Super Golden Eye

C109 Member System

C109 Member System

0Li Aiwa graduated from Yale and studied business management. After graduating, she entered one of the top 500 companies in the world. This time, she returned to China with the dream of starting a business.    


However, before she could stay at home for a week, she was pulled over by Yao Di to work. Rather than calling it Yao Di, it would be better to call it Yao Di's girlfriend, Ma Wenjing.    


Although this little girl seemed to be in a rush, she had a lot of connections and was very straightforward when it came to handling matters. Four of the five people in the team were all aiming for her.    


"The membership system is indeed not bad, but in terms of price and requirements, I feel that we should consider it." Faang Yang thought for a while and said seriously.    


Li Aihua could not help but feel some disdain in his heart. This big boss seemed to be very rich, but he did not want the structure to be so small. If it was overseas, the price would at least double.    


"You think it's too high?" Li Aihua asked.    


"No, it's too low. A 1-star membership starts at 1 million." Faang Yang shook his head.    


This time, it was Li Aihua's turn to be speechless. One million, could the Jiangbei City afford it?    


Faang Yang saw through her thoughts. This girl was not bad, and her education level was high enough. However, she did not have enough working experience in the country, so she did not understand the situation of the country.    


"There are many rich people in Jiangbei City. As far as I know, there are no more than 1000 people who can take out 10 million at any time. There are also 800 of them. Not to mention, we can use the entire Longjiang Province as our base. River Song is only about an hour away from Jiangbei. To put it bluntly, it is not a good thing. Usually, it takes more than half an hour to block a car. This amount of time is nothing." Faang Yang said with a smile.    


Everyone sucked in a breath of cold air. They had a new idea about Faang Yang, the cheap boss.    


They were not surprised by money, but Faang Yang. They thought he was a rich bumpkin who wanted to use high-end clubs to gather connections in Jiangbei City and earn some money.    


They didn't expect him to have such broad horizons and didn't think that he would be limited to a small city like Jiangbei. He was looking at the entire Longjiang Province, which was full of plates.    


This was the effect Faang Yang wanted. He continued, "First, we will go to Jiangbei, then we will go to River Song. We will only open one shop in each city. Member cards can be used nationwide. The venue does not have a restriction on the membership, but it can be clearly differentiated from the service provided and the equipment provided. For example, 3-star members had their own lounge, while 1-star and 2-star members could only rest in the public lounge. As for a 5-star member, there was no need to mention that the beautiful manager played with him the whole time. They could chat and eat. As for the rest, you're experts, you know the industry better than me. I just have a suggestion."    


" Alright, then I understand what Director Faang means. I will change it today and try to get a complete membership system in two days. " Li Aihua patted his chest and said.    


Faang Yang had given her an opening, and she had thought of the future development. In addition, with the support of Faang Yang, who was a rich man, she really wanted to go all out. If she wanted money, she had money, and if it had something to do with relationships, she really wanted to go all out.    


Faang Yang nodded. These people were very useful. Putting other things aside, just from the line of money and business, these people would inevitably have some achievements in the future, even if they did not have anything to do with Faang Yang.    


"By the way, I need to add some things to the design, especially the four corners in the north, south, east, and west." Faang Yang thought for a while and then said to Yao Di.    


He was ready to integrate the Feng Shui array into the club's building. There was no need to mention the simple Wealth Gathering Geomantic Omen Array, he definitely had to arrange a high level one.    


Apart from that, some array formations that could calm the mind, suppress the soul, drive away evil, and protect the family had to be stacked layer by layer.    


The Yangming Club was Faang Yang's first property. It was equivalent to the starting point of his business. It was fine if he did not know Feng Shui. Now that he understood it, he had to design it properly no matter what.    


"Four positions, east, west, and north. Don't have any edges when designing it. A strand of it is semicircle. Also, leave at least seventy square meters in the inner space. When the time comes, plant and grass will be arranged. As for the center, there would be a vacant space. First, there would be a fake mountain. Don't be afraid of spending money. Didn't you tell me earlier about the fire prevention water circulation system? Give me the water to make it clear. Go around the rockery design." Faang Yang pointed at the design diagram and said.    


Yao Di wanted to refuse, but before he could say anything, he was interrupted by Ma Wenjing, who was beside him.    


"Mr. Faang, do you know Feng Shui?" Ma Wenjing looked at the design and asked.    


Faang Yang looked at Ma Wenjing in surprise and nodded. "You can tell?"    


"I studied ancient literature in China. I know a little about Feng Shui. Mountain is Yang, and water is Yin. This fake mountain and the flowing water move together, called Yin and Yang Harmony. In addition to that, the four corners of the north, south, east, and north left empty space to plant the grass. This was called the Four Wealth left empty space. When it is fed back to the later generations, it is said that when the moon is full, it will be at a disadvantage, and when the water is full, it will be overflowing." Ma Wenjing spoke with confidence and assurance.    


Faang Yang nodded repeatedly when he heard Ma Wenjing's words. Not to mention, this little girl had some skill, and she actually hit the jackpot.    


"That's right, but you almost didn't see it." Faang Yang said with a smile.    


Ma Wenjing's curiosity was also piqued. She asked, "Please guide me."    


"Teaching is not really good. It is just a superficial knowledge that I have learnt from my master. You can see that the four directions are empty, but I am going to stay round. You didn't notice. Now that we have the Yin Yang Qi, we are walking on the path of making money again. We'll naturally make money every day in the future. But when doing business, it is inevitable that we have to deal with other people. This round corner is avoiding evil and gathering spirit. What we need is harmony to make money." Faang Yang said with a smile.    


Ma Wenjing had a look of realization. She wanted to say something but was interrupted by Faang Yang's phone call.    


"Sorry, I'll take the call." Faang Yang apologized and turned to the side to answer the phone. The person who called was Lu Wei. She wanted Faang Yang to go home as soon as possible. She said she was looking for him for something. Faang Yang said goodbye to everyone and left the design department.    


As soon as Faang Yang drove off, the people behind him started discussing.    


"Wen Jing, was what you said true? Is Feng Shui really that evil?" The one who spoke was a boy wearing glasses. He was slightly hunchbacked, and his name was Zhang Kang.    


Ma Wenjing nodded. "I have researched this problem with my teacher before. Feng Shui is not baseless. There are many records in history. This Mr. Faang is most likely an expert."    


"Alright, let's not care about those messy things. The boss has spoken. As employees, we have to start working. I'll change the design now, and you guys will start working according to the division of labor. Let's fight for a week, and then we'll break the ground and start working!" Yao Di waved his hand and interrupted the discussion.    


Ma Wenjing glared at him fiercely. She thought to herself, I was just trying to make myself happy, so you interrupted me. I'll teach you a lesson when I get home.    


However, Yao Di ignored her. He turned around and left with the computer in his arms. He even told Ma Wenjing not to talk to him in case she disturbed his 3D modeling. This time, Ma Wenjing became even angrier. If it wasn't for the fact that there were classmates beside her... She would have slapped Yao Di to death in minutes.    


Furthermore, Faang Yang drove back to the Hengshui Garden District. Just as he inserted the key into the keyhole, the door opened with a bang.    


"Lu Wei, why are you looking for me?" Faang Yang shouted.    


But before he could finish his words, he saw a figure suddenly pounce over. Faang Yang composed himself and took a look. His heart skipped a beat. "Why did this grandaunt come here?"    


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