Super Evil Emperor

C488 Ming hai zhu

C488 Ming hai zhu

2Even if Yang Xie had a lot of precious ingredients in his hands, but because he did not know any smithing s, he could only choose to put them on hold or to sell them. Only by finding someone to refine them would he be able to make them shine!     3


This was also the reason why Yang Xie didn't have any treasures on him previously, not because he didn't want to, but because he couldn't use these materials to refine magic treasures!    


Although there were a few smithing masters in My Sword Sect, Yang Xie was afraid of arousing the suspicions of others, hence he did not dare to take out these materials.    


Now that he had the Cast Treasure Heaven Palace, all of these problems could be easily solved. Yang Xie did not even have to worry about the treasures anymore!    


"However, this is still my guess. Whether Cast Treasure Heaven Palace can refine the treasures or not requires a further confirmation." After a long while, Yang Xie repressed the excitement in his heart, and felt that he should still further confirm that his guess was correct.    


Thinking about it, Yang Xie started to find a way to use the Heavenly Palace.    


However, after scanning his surroundings, other than the stone tablet, there was nothing else. He did not know how to use this place.    


"Could it be that I'm going to use the Heavenly Palace's method to climb the stone stele?" Suddenly, Yang Xie saw the stone tablet. His heart moved, he walked up and carefully sized it up.    


He did not know what the stone tablet was made of, but it was extremely hard. Even when he used the Core Flying Sword, he was unable to leave a single mark on it.    


"What a tough stone monument!" Yang Xie frowned, he had looked through the stone tablet before, but had not found anything special, causing his heart to become suspicious.    


"Weird, the Heavenly Palace is completely empty. Could I have guessed wrongly?"    


Yang Xie lowered his head and muttered to himself for a while, then his eyes suddenly lit up: "Forging treasures, forging treasures, of course I need materials before I can refine it."    


With that thought, Yang Xie suddenly opened his eyes. With a flip of his hand, a cyan gold stone appeared in his hand.    


As expected, after Yang Xie took out this bluestone, the originally ordinary looking stone tablet suddenly glowed with a burst of light. When the light faded, the original few words on it disappeared and were replaced by a row of small words: "bluestone, its texture is extremely hard, the treasures refined using this stone are exceptionally sharp, do you want to use it to refine treasures? The crafting process will be completed in its own form. "    


Beneath this small character were the 10,000 dao essence points needed to refine it.    


"Hiss!" I never thought that refining a treasure would actually require so much Dao-Yuan. " Yang Xie sucked in a breath of cold air. Ten thousand pillars was equivalent to one hundred thousand Spirit Stone.    


"I wonder what kind of treasure it will be?" Yang Xie's heart stirred, and he chose to refine it.    


Although ten thousand Daoyuan was not a small sum, he had killed quite a few Spirit Realm cultivator s since he came to the wasteland, and he even had the cultivation of two or three auras of the Spirit Realm which provided him with a large amount of Daoyuan. Currently, he had no less than millions of Daoyuan on him, and this did not even include the large number of Spirit Stone in his possession.    


In his eyes, a mere 10,000 yuan was nothing more than a drop in the ocean.    


When Yang Xie chose to refine it, the limestone in his hand suddenly flew out and stopped in midair. Streaks of rainbow light appeared out of nowhere and wrapped the limestone within, and then began to refine it in a form that Yang Xie could not comprehend.    


Since he had copied many treasures, Yang Xie was not surprised. He sat cross-legged on the ground and waited for the creation of the treasure.    


As for the shape of the treasure, Yang Xie chose longsword s instead.    


After about an hour, the lump of rainbow light suddenly lit up, and then disappeared. Within it appeared a green-gold longsword, which released waves of light.    


Yang Xie stretched out his hand, and the longsword landed in his hand. He carefully examined it, and with a light wave, a Sword-light cut through the air, bringing about a strong gust of wind.    


"That's right, although this sword has not reached the level of a Magic Treasure, it is still a top spirit weapon." Yang Xie was overjoyed, with his current cultivation level, wouldn't it already seem to be of use to him? With just a piece of Green Metal Stone, he was able to refine a top grade spirit weapon, which was already shocking enough.    


"Oh right, the heavy water bead in my hand is not weak, back then Chan Yuhou once said that if I gathered all 24 heavy water bead, I would be able to create a set of treasures, and it would be extremely powerful, why don't I use this Cast Treasure Heaven Palace to refine it?" Yang Xie thought of the heavy water bead in his hands, how much more powerful could it be if he refined all twenty-four of them into one?    


Thinking about that, Yang Xie's heart moved, if he could refine this treasure, then he would have another method to deal with his enemies.    


After that, Yang Xie left the Heavenly Palace and came to the giant monument. He found the heavy water bead and started to exchange.    


Yang Xie had exchanged for a total of twenty-three of them, and had spent a total of one million one hundred and fifty thousand spirit stones, causing his dao essence to shrink by nearly a quarter.    


After copying the heavy water bead, Yang Xie returned to the Heavenly Palace and started refining the 24 Layers of Pearl of the Sea.    


The cost of refining the Dao Yuan from this round far exceeded the cost from earlier. It was a total of one hundred thousand Dao Yuan! In total, it cost more than 1.2 million dollars.    


"Although it's expensive, if I can refine a powerful magical equipment, it would be worth it."    


Yang Xie no longer cared about the element number. After he chose to refine, the 24 heavy water bead s flew into the air and formed a circle. Countless rainbow light came out from the surrounding and covered the 24 heavy water bead s.    


Seeing that, Yang Xie closed his eyes, waiting quietly for the treasure to be completed.    


Time passed by slowly. Five days later, waves could be heard from the Heavenly Palace. Accompanying the sound of waves splashing, a huge wave rose up, churning up a thousand feet of water. Rumble, a huge sea suddenly appeared above the Heavenly Palace.    


Twenty-four bright moons appeared on the sea. The bright moon hung in the sky like jade beads, floating and sinking with the waves. The scene was absolutely shocking!    


Seeing this phenomenon, Yang Xie was overjoyed. Just from the appearance of this treasure, he knew that it was definitely not an ordinary treasure.    


Just then, the phenomenon disappeared, the 24 crescent moons quickly shrank, turning into a string of pearl in Yang Xie's hands.    


When the pearl landed in Yang Xie's hand, it immediately caused Yang Xie's arm to sink. The heavy water bead weighed tens of thousands of kilograms, the weight of the bracelet that was refined from the 24 heavy water bead could be imagined, it was most likely around 300,000 kilograms!    


If it were not for the increase in his cultivation, he was afraid that he would not be able to afford the heavy water bead.    


"I wonder how powerful this treasure is?" Yang Xie could not wait to test the might of the treasure, it was just that there was nothing here to test it, so with a thought, his mind returned to the outside.    


In his hands, there was a string of beads, but each bead had appeared at some point in time. Each bead was pitch-black as if there was water flowing within them, and it was spinning non-stop.    


Outside of the cave, Yang Xie stood in the air, and with a light toss of his hand, the pearl instantly flew up and turned into twenty-four bright moons." After leaving the cave, Yang Xie stood in the air, and with a light toss of his hand, the pearl instantly flew up and turned into twenty-four bright moons.    


"What a strong power!" Yang Xie was shocked, he had only slightly activated the treasure, and actually easily shattered a mountain.    


In truth, the amount of water in each heavy water bead was comparable to a lake. Adding all twenty-four of them together, it was truly like a vast ocean.    


"Back then Chan Yuhou said that after this set of treasures was refined, even the friar s of four kinds of qi would be smashed to death. It looks like the power is even stronger than what that Chan Yuhou had said."    


Yang Xie was ecstatic, the power of this treasure was extraordinary, it was already a top tier treasure, its power was only second to his Core Flying Sword.    


Yang Xie retracted the 24 Layers of Pearl of the Sea, and a smile rose on his face. This could be said to be a blessing in disguise, not only had the Stellar Pearl of Myriad Treasures underwent another change, a Cast Treasure Heaven Palace had appeared, and they had even refined a treasure like the 24 Layers of Pearl of the Sea.    


"Originally, the fact that this Stellar Pearl of Myriad Treasures could replicate treasures was already enough to defy the heavens. I never thought it could forge a treasure in this world. I wonder what kind of treasure this is?"    


When Yang Xie thought about the Stellar Pearl of Myriad Treasures, he couldn't help but become suspicious. He originally thought that the treasure was a treasure of the upper bound, but after looking at it now, it was not a treasure of the upper bound.    


With every change in the Stellar Pearl of Myriad Treasures, he would overturn his speculation regarding this treasure. At the same time, he felt that the treasure was becoming more and more mysterious.    


Yang Xie shook his head, he did not want to think about the Stellar Pearl of Myriad Treasures s, they were mysterious and impossible to understand.    


"Previously, there were a lot of people from various sects in Qingzhou who were chasing after me. These people wanted to kill me to steal my treasure, so don't blame me for being rude. I might as well not fight and steal all the sects in Qingzhou, and increase my own strength! "    


Yang Xie looked into the distance, a cold glint appearing in his eyes. Since he had already stolen the Qing-Yun Sect, then he might as well steal all of the large and small sects in the Qingzhou. After all, these people were here to kill him first.    


At the same time, he also gathered the cultivation methods of these sects and strengthened his own Mysterious Creation Formula of the Universal Nature. He no longer wanted to see if these sects had any precious treasures, and he also stole them.    


Thinking about it, Yang Xie no longer hesitated, and immediately activated Escape Technique to leave the place.    


On the other side, after a few days of investigation, Mu Zhiqing had scoured the entire Qing-Yun Sect but still could not find the Thief that stole the treasures. He was furious but he could do nothing about it.    


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