Super Evil Emperor

C368 Frozen ground

C368 Frozen ground

0"Young Master Shen, you're here." Seeing Shen Kai, Old Man Li immediately stood up and said.    


Hearing this, Shen Kai nodded, his gaze sweeping across the crowd of friar below, and revealing a look of disdain.    


When the friar saw this, his expression became extremely ugly, but he dared not say anything.    


"Get ready." At this time, Shen Kai spoke coldly.    


Old Man Li nodded his head and waved his long sleeves. In an instant, the eighteen jade pillars shone with a blinding light, and following that, the eighteen pillars shot out beams of light. The light pillars converged in the center, forming a halo.    


The halo spun like a whirlpool, as if wanting to suck in everyone within.    


Seeing that, Yang Xie knew that the transfer array had officially opened, and as long as he stepped into that halo, he would be able to travel thousands of miles to reach the center of wasteland.    


After the array was activated, Shen Kai stepped into the halo with a gloomy face. This time, he had come with the intent to snatch the treasure, but who knew that at the most crucial moment, he would change and lose the treasure, causing him to be enraged.    


For the past two days, he had been sending people to look for the person in room number 10 in private, but that person was extremely secretive, and even after searching for a long time, he did not find any news. If it was not for the fact that he had matters to attend to in the wasteland, then those people who dared to snatch the treasure from him would definitely have been found out, letting him know the consequences of offending him.    


"Hmph, I shall let you roam around for a while longer. Let's see where you can run to when I return back from wasteland!" With this thought in mind, Shen Kai stepped into the halo with a gloomy expression.    


In a split-second, his figure flashed, and he disappeared from the center of the transfer array.    


Soon after, the guards behind him also stepped into the halo of light and disappeared.    


Following the departure of the few disciples, the light circle started to slowly shrink. Not long after, it disappeared without a trace, and at the same time, the light pillar no longer emitted any light aura, as the entire transfer array became completely dark.    


Seeing this, Yang Xie sighed in his heart, he knew that the next time the transfer array opened, it would only be for three months. Three months was simply too long, he could not wait, and now it seemed that the only way was to use the 'Cloud Boat' that everyone called him, although it was a little slow, it was still faster than the transfer array.    


The rest of the people's faces were gloomy, now that the transfer array had closed, everyone could not think of using the array to go to the wasteland anymore, and the only way now was to use the 'Cloud Boat'.    


Thinking of this, everyone left the area with dark expressions.    


Yang Xie followed the crowd from behind. He did not know where the 'Cloud Boat' was, and looking at the looks of these people, it was obviously impossible for them to continue waiting for another three months. They would definitely use the 'Cloud Boat' to leave this place, and it just so happened that he could continue to follow them from the location of the 'Cloud Boat' in front of these people.    


Two hours later, a flying boat that was several tens of meters large shot out from the 'Tianjingfang', and flew towards the center of the wasteland at an extremely fast speed.    


At this moment, in the flying boat, there were dozens of scattered people. Amongst them, there were the ones who were forced to ride on the flying boat, as well as a few friar s.    


In a corner with no one around, Yang Xie sat cross-legged on the ground and looked through the light screen to the outside of the flying boat. What was strange was that although the light screen looked bright, it did not obstruct his line of sight.    


The trees and rivers below were retreating at an extremely fast speed, their speed was so fast that it was unknown how many times stronger than his light speed was. In less than a moment, they were already close to the borders of Tongguo.    


"This' Cloud Boat 'is truly fast. With this speed, we can truly reach the Wasteland Center within a month." Sensing the speed of the 'Cloud Boat', Yang Xie was amazed, and an urge to buy the boat welled up in his heart.    


However, Yang Xie immediately interrupted his train of thought. This kind of flying treasure that could travel thousands of miles just for a single trip was extremely expensive, not to mention him, even an ordinary sect wouldn't be able to afford it.    


"I heard that this Cloud Boat belongs to the Heaven's Path Trading Company. I wonder what kind of existence this Heaven's Path Trading Company is." Yang Xie looked at the Spirit Realm expert seated at the very front and recalled the slightly fearful expressions on everyone's faces. He could faintly guess that this' Heavenly Path Trading Company 'was an extremely terrifying existence.    


It was at this time that Yang Xie sensed that there were people constantly looking at him strangely from all directions. He slightly swept his gaze over them, and upon seeing the expressions in their eyes, he laughed coldly in his heart.    


But these people still did not give up their plans for him after they had ascended to the 'Cloud Boat', and not just them, even the other friar s had strange looks in their eyes. Needless to say, they all had the same plan as the others, and the reason for that was simply because Yang Xie's cultivation was low.    


"Low cultivation? "Let's see whose fist is the bigger then." Yang Xie laughed coldly in his heart, and no longer bothered with the others, and continued to observe the scenery below.    


When this' Cloud Boat 'flew over the Tongguo, it did not take long for them to reach another unknown country. Among them, a few friar s, after seeing this' Cloud Boat ', avoided it far, as if they did not want to offend this flying boat. This also made Yang Xie even more certain that this' Heavenly Path Trading Company 'was definitely an extremely large force.    


Just like this, they continued to fly for a few days, passing through over a dozen nations in the middle of the journey, allowing Yang Xie to experience various kinds of wondrous scenery, allowing him to broaden his horizons.    


Of course, even though the scenery was beautiful, there were still times when he was tired of it. A few days later, Yang Xie stopped focusing on the scenery below and closed his eyes to cultivate.    


Day after day, the people flew for who knows how many tens of thousands of miles in this boring journey. They traveled through an unknown number of countries, and occasionally, a few Demonic Beast would try to catch up to the boat.    


In the blink of an eye, they had already stayed on the flying boat for a total of twenty-five days. In five days, they would reach the middle of wasteland.    


At this time, some people no longer closed their eyes to cultivate and cast their gazes downwards.    


At this moment, they were flying in a vast expanse of ice. As far as the eye could see, the sky and earth were completely white. Not even a hint of green could be seen. There was not even a sliver of life.    


The snow violently danced below, shrouding the distant scenery in a layer of white mist that made it difficult to see clearly.    


Snow mountains towered in the distance like a white dragon made of ice.    


"After passing this' snow plain ', I will reach the middle part of wasteland." At this time, the middle-aged man who sat at the very front and had never spoken before, suddenly spoke up.    


Hearing this, everyone's face revealed a trace of joy. After all, they had been on the flying boat for almost a month. It was a bit boring, and seeing that they were about to achieve their goal, everyone was overjoyed.    


Yang Xie was also excited, he yearned to see what the Wasteland Center looked like.    


All of a sudden, the atmosphere on the flying boat became lively.    


Yang Xie looked at the scenery below him. This was the first time he had seen such an enormous plain of ice.    


As time passed, Yang Xie was more and more shocked in his heart, because until now, they were still flying on the ice plains.    


In the past, even when they had traveled through some large countries, they did not use this' Cloud Boat 'for long. However, even after flying for half a day on this ice plains, they still did not fly over this land of ice. Even when he looked into the distance with his own eyes, everything he saw was still as white as snow.    


"Just how big is this' snow plain '?" Yang Xie was extremely shocked. Just the ice field that he had passed by earlier had an area as big as a dozen Daliang s, and now the ice field was still as boundless as ever, as though there was no end to it.    


Not only him, but the other friar s were also shocked when they saw the ice plains below them.    


Just like this, they flew for almost an entire day. This' Cloud Boat 'had yet to pass through this field of ice, which made Yang Xie even more shocked.    


Some of the friar s sucked in a breath of cold air, their faces full of shock and horror.    


They were not surprised by this, because the size of the ice plains was truly shocking.    


Just then, the A powerhouse of the Spirit Realm who had his eyes closed lifted up and looked at everyone's expression, and said indifferently: "This' snow plain 'is also known as the' Frozen End Death Ground ', it is as vast as the desert, if there is no one familiar with this place, they will definitely be lost, and will not be able to escape. I, the Heavenly Path Trading Company, have paid a huge price to open up a safer route. However, there will be some dangers on this route, but as long as you pay attention, it will not be too much of a problem. We have yet to enter the central area of the 'snow plain', so we will need three days to travel through this place. "    


With that said, everyone was shocked, they never thought that after flying for a day, they would still not be able to reach the center of snow plain, so that meant, how big was this place?    


At the same time, when they heard about the dangerous situation he was talking about, everyone's expression changed slightly. It was evident that they did not expect there to be another danger.    


However, a trace of wariness had also risen in everyone's hearts. They began to closely watch their surroundings, and were no longer as relaxed as before.    


Two days later, in the snow-white world, a misty flying boat flew across the sky, giving this ice field that was filled with an aura of death a sliver of life force.    


However, they had suddenly been surrounded by a group of Snow Eagles from the The sky is perfect earlier. Fortunately, the expert from the Spirit Realm had acted in time to resolve their predicament, otherwise, if they had been surrounded by those Snow Eagles that were extremely fast and aggressive, it would have been difficult for them to escape death.    


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