Super Evil Emperor

C39 Infinite pressure

C39 Infinite pressure

0Upon realising this, Yang Xie was overjoyed, he never thought that this blade made of Qi could have such an effect, at the same time, after his cultivation had reached the peak of the seventh stage of the burning blood Realm, his strength had increased greatly, and he was no longer as exhausted as before to resist the Qi blades in his surroundings.    2


Just then, Yang Xie looked at cold pond Yang, he thought, then suddenly took a step forward, he wanted to use cold pond to verify his own strength, to see how far he could go, and at the same time wanted to experience how powerful cold pond Yang was!    




The moment he stepped out, Yang Xie was stunned.    


But unexpectedly, not only did the even more violent spiritual energy blades not appear, even the Qi blades that filled the sky disappeared without a trace and were replaced by Spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth that were about to solidify into liquid!    


He only saw that the extremely light and gentle spiritual qi had somehow turned into a heavy gold lock. Not only that, the extremely cold cold air also seeped into the spiritual qi for some reason, and it was like an incomparably heavy ice mountain was pressing down on his body!    


Being caught off guard, Yang Xie was almost forced to half kneel in the pond under the pressure.    


Luckily, he managed to circulate the spiritual energy in his body in time to stop himself from kneeling down. He let out a roar and the golden light around his body won. The muscles in his body all bulged and veins popped as he tried to straighten his body.    


However, such a simple matter, had become extremely difficult for Yang Xie!    


Only after spending an entire cup of tea's worth of time did Yang Xie manage to straighten his body. At this time, his entire body was already covered in a thin layer of ice, and from afar, he looked like an exquisite ice sculpture!    


It was the sweat that had flowed out of his body. Under the blowing of the extremely cold spirit energy, it instantly froze into ice, resulting in his current appearance.    


Yang Xie clenched his teeth as he felt the bone-piercing pain of the cold air, and didn't make a sound.    


How could a mere tribulation compare to the humiliation he had suffered all those years ago!    


Suddenly, Yang Xie slowly lifted his left leg, and then heavily stomped!    


The sixth step!    


With this step, a force several times heavier than before crashed onto his body!    


Cluck! Cluck! Cluck!    


For a moment, all of the bones in Yang Xie's body emitted creaking sounds, as if he couldn't bear such a heavy burden!    


Yang Xie's body started to tremble slightly. The thin layer of ice on his body made him feel extremely heavy, as heavy as an iron armor!    


At this moment, Yang Xie felt as if he was in a glacier that spanned a hundred thousand meters. Endless pressure was acting on his body, even making it difficult for him to move his pinky finger!    


Yang Xie's knees slowly bent under the immense pressure. Traces of scarlet blood slowly flowed out of his ears, nose and eyes, but in an instant, they had frozen into streaks of bloody ice. Looking from afar, he looked extremely terrifying!    


And at the moment when Yang Xie was unable to withstand the pressure and slowly fell to the ground, a bizarre energy wave reverberated in the surroundings, seemingly disappointed, yet seemingly sighing!    


Yang Xie's consciousness started to slowly blur as countless scenes flashed through his mind. From the scenes of him being brought to the Cloud Sky Sect as a child, to the scene of him cultivating with all his might, to the scene of him finally becoming an outer disciple, all of them clearly surfaced in front of him.    


Suddenly, the image of Chen Lin, who looked down on him with contempt from above appeared in Yang Xie's mind, and the expression in his eyes seemed to ridicule him, a waste, for not even being able to withstand this bit of pressure.    




In that moment, a wave of boundless fury rose from the bottom of Yang Xie's heart!    


The reason he trained so hard, wasn't it all to become a trainer!?    


Previously, he endured it all because his strength was insufficient. But now that he had the help of the mysterious star, he was no longer that powerless waste. From today onwards, no one would be able to make him yield!    


Not even this world!    


Once he thought about it, Yang Xie instantly regained his clarity, and his eyes revealed an unwavering determination that had never been seen before!    


He let out a low growl, and the momentum from his kneeling suddenly stopped, followed by another tiger's roar.    




In an instant, the golden light around his body flickered crazily as the layer of ice around him cracked and shattered. His body that had been kneeling slowly straightened itself!    


When he stood up, Yang Xie's body swayed even more violently, but his eyes grew brighter.    


At this moment, he had already stepped a full six steps into cold pond, and was only one step away from reaching the center of cold pond!    


With merely a cultivation at the seventh level of the burning blood Realm, if Yan Luofeng's remaining disciples found out, they would definitely be dumbstruck!    


One must know that even Chen Fan, who was in the ninth stage of the burning blood Realm, had only barely reached the fifth step, and was no longer able to take another step forward!    


Although the difference was only one step, the difference was like heaven and earth!    


Seeing that he was about to reach the heart of the cold pond, Yang Xie naturally had no reason to retreat, he immediately channeled all the spirit energy in his body, and slowly moved another step forward.    


At the moment, Yang Xie was like a mortal trapped in a sticky swamp, tripped by a bundle of wet soil, it was truly difficult to move a single step!    


When Yang Xie's leg was lifted up into the air, it suddenly stopped. Looking back at Yang Xie, he could see a gold light flashing frantically, the veins on his face bulging out, it was obvious that he was under an immense pressure.    


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