laid down on the bed and fell asleep at any moment.    


He had been tense for the past few days. Faang Yang was really too tired.    


This sleep went from noon to late at night, and it was because of Ann Hongtao's return that Faang Yang woke up.    


"Master..." Faang Yang saw Ann Hongtao staring at him and smiling. He could not help but feel puzzled.    


Ann Hongtao looked at Faang Yang with praise, surprise, and a complicated look in his eyes.    


After a long time, Ann Hongtao said, "You surprised me."    


Faang Yang was startled for a moment, then he immediately reacted. He knew that Ann Hongtao was referring to the matter of defeating Cai Haisheng and Duan Qigang. After all, last night, Ann Hongtao had told him that if he encountered a stubborn stone, he would save his life first.    


Looking at Ann Hongtao, Faang Yang grinned and said, "It's all because of Master's good teaching and a little bit of luck."    


Ann Hongtao also smiled, but the look in his eyes when he looked at Faang Yang seemed to have some meaning, as if he wanted to say something but did not.    


Faang Yang thought of Fang Yihan and smiled. He said, "Master, they are here..."    


Ann Hongtao's expression was calm when he heard that. He said, "Don't worry. At this moment, they have more important things to do. They won't make things difficult for you."    


"They are also here to participate in the discovery of the ten-thousand-year-old dragon vein's spiritual light?" Faang Yang saw Ann Hongtao nod his head and asked, "Master, I have always wanted to know what is the purpose of you letting me enter Heavenly Rainbow Technology."    


Ann Hongtao was silent for a moment and said, "It is just a place for you to practice. As for what use he has, you will know tomorrow."    


After saying that, Ann Hongtao returned to his room. Faang Yang wanted to ask, but he couldn't.    


Faang Yang sat on the bed and shook his head helplessly. Then he fell face up and continued sleeping soundly.    


The next morning, Faang Yang finally knew what Ann Hongtao meant. He would know tomorrow.    


Today, an uninvited guest came to Heavenly Rainbow Technology. Or rather, it was two uninvited guests. However, one of them was an old face in Heavenly Rainbow Technology.    


This old face was Liao Tong. As for the uninvited guest, it was naturally Fang Yihan.    


In the office area of the Heavenly Rainbow Technology's main building, Liao Tong flatteringly brought a stool for Fang Yihan. When Fang Yihan sat down, Liao Tong pointed at everyone present and shouted, "Director Faang from the main company is here. Hurry up and greet him!"    


When Liao Tong and Fang Yihan arrived, Meng Xin was giving orders to an employee. When she heard Liao Tong's voice, she could not help frowning and said, "Liao Tong, what are you doing here?"    


Hearing this, Liao Tong sneered and looked at Meng Xin. He said darkly, "Meng Xin, you are so bold. Did you forget that you were just a soldier under me? Now you dare to talk to me like this?"    


Meng Xin's pretty face turned slightly cold. Just as she was about to refute, Cao Miaoyu walked out of the office. She crossed her arms and leaned against the door as she smiled and said, "I thought it was someone. Isn't this the CEO Liao who was locked in Xiaohei's room?"    


Cao Miaoyu deliberately bit the 'CEO' very hard. As she spoke, the corners of her mouth curled into a contemptuous smile.    


When Cao Miaoyu came to the company, Liao Ting had already been released. There were a few times when Cao Miaoyu interacted with Liao Tong, and she never looked at him seriously. Liao Tong had been holding this grudge for a long time.    


In the past, he had been holding back, but today, with Fang Yihan behind him, Liao Tong naturally had no fear. He reprimanded, "What is your identity? Since when was woman the only one who could speak in Heavenly Rainbow Technology? Where's Faang Yang? Call Faang Yang out. We, Director Faang, are going to take over Heavenly Rainbow Technology!"    


"Take over?"    


Everyone present was stunned. They looked at the calm and composed Fang Yihan behind Liao Tong.    


The company was a place with many people talking, so there were naturally not many secrets. When they saw Fang Yihan and the angry Liao Tong, many old employees thought of one thing.    


Heavenly Rainbow Technology was just a branch company. In the upper echelons of Heavenly Rainbow Technology, the boss of the main company seemed to have the surname Fang...    


"Yo, my brother is here? Why didn't he tell my brother about coming to my brother's company? He even brought a dog here to cause a ruckus. He really has a bad temper in the morning! "    


Looking in the direction of the sound, Faang Yang slowly walked in with a sunny smile on his face.    


Liao Tong heard Faang Yang's voice, turned around and gave a ferocious laugh. He scolded, "Faang Yang! How dare you speak to Director Faang like this! You are really looking for... "    


" Pa! "    


Before Liao Tong could finish his sentence, Faang Yang walked forward and gave him a slap!    


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