Super Evil Emperor

C375 Strange flower!

C375 Strange flower!

3Yang Xie, who was in the distance, managed to avoid it in time, and upon seeing this scene, his expression changed slightly. He knew that it was fortunate that he dodged in time, otherwise, what kind of consequence would there be if he were to be pierced by the vine?    


The moment the purple vine didn't pierce Yang Xie, it instantly became furious. The numerous purple vines that were originally attached to the rock wall twisted for a moment before they shot out like snakes, causing countless purple vines to fly out explosively. They fell like a rain of whips, smashing onto the ground, causing the ground to begin to tremble crazily.    


Some vine began to hit the rock wall and the stone wall began to crack. Some of the stone fragments fell down like rain.    


If one were to look from afar, they would see countless vine flying in all directions, enveloping the entire canyon and turning into a sea of whips!    


Seeing this, Yang Xie's expression suddenly changed. He finally understood why this place was so quiet.    


And just at this moment, after the purple vine did not find its target, it suddenly stopped, and after a shake in the air, it shot out in the direction where Yang Xie was standing.    


"Swish, swish, swish!" The vine pierced the empty air and emitted an ear-piercing screech.    


Not only that, at the same time, there were also a large number of vine that quickly shot out from the ground and went straight for Yang Xie.    


All of a sudden, the vine images flew everywhere, enveloping all four directions and sealing off Yang Xie's surroundings, causing him to be unable to escape.    


Yang Xie's expression immediately changed. Naturally, he could not be surrounded by the purple vine. He immediately took out the Extinction Sword and with a tremble of the longsword, countless of Sword-light lights shot out.    


The Sword-light combined together to form a gigantic sword screen. Countless Sword Qi swept out, causing a violent wind to kick up, sweeping towards the Violet Vine!    


Puff puff puff puff puff!    


As the sword qi sliced through the vine, a bone-chilling sound of flesh breaking could be heard.    




The purple vines that filled the sky were twisted into pieces by the sword screen, and the broken vines fell down like rain.    


Yang Xie shot a glance at the purple vine that had crawled out from the ground, snorted coldly, and stomped his right foot heavily on the ground!    


In an instant, the ground within a radius of a dozen zhang trembled as cracks spread from his feet. Those purple vines that had just crawled out were suddenly shattered by this tremendous force, exploding into countless blossoms of blood.    




A terrifying and ear-piercing cry came out from the center of the vine vine. The voice contained a sharp pain as well as an overflowing amount of anger.    


Following that, more and more vine s shot out and swept towards Yang Xie.    


Seeing that, Yang Xie's face darkened, the vine seemed to be endless, killing a group of people and another group, no one knew when it would end, if he continued to exhaust himself like this, it would be extremely disadvantageous for him.    


Thinking about that, Yang Xie's body suddenly shone with a gold light, a golden sword image slowly appeared behind him, the powerful Sword Intent soared up into the sky.    


The vine s that were pouncing from all directions all started to break apart without waiting for them to approach, as if invisible sword qi had cut through them.    


Following the wave of his longsword, the golden sword image suddenly flew out, pierced through the void, and produced a terrifying 'Zi Zi' sound. All the vine that passed by were cut off.    


In just an instant, the encirclement aimed at Yang Xie was torn apart.    


Taking advantage of this slight gap, Yang Xie turned into a ball of golden light and instantly charged out from the vine that filled the sky.    


Stopping at a few dozen meters in the air, Yang Xie looked down at the vine that were still wildly dancing below, and his brows knitted slightly.    


Speaking of which, the vine's power was not strong, and was only equivalent to the full force of Heavenly Completion Late Stage. Logically speaking, it was easy to deal with.    


It was just that there were too many vine, even if he had cut off quite a few of them, there were still many of them.    


Furthermore, he did not know if this vine had any other strange abilities, nor did he dare to let it easily touch his body.    


At this moment, vine was still madly waving its claws as if venting its anger. The originally bright trees and flowers within canyon became the target of concern and for a moment, the flowers fell like rain, rocks and dust flying everywhere.    


In a short span of time, the entire canyon was destroyed.    


Yang Xie stared at the vine below him, and started to think about countermeasures. It was not easy to encounter so many herbal medicine, and even though there were only two left, Yang Xie did not plan to give up.    


After all, although this purple vine was strange, it was actually not hard to deal with.    


With his current situation, as long as he continued to shoot out sword Qi, he would be able to wear everything down.    


It was just that the only flaw was that it would take a lot of time, yet Yang Xie wanted to end the battle quickly.    


After looking for a while, Yang Xie's gaze stopped at the rock wall in front of him. No matter how much the vine flew, it would never leave the rock wall's side.    


The Polygonum cuspidatum Thunb seemed to have awakened its intelligence, and the reason it did not leave the rock wall seemed to be because it was attached to it and could not leave the rock wall.    


Once he thought about it, Yang Xie suddenly had a solution.    


With a wave of the Extinction Sword in his hand, numerous sword qi flew out, and the vine that was about to pierce through the barrier smashed onto the rock wall, causing it to tremble as large chunks of stone began to fall from the rock wall's body.    


When these Sword Qis were released, Yang Xie did not stop, and continued to release more than ten Sword Qi that struck the rock wall.    


There was a loud rumbling sound, and under the bombardment of the Sword Qi, the originally hard rock wall began to crack open.    


As the cracks grew larger and larger, finally, with a loud bang, the rock wall that was originally attached to the vine crumbled.    


When the gigantic boulder landed, it coincidentally smashed onto the vine, causing an ear-piercing screech to immediately ring out. With a boom, the sound suddenly stopped.    


A huge crater appeared on the ground, in the middle of it was a gigantic boulder. The vine that was previously attached to the rock wall was suppressed, causing scarlet blood to flow out from the bottom of the crater.    


In the instant that the vine's main body died, the vine that were originally waving about in the air stopped and fell to the ground one by one. In the moment that the main body died, all the vine lost their power.    


After taking care of the Polygonum cuspidatum Thunb, Yang Xie once again descended to the ground. He picked up a broken vine and examined it carefully, only to see that the purple vine was completely purple, and when he held it in his hand, it was actually not rough like plants, but more like flesh.    


Yang Xie sized it up and felt that it was extremely strange, but he could not identify what exactly it was.    


The wasteland was very vast, he had never seen many Demonic Beast s, so it was normal that he did not know this demon.    


Throwing down the vine in his hands, Yang Xie walked forward and gently plucked the Spirit Grass out from the center of the rock wall.    


Just now, when he swung out his sword qi, he deliberately avoided the Spirit Grass, so it was not injured.    


This Spirit Grass was as light as a feather, and a bitter aroma wafted out of it, it was very unique.    


After putting away the Spirit Grass, Yang Xie's gaze stopped at the last one, which was also the lotus flower with the densest medicinal aroma.    


Around the lotus flower, there was a strange flower. The flower appeared one after another, coincidentally surrounding the lotus flower in the center.    


Strangely, the vine destroyed all the flowers around, but it did not touch any of the flowers. No one knew why, but it did not do so.    


One was black, the other was red. The last part was white, red like blood, black like rain, white like ink, and the three colors intertwined together, giving off an extremely strange feeling.    


In addition, the edges of the flower petals were curved and jagged, while the bud at the center of the petals was blue in color and stood erect like two barbed thorns.    


Seeing these flowers, even if Yang Xie did not probe, he could guess that these flowers were extremely dangerous, if not the vine would not have ignored them.    


After witnessing the strangeness of the Polygonum cuspidatum Thunb, Yang Xie did not dare to rashly approach it. He could only quietly observe from afar, in an attempt to discover the terrifying aspect of the flower.    


At the same time, the pitch-black abyss also attracted Yang Xie's attention. It was unknown where the abyss led to, and with a single glance, he could not see the end, causing people to feel a sense of dread.    


After pondering for a while, Yang Xie waved his longsword and a Sword Qi shot out.    


Now that there was only one herbal medicine left in this place, and the lotus flower seemed to be no small matter, it would be a pity to give it up, thus he felt that he should try his luck.    


If this strange flower was powerful, Yang Xie definitely had to choose to leave.    


After all, he had already gained a lot, so there was no need for him to take the risk.    


The sword aura flew out and landed in the midst of the three-colored flowers. That seemingly strange flower was easily chopped in half. The flower head fell to the ground and was swept away by the wind into the abyss, disappearing without a trace.    


Seeing that the three colored flower did not seem to have any unusual movements, as though it was just an ordinary flower, Yang Xie's eyes revealed a trace of astonishment, but he did not let down his guard.    


It was the longsword that had swung out. This time, it shot out several sword Qis.    


This time, the three-colored flower seemed to have felt threatened. Suddenly, with a 'whoosh', the originally motionless flower suddenly started spinning.    


The wind whistled as the edges of the sawteeth quickly rotated, bringing about a terrifying whistle. The hundreds of flowers rotated at the same time, like sawteeth, and flew towards the sword qi.    


In an instant, a "peng peng" sound was heard. The originally sharp sword Qi had actually been cut to pieces by the sawteeth.    


Witnessing all of these, Yang Xie's pupils contracted, his heart trembling uncontrollably.    


His sword energy could be said to be unstoppable. However, it was actually shattered by the seemingly weak flower petal. This caused him to be extremely shocked and he did not know what exactly this flower was.    


But luckily the flower was not able to shoot out like the vine, if not, with the flower's sharpness, would not dare say that it could escape unscathed from the sawtooth.    


Looking at the spinning flower in the distance, Yang Xie started to ponder and ponder about the countermeasures against this flower.    


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