Super Evil Emperor

C566 Tianxiong

C566 Tianxiong

2As far as the eye could see, the mountains were towering and lush, like heavenly swords reaching straight into the clouds. The dense spiritual energy converged into clouds, floating and sinking, obscuring the mountains.    


No one would have thought that the spiritual energy here was so thin and barren.    


However, in just a short period of time, this place had undergone a tremendous change.    


This method of changing the heavens and the earth was truly shocking!    


The Cloud Sky Ancestor led the two of them slowly forward. Yang Xie listened attentively, and knew that the ancestor was reminding him, at the same time allowing him to understand his future path.    


"Path of self?" Magic power? Isn't the Mysterious Creation Formula of the Universal Nature I created supposed to be following its own path? " Yang Xie seemed to have realized something, as he faintly grasped the road ahead. In his heart, he was extremely grateful to the Cloud Sky Ancestor, and knew that if not for his words, he would have taken many detours in the future.    


At this time, Yang Xie could not help but sigh at the advantages of these heaven's pride experts. Not only were their aptitudes shocking, they had also given them cultivation from a young age, just like a bright lamp in front, which did not have any twists and turns in its cultivation. As a result, on the road of cultivation, it would naturally be unobstructed, and it would be extremely difficult for outsiders to catch up to him!    


"Now I have the advantage." Yang Xie secretly sighed, and one by one, the words that Cloud Sky Ancestor had said entered his mind.    


Although Leng Ruhuang had learned about cultivation problems from her clan's elders since young, whether it was in terms of cultivation or experience, the elder was incomparable to the heavenly passage ancestor. He even had a unique understanding of cultivation problems, which gave her a lot of benefits.    


The three of them talked and listened. Unknowingly, they had arrived at the center of the precious land.    


Just now, the Cloud Sky Ancestor had used a powerful technique to create a holy land for cultivation. The scenery was beautiful, but in the middle, there was an empty space, which was very strange.    


This is the core of the formation, and is extremely important to the formation. But do you know why the This Old Man did not set up a mountain peak here, so that this place can be left alone? Cloud Sky Ancestor did not look back, but Yang Xie knew that he was asking him.    


His gaze looked down and his brows furrowed slightly. He was also extremely curious about the actions of the Cloud Sky Ancestor and was unable to guess why the patriarch was acting this way.    


Suddenly, Yang Xie saw the smile on the corner of Cloud Sky Ancestor's mouth, and an idea suddenly flashed across his mind. He blurted out: "Zephyr!"    


Cloud Sky Ancestor's eyes flashed with praise, he nodded and said, "That's right, although the mountains here are condensed by my mana, they are still ordinary mountains. This formation not only has the ability to gather spirit energy, it also contains a killing formation called the Limitless Killing Formation. I laid down a great sect protecting formation. If you want to break through the formation, you must first destroy the core of the formation. I don't need this Mortal Mountain Formation, it is because this mountain is weak.    


Yang Xie suddenly realized, from this, he could see that the Cloud Sky Ancestor had spent a lot of effort and effort to move the Zephyr over from the Daliang.    


If an ordinary friar wanted to fly from Daliang to wasteland, it would take a long time, and it would be impossible to move a mountain here. Even if it was the Sect Leader s, they would have a hard time doing it, and only Heavenly Passage Expert s could do it so easily.    


Thinking back to the Zephyr, Yang Xie only felt that this mountain was extraordinary, as it could actually withstand the effects of the heavenly thunder. Back then, his knowledge and experience was far from what it is now, but only now did he understand that the Zephyr had probably undergone a huge change under the baptism of the heavenly thunder, and might even have gained intelligence from it a long time ago!    


With the mountain's toughness, even Sect Leader Zhi Zun warriors would not be able to completely destroy it. It would not be wrong to call it a treasure, the best choice was to use this mountain as the eye of the formation.    


Come to think of it, when he was tempering his body in the Thunder Sea, his dao heart was even more resolute. He had once promised to help the mountain become a Dao, and it was a good opportunity for him to understand this cause and effect.    


"Ancestor master, when this disciple first arrived at the wasteland, he saw a lithocline that hadn't come out yet. Why not place it in the Zephyr for nurturing?" Yang Xie thought of the spirit within the stone that he saw at that time, and suddenly spoke.    


"A lithocline that uses stones to form dao?!"    


Hearing this, Cloud Sky Ancestor's face moved, even though he was experienced and knowledgeable, he was still shocked by these words.    


After all, although all living things had a spirit, those that could step onto the path of the Dao were mostly humans and demons. There were very few flowers, plants, and trees that could reach the path of cultivation, not to mention becoming the hardest rock to walk on.    


If the mischievous stone wanted to open up its spiritual wisdom, it would need tens of thousands of years, or even hundreds of thousands of years, and if it were to be destroyed midway, all of its previous efforts would be in vain. Even with his cultivation, he had never heard of a lithocline successfully completing the Dao.    


"Good, good, good! Since the Zephyr was baptized by the heavenly thunder, there are already signs of it having its own intelligence. With the help of the lithocline, there might be a chance for it to succeed in the future. " Cloud Sky Ancestor laughed heartily. If in the future Zephyr were to succeed, then he would no longer have to worry.    


Although it was extremely difficult for lithocline to reach the level of dao, once they did, their future achievements would be difficult to imagine!    


"Since my Cloud Sky Sect has reconstructed a sect, how can there not be disciples? Not only will we move the Zephyr over, we will also bring the disciples of the Cloud Sky Sect over. This Old Man cannot be distracted with regards to the lithocline, so I'll leave you to handle it. " The Cloud Sky Ancestor laughed.    


"Yes." Yang Xie nodded his head, he was not worried about his safety, the guardian lithocline was probably just a normal disciple of the My Sword Sect, with his current strength, he had more than enough strength to kill it.    


"Alright, within ten days, This Old Man will definitely return." Cloud Sky Ancestor stepped into the void and disappeared, only his ethereal voice could be heard by the two of them.    


Once the Cloud Sky Ancestor left, only Yang Xie and Leng Ruhuang remained. The atmosphere became gentle for a moment.    


Yang Xie glanced at Leng Ruhuang, and his eyes faintly sparkled as a rare flush flashed across his pretty face.    


Seeing that, Yang Xie did not say a word, but walked forward and gently held his beautiful hands.    


Leng Ruhuang struggled slightly, but was firmly held by Yang Xie. Seeing that she was unable to struggle free, Leng Ruhuang also stopped struggling, and could only allow Yang Xie to hold onto what was in his hands.    


"Today, you made a promise in front of everyone to let go of someone. Do you regret it in the future?" Leng Ruhuang calmed down and said softly.    


She only said someone, and did not say a name, but how could Yang Xie not know who she was referring to?    


"If I regret it, I won't say those words." Yang Xie shook his head and laughed.    


Leng Ruhuang stared at him for a while, then suddenly smiled, revealing a happy smile.    


"As expected, even if you're a woman, you can't help it." Yang Xie shook his head in amusement and took Leng Ruhuang's hand to stroll in the wilderness.    


The two of them didn't use their spiritual energy and only slowly walked around, enjoying the peace that they hadn't felt in a long time.    


After a long while, Yang Xie left Leng Ruhuang behind and floated away, heading towards the temple that suppressed the lithocline. Before he left, he left behind a sentence.    


"After the sect is rebuilt, I will take you as my wife."    


His voice was clear but firm, lingering in the air and echoing for a long time.    


Leng Ruhuang was dumbstruck for a moment, and then, the ice on her face completely fused together as she started to laugh, it was an extremely beautiful laugh.    


After leaving the cultivation treasure ground, Yang Xie ran quickly towards the temple.    


He was not too worried about Leng Ruhuang's safety, nor was he worried that that place would be occupied by others. The matter of the Cloud Sky Ancestor coming out of seclusion, had probably spread throughout the entire wasteland, and everyone knew that Leng Ruhuang was with the Cloud Sky Ancestor. With the Cloud Sky Ancestor supporting him, unless she was an idiot, no one dared to touch her.    


He remembered that the temple was not too far away from the Tianxiong City, but the Tianxiong City was still far away. Even with Yang Xie's current cultivation, it took him four days to reach the Tianxiong City.    


The reason why the Tianxiong City s had come first was because Yang Xie didn't remember the specific location of the temple when he had fled. He needed to move the temple from the Tianxiong City s to be able to find the temple accurately.    


Looking at the Tianxiong City from afar, Yang Xie's heart was filled with emotions. He remembered that when he first arrived in Tianxiong City, his cultivation was only at the Heavenly Completion Middle Stage Realm and his knowledge and experience of the world was far inferior compared to today. He was truly shocked by the boldness of this city.    


Now that he had come back to this place after so many years, his cultivation had already stepped into the promoting spirit and qi, and with a leap, his strength became comparable to that of the Sage Stage powerhouses, and his knowledge and experience of the world had grown by leaps and bounds.    


The Tianxiong City was still bustling with activity, but because there was so much time, Yang Xie did not rush to look for the lithocline. He had travelled for many days, and inevitably had a bit of exhaustion, so he decided to stay in the city for the night.    


Just like the usual friar, after Yang Xie handed over the Spirit Stone and entered the city, the noise from the city was still as loud as ever. Many friar s stocked their stalls on the roadside and slowly walked into the city, his mentality was completely different.    


Since the beginning, he had also been as busy trying to earn a living as these friar, but today, he had reached a level that ordinary people would not be able to reach in their entire lives. This change caused Yang Xie to suddenly feel a sense of superiority.    


"If I did not have the Stellar Pearl of Myriad Treasures, I am afraid I would not even be able to match up to these people." Yang Xie thought in his heart, it was precisely because of the Stellar Pearl of Myriad Treasures that he had achieved his current achievements. Although he no longer needed to overly rely on the Stellar Pearl of Myriad Treasures, without the treasure, he could be sure that he would become one of the mediocre members.    


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