Super Evil Emperor

C374 Herbal medicine!

C374 Herbal medicine!

1Fortunately, the Blood Devouring Bats did not discover Yang Xie's presence, and thus allowed Yang Xie to escape this calamity.    


But this also caused Yang Xie to be secretly vigilant, as he knew that he had been too careless during this period.    


After resting for a while, Yang Xie took a glance at the depths of the forest, and with a flash, he disappeared from his original position.    


In the afternoon, Yang Xie was running through the forest. Suddenly, he saw a wide open space in front of him and the scenery in front of him changed.    


He saw that a lake water had suddenly appeared in front of the forest. The lake water was clear and transparent, dark green like a mirror.    


On the lakeside, there was a willow tree. That willow tree was extremely strange, and its branches and leaves were blue. The gentle breeze made them ripple, interweaving with each other and making them look extremely beautiful.    


Looking at the scene in front of him, Yang Xie revealed a face of caution. After experiencing all that had happened, Yang Xie did not dare to be careless. He knew that sometimes, the more beautiful and illusory a place was, the more terrifying and dangerous it would be.    


The moment he stepped into the willow forest, Yang Xie looked into the distance, his expression suddenly startled, and then slowly revealed a shocked expression.    


But right in front of him, Yang Xie saw a mountain range!    


"How is this possible, why would there be a mountain range appearing in the canyon?" Yang Xie was extremely shocked as he had never heard of a mountain range appearing in the canyon.    


The mountain range in front of him was blood-red, as if drawn with a blood-red brush. The mountain range rose and fell, and although it was only several thousand feet high, it was clearly a mountain range without a doubt.    


Although the canyon was huge, with the existence of Shiling and lakes, but was still shocked to see the mountain range.    


Staring at the mountain range in the distance, Yang Xie felt a strong sense of danger. The feeling of danger was far beyond what he felt when facing the dried up forest.    


He knew that there were a large number of Demonic Beast hiding in the mountain range, and there were probably many of them hiding in the Spirit Realm.    


There might be even more precious treasures in this Blood Mountain Range, but Yang Xie did not plan to go in deeper. It would be difficult for him to even deal with a single Demonic Beast with Spirit Realm, and there was even the possibility of losing his life.    


In this mountain range filled with powerful Demonic Beast s, he was afraid that even if he managed to enter, he would not be able to come out alive.    


Looking at the mountain range in front of him, Yang Xie decided to take a detour around it, and stay as far away from the blood-red mountain range as possible.    


After ten minutes, when Yang Xie was about to pass through the blue colored willow tree, the ophthalmic pupil suddenly shrunk.    


In front of him, there were two white cranes that were over thirty meters tall drinking water in the lake. This white crane was completely snow-white, but its pair of claws were as red as blood. There was a line of blood on each of its forehead.    


Yang Xie did not dare to make the slightest movement, as he was afraid of alerting the two Spirit Realm Demonic Beast s.    


After quite a while, when the two white cranes were full of lake water s, they both spread their wings and flew high into the sky. In the blink of an eye, they had already left the lakeside.    


At this time, Yang Xie finally heaved a sigh of relief. When he walked out, he felt a slight chill behind his back, and it was true that he had broken into a cold sweat just now.    


If he was not careful, he might die here.    


Looking at the two white cranes flying towards the direction of the Blood Mountain Range, it confirmed Yang Xie's guesses, and made up his mind to stay far away from the Blood Mountain Range.    


On the second day, Yang Xie arrived in front of a huge stone wall. The stone wall looked like it was being cut with a blade, as it stood three thousand meters tall.    


And within canyon, there was also the canyon. This kind of strange scene, if it was before, Yang Xie would definitely be shocked, but after seeing everything that happened, Yang Xie did not reveal any of it.    


At canyon's peak, there were red and green flowers, strange flowers, luxuriant purple and red. A strange ancient pine tree stood at the top of the canyon, it was dense and fluffy, covering the sky and the sun.    


Yang Xie looked around and saw that all above the rock wall in the surrounding area, there were purple tree vines that were as thick as arm s. They were twisted and knotted, and on top of them, there was a type of fruit that was about the size of a fist.    


This was a shortcut he had discovered, and happened to pass by the Blood Mountain Range. Although it was still not far from the Blood Mountain Range, as long as he was careful, he should not alert the Demonic Beast in the mountain range.    


This canyon looked abnormally calm, but Yang Xie could faintly feel that something was amiss. However, he was unable to pinpoint what was amiss.    


Just to be safe, Yang Xie circulated all the spiritual energy in his body, just in case something unexpected happened.    


After entering the canyon, the surroundings were unusually quiet. There were not even any sounds of birds or bugs, making the place look deathly still.    


Such a big canyon, yet there was not a single sound, and it was becoming more and more obvious that this place was strange, so Yang Xie did not dare be careless.    


On the way, nothing much happened, and it was extremely calm. If not for the unease in Yang Xie's heart, this place would have been treated as a paradise on earth.    


Yang Xie's eyes lit up when he entered the valley. All sorts of strange flowers bloomed all over, multi-colored and gorgeous, as though it was a sea of flowers.    


At this moment, after the gentle breeze passed, the fragrance of the flowers filled his nose, refreshing his heart.    


Yang Xie swept his gaze across them, only to see that most of these strange flowers were rare and unique treasures. Although Yang Xie did not recognize most of them, he knew that those were all extremely rare and precious treasures.    


For example, in the northeast corner of the valley, there was a three-foot-tall tree. The tree was sparkling like jade, like the stars in the night sky, flickering non-stop. This tree could absorb the essence of the stars, and was an excellent material for smithing.    


In the northwest, there was a purple spirit bamboo, and waves of spirit energy seemed to be attracted by the bamboo, pouring into it, causing the spiritual energy within a few meters to be extremely dense. This was a Spirit Gathering Bamboo, and it had the ability to attract Spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth.    


Also, in the south, there was a small green grass. The small grass was shaped like a sword, like a small sword. This was a sword-shaped plant that could be used to refine medicine.    


Just these few herbal medicine's were already priceless in the outside world. In addition, there were a few spirit flowers and herbs, and the medicinal fragrance that they emitted did not belong to these few herbal medicine, but clearly belonged to some sort of genius treasure!    


Especially a lotus flower in the distance, the medicinal fragrance it emitted far surpassed those herbal medicine's. The two petals on both sides of the lotus flower were curled up, revealing the flower heart in the middle, making it look like an eye.    


Seeing these herbal medicine, Yang Xie was shocked, the entire canyon was filled with herbal medicine, it was just like a medicine garden.    


If these herbal medicine were all taken away, one could imagine how valuable they would be!    


In that moment, Yang Xie's heart started to beat faster, and even his breathing became a little heavier. Yang Xie was extremely excited, after all, if it was anyone else, seeing so many treasures, they would not be able to maintain their calm.    


He could imagine, that if Yang Xie sold these herbal medicine, the amount of Spirit Stone exchanged would be more than enough to exchange for the 'Supreme Mystery Sword Canon', maybe even more than enough.    


Thinking about that, Yang Xie calmed his excitement, and looked around at the canyon.    


The canyon was so quiet, and with so many herbal medicine present, it was obviously impossible for them to be without danger. There must be a hidden danger in the middle, or else, not even a single bird or bug would be seen.    


After looking for a while, Yang Xie still did not find anything strange, and his expression could not help but slightly darken.    


This unknown danger made him even more afraid to act recklessly.    


After standing there quietly for a while, seeing that he did not discover anything wrong, Yang Xie's eyes flashed. His body moved and he slowly walked towards a herbal medicine.    


At the same time, the spiritual energy in his body was surging unceasingly. He did not let down his guard in the slightest.    


As he calmly arrived in front of the herbal medicine, Yang Xie tried to take off the herbal medicine but to his surprise, he discovered that there were no movements from his surroundings.    


This caused Yang Xie to reveal an expression of shock. He looked at the herbal medicine in the distance with uncertainty, and then moved his body, walking straight towards the herbal medicine not far away.    


Following that, Yang Xie harvested a few herbal medicine s, but nothing out of the ordinary happened, which made Yang Xie very surprised.    


After pondering for a moment, Yang Xie no longer held his hands or feet back, he moved his body quickly and took down all the herbal medicine s around him.    


After a short while, Yang Xie finished harvesting all of the herbal medicine in the entire canyon, leaving behind only two herbal medicine.    


The process went smoothly, and even made Yang Xie feel that it was surreal.    


"Could it be that there's really no danger here? Is it because I'm being too sensitive?" Yang Xie was extremely suspicious. Seeing the Spirit Grass on the wall not far away, his body flashed and he arrived in front of the rock wall.    


With a stretch of his hand, the herbal medicine fell into Yang Xie's hands. At this moment, the wariness in Yang Xie's heart had greatly decreased.    


Just as Yang Xie was about to leave and pluck the last herbal medicine, his eyes swept across the purple vine atop the rock wall and his heart couldn't help but be moved.    


This vine looked extremely strange, and he wondered if it was like the vine he met earlier, some kind of precious treasure.    


Thinking about this, Yang Xie stretched out his hand and lightly pulled the vine s on the rock wall, wanting to see what was so special about it.    


Then, when Yang Xie used his strength, with a pu sound, the vine actually broke apart. The sounds it gave off did not sound like the sound of plants breaking, but more like the sound of flesh splitting apart!    


At the same time, a stream of liquid sprayed out. That liquid was crimson like blood, and it even emitted a fishy smell like blood. It was as if it were real blood.    


"This is bad!" Seeing that, Yang Xie's pupils shrank. Without thinking, he instantly retreated.    


Just as he was about to leave, the vine that was originally still suddenly shot out a few vine s that shot out after squirming for a bit like flesh and blood towards the location Yang Xie was at just a moment ago.    


The vine's speed was extremely fast, and when it shot out, the air actually gave off an explosive "pu pu pu" sound, sinking into the ground. It was as if it was stabbing into tofu, and the hard ground was penetrated into bottomless holes.    


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