Super Golden Eye

C143 Fang Half Fairy

C143 Fang Half Fairy

1"Faang Yang, come back!" Lu Wei turned around and shouted, feeling puzzled.    


Others did not understand, but Han Xueqing understood. She quickly pulled Lu Wei and pretended that nothing had happened. "My company still has matters to attend to. I won't be coming back tonight. Sit for a while longer. I will be leaving first."    


After saying that, she turned around and went to the BMW 5 Series. Dung Hao, who had been silent all this time, felt relieved. He nodded at Lu Wei and drove away.    


Lu Wei was stunned for a moment and did not understand. She could only take the elevator up the stairs and enter the door to ask, "Faang Yang, is that Xueqing's boyfriend?"    


"I don't know." Faang Yang said unhappily.    


He wondered what was wrong with Han Xueqing. Did she not know who Dung Hao was? Why did she get together with him? Looking at the two of them, it was obvious that they had just had dinner.    


"Faang Yang, where did these things come from?" Faang Yang was cursing Han Xueqing in his heart for not being able to live up to expectations. Lu Wei's voice suddenly rang beside his ear.    


Faang Yang looked up and saw Lu Wei's expression was serious. She held a bunch of antique paintings in her hands and threw them on the coffee table in front of Faang Yang. She questioned, "Where did you get them? Tell me!"    


"Someone gave them to you. Do you like them? Then I'll give them to you. " Faang Yang didn't take it seriously and said.    


Lu Wei immediately pulled him up and her expression was very serious. "These are all stolen goods. Quickly tell me, who gave it to you? Did you participate in the sale of antiques?"    


"What sale of antiques? What are you talking about?" Faang Yang frowned. His mind was not on antiques at all. But then he came to a realization. He smiled bitterly and said, "It can't be the stolen goods that you have been tracking recently, right?"    


"That's right. One-third of them have been recorded online and lost. Hurry up and tell me, what exactly is going on? Come, follow me back to the team. " Lu Wei earnestly exerted her strength and pulled Faang Yang out.    


Faang Yang quickly consoled her to sit down. He said that these things were bought at a clear price and were gifts from the Shen family of River Song.    


"What clear price tag? These are all stolen goods. You are already suspected of selling cultural relics. You must hand it over." Lu Wei scolded and was about to call someone after she finished speaking.    


Faang Yang was so angry. He thought to himself that these things were all very valuable. Any one of them would cost over a million yuan. It was true that he had money now, but he could not waste it like this.    


"Calm down. Why did you panic like this again? Even if you take the things back, what's the use? You still can't solve the case. Wait for me to call and ask, at least figure out the source. " Faang Yang said.    


He wondered how Lu Wei got this job. She did not have any consciousness at all. It was most likely through the back door.    


After ten minutes, Faang Yang finished his call. Lu Wei eagerly went up to him and asked with a face full of curiosity, "What do you mean? Where did the things come from?"    


"I bought them through the regular channels. There are all kinds of auction houses in Songjiang City and all kinds of certificates are available. You have to get them back for me even if you take them back." Faang Yang said as he sat on the sofa.    


Lu Wei looked dejected and said, What should we do then? Let Faang Yang think of a way.    


"I will go to River Song during the weekend. When the time comes, I will ask you in detail. But you must not publicize this matter, especially the team's Guan Cong. " Faang Yang said.    


Lu Wei nodded and agreed. She stayed with Faang Yang for a while longer before going home to sleep. As for Han Xueqing's matter, she had long forgotten about it and did not even mention it.    


Faang Yang did not ask either. After Lu Wei left, she went back to her room to cultivate. She only drove out after eight o'clock.    


However, before she arrived at the company, she received a call from the 4S shop in Leksas. The person on the phone was Wei Wei, the salesperson. She said that Faang Yang's 570 had reached the conservation period and asked him to come to the store to do maintenance.    


While they were doing maintenance, Wei Wei's boyfriend came. He was a Taxi Driver with short hair and a medium build. When he sat on the sofa, he started to complain. He kept calling them a V-car to kill them, making them almost lose their lives.    


Wei Wei also sighed. She said that work was not easy and that her performance this month was not good enough. She had to think of a way next month. "Okay, you can leave first. I still have work here. We'll talk about it when we get home tonight."    


"I know you didn't eat in the morning so I came over to give you some food. Alright, you're busy. I'll pick you up after work." The man left after saying that. He didn't even look at Faang Yang from the beginning to the end.    


"Mr. Faang, I'm sorry to make you laugh." Wei Wei said with slight apology.    


Faang Yang waved his hand and said it was nothing. He asked Wei Wei how her salary was. If she was interested, she could work at his club. It was much more profitable than this.    


Wei Wei readily agreed. She was so happy that she could not close her mouth. She poured water for Faang Yang again and brought food again. She even wanted to treat Faang Yang to lunch.    


Faang Yang did not know whether to laugh or cry. He also saw Wei Wei's appearance and temperament. Otherwise, he would not have recommended her to work in the club.    


After an hour and a half, Faang Yang finally finished taking care of her. He drove away. Wei Wei stood at the door and watched the taillights disappear. She called her boyfriend and said that she had found a new job.    


For a few days, nothing big happened in Jiangbei City. Faang Yang went back and forth between the company and home, but he never had the chance to meet Han Xueqing.    


Han Xueqing was not in the company recently and heard from other colleagues that Chu Bingqing asked her to discuss a few purchase orders.    


Faang Yang frowned and thought, Could it be that Han Xueqing was putting on a show with Dung Hao because of the company? However, he was too embarrassed to ask Chu Bingqing. Plus, Xin Ming had called him, so he forgot about this matter.    


Xin Ming arranged to meet Faang Yang at the teahouse and said he wanted to introduce a friend to Faang Yang. As soon as Faang Yang entered the room, Xin Ming quickly stood up. His face was full of excitement. "Faang Yang, you are really amazing. I modified the bedroom according to your instructions. Not only did my wife not argue when she came back, she even praised me. Most importantly, he sent away the few people outside. He didn't bother with them at all. This morning, he received a message saying that my matter had already been brought up. There will be a personnel transfer after the spring of the new year. It's all thanks to you! "    


Faang Yang nodded. The Golden Eye looked at Xin Ming's luck. The peach luck line returned to normal, and the other luck lines also went quite smoothly. The overall trend was rising, and there wouldn't be too many twists and turns in a short period of time.    


"We agreed on one hundred yuan, and you're not allowed to not want money. Now that it's confirmed, hurry up and give me the money." Faang Yang chuckled and sat down to ask for the money.    


Xin Ming gave the money very quickly, but he was too embarrassed to only give one hundred yuan. He handed over a cheque of one hundred thousand yuan and said, "I know you do not lack money, but one yard is one yard. You must take the money."    


Faang Yang wanted to refuse, but Xin Ming stopped him. He put the cheque away and took a sip of tea.    


After Xin Ming sat down, he said seriously, "Today I will introduce a friend to you. He owns an antique store in Binhai City. I told him about your ability. He came all the way here today. You can show him later."    


As soon as he said that, the door opened. A fat man walked in while panting. He pulled a chair over and sat down. He drank a few cups of tea. "I'm so tired. Xin Ming, why did you choose such a place? It's too hard to find. Aiyo, this must be Fang Half Fairy. I've heard of your great name for a long time. My surname is Jin. My name is Jin Yuanbao. Please take good care of me."    


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