The Strongest Abandoned Master In City

C881 It Belongs to the Eighth King

C881 It Belongs to the Eighth King

2Before Shen Xie could do anything, Shen Xiao's divine soul was shattered by the two priests, one green and one white. His entire body and divine soul had turned into a mass of faint black fog.     4


It was as if he had never appeared before.    


Shen Xue was watching all of this from afar. She was scared out of her wits.    




She opened her mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, then softly fell down.    


Yang Qiu held Shen Xue in his arms and sent her into the Chaotic World.    


He stared at the green and white Taoist priest. Looking at their compassionate faces, he felt disgusted in his heart.    


"What should I call you? Receive? Accurate? Or should I call you by your real names in the God Clan? Divine Guidance, Divine Promotion? "    


Yang Qiu slowly walked to the front of Shen Xie. Facing these two old Daoists, he suddenly had an endless amount of confidence.    


Saint? He was no longer afraid of a saint.    


In fact, he was no longer afraid of anyone.    


It didn't matter if it was the God Clan, Devil Clan, or anyone else.    


No matter what scheme it was. . . He didn't need to be afraid of any schemes.    


He had the strength and foundation to compete with all the forces.    


The Taoist priest wearing a white Daoist robe looked at Yang Qiu with a kind face. He still had the same kind of compassionate tone.    


"Yang Qiu, you and I are fated to meet. Quickly kneel down and acknowledge me as your master. In the future, I will become the master of all worlds. You will be my first disciple. You will enjoy the worship of all worlds. You will be above all, immortal and free. "    


Yang Qiu sneered.    


"Undying and indestructible? Do you still want to live and die?"    


Receiving Taoist Guiyuan smiled. He slowly extended a jade-like hand and gently pressed it down.    


The entire void was sealed, and an indescribably powerful, grand, and indescribably dignified aura pressed down fiercely. It was gentle, domineering, and unquestionable.    


All the guards, and all the emissaries of the God Clan were crushed into pieces. Even their God Horoscopes were turned into nothingness.    


Shen Xie suddenly let out a shrill howl. He was incomparably terrified as he cried out crazily:    


"Impossible! You two. . . !"    


Before he could finish his words, a bright light suddenly appeared behind Receiving Guide. A golden light shot into the sky, and a golden divine soul that was ten thousand meters tall suddenly appeared in the void.    


A holy aura that blotted out the sky and covered the earth, and an intoxicating sandalwood fragrance floated down from the sky. The divine soul that was ten thousand meters tall was actually a golden Buddha.    


Shen Xie was completely shocked to the point that his mind was in a complete mess. He spat out a mouthful of golden blood, and cracking sounds could be heard from all over his body. However, his eyes were fixed on the golden Buddha, and he gritted his teeth and said:    


"Impossible, absolutely impossible. You two lowly things, how can you. . . Cultivate to such a degree? Ten thousand meters of the Divine Soul. This. . . Is not the Divine Soul!"    


Before Shen Xie could finish his sentence, another mouthful of golden blood spurted out from his mouth.    


The compassion on Taoist Guiding's face became even thicker. When he looked at Shen Xie, it was as if he was looking at a lost child. That kind of look made Shen Xie's divine soul shake.    


"Shen Xie, come into my sect. You should enjoy your freedom and freedom!"    


Waves of chanting suddenly sounded in Shen Xie's mind. The sky was filled with Ying Luo like snowflakes, falling down without any cost. Each Ying Luo seemed to contain a terrifying power. That power was indescribably strange, but it could continuously weaken Shen Xie's willpower.    


Shen Xie's eyes became somewhat blank. Gradually, his body, which he had been defending against, began to relax bit by bit.    


Yang Qiu suddenly shouted.    


"Old bastard, is this the only way to confuse people?"    


A loud shout sent a shiver down Shen Xie's spine. He suddenly came to his senses and broke out in a cold sweat.    


"Damn it! You two lowly things! You. . . ! "    


That feeling just now almost made Shen Xie fall for it.    


It was an indescribable feeling, but it could cause one's soul to unknowingly fall into a certain state. This method was one of the most powerful edifying methods of Buddhism.    


When Yang Qiu was still on Earth, the Hu family in Hong Kong had encountered such a thing.    


The ancestors of the Hu family had been cursed by someone using some kind of method. This had caused the generations of the Hu family to be passed down through the generations. Yang Qiu had broken the Soul Curse in the bloodline of the Hu family, and this had caused the Hu family to ask for such a tragic fate.    


The most powerful edifying method in Buddhism was to become Buddha on the spot.    


Regardless of whether you were a heinous villain or a person like you, the so-called becoming a Buddha on the spot was nonsense. You were completely blinded by the power of the great art, turning you into a puppet of someone else.    


Even Shen Xie was almost struck by the attack of Venerable Guiding himself.    


After Shen Xie came to his senses, he bowed to Yang Qiu with gratitude. Then, he stared at Guiding and Qiinti with a calm tone. However, the coldness that penetrated deep into his bone marrow wasn't concealed at all.    


"You two are no longer the two lowly things of God Clan! Your divine souls are not real divine souls. This is your world. So, you can suppress me!"    


Both Taoist Guiyuan and Taoist Guiyuan exchanged a surprised look at the same time. Taoist Guiyuan still had a merciful look on his face, but Taoist Guiyuan had a bitter look on his face.    


Yang Qiu also vaguely thought of something, but he wasn't as direct as Shen Xie. After all, the gap between their strength was just too great. After hearing what Shen Xie said, he immediately realized what was going on.    


All the conflicts, disasters, and disturbances in this world. He had lived three lives, and had experienced all the things that he had experienced. He was the real mastermind behind all of these. These two seemingly kind looking old men were standing in front of him.    


Finally, he saw them.    


As the Sage Supreme, He had been an insignificant Golden Core Stage cultivator ever since he was born, but now, he was playing tricks behind the scenes, causing him to possess his body and reincarnate, and then plot against him again, causing him to live three lives as a human being. How could these two old fogies still have the demeanor of a Saint?    


Especially Xia Yu's death!    


Yang Qiu's gaze was so calm that it was frightening. His tone was also so calm that it was frightening. He seriously looked at the two old Daoists and slowly said.    


"You two are the most shameless people in the world. A saint was not even as shameless as a prostitute. You are not even comparable to the teapot in the brothel, yet you still pretend to be merciful. . . In my eyes, in the Three Saints of Daoism, In the eyes of the Nine Saints of the Human Clan, and even the people of the Devil Clan who have the same status and strength as you, Even in the eyes of the God Clan, who do you think you are? You are nothing more than a swindler who swindles others for food and drinks. In fact, you are really pitiful. There must be something detestable about pitiful people. Or is it because your mother grew up in a whorehouse! Do you know what a whorehouse is? It is a whorehouse. It's a brothel, Shen Xie. I wonder if there's a brothel in God Realm!"    


Shen Xie was so excited that his whole body was trembling. He laughed heartily.    


"My Lord, yes! Your divine sense is divine! These two lowly things. . . Back then, their origins were really. . . Hahaha!"    


Yang Qiu turned his head and looked innocently at the guide and the pointer. He spread his hands out.    


"Look, did I say anything wrong? You guys are so pitiful! "    


Even if Yang Qiu said a hundred times more vicious words, he wouldn't be able to shake the hearts of these two men. However, his eyes were filled with true contempt.    


One should know that no matter what, the gap between Yang Qiu's strength and theirs was too great. At this moment, Yang Qiu would never do such a thing out of any consideration. However, he just had to do it.    


"It really belongs to the eighth king! He only knows how to stir up trouble in the dark and doesn't dare to show his face!"    


The expressions of the Receiving and Prospective Saints at this moment were simply too interesting.    


Compassion, sorrow, there was nothing left. The two Saints looked at Yang Qiu with trembling eyes. A terrifying Qi turned into a cage, locking Yang Qiu and Shen Xie in the middle.    


"Ignorant brat, today, I will let you experience what it means to live a life worse than death. I will make you a pig and dog even after ten thousand reincarnations!"    


Yang Qiu smiled faintly.    


"It's fine as long as you don't make a big teapot. Otherwise, I will still be your father. Do you know what a big teapot is? It's the Turtle Shell Lord of a brothel, your father! "    


The aura of the receiver suddenly changed. Within that terrifying aura. . . Countless faces with various expressions appeared, some of them filled with terror. Some were panicked, some were sad. Some were desperate, hideous. . . Crazy, screaming. All kinds of negative emotions merged together, as if all the negative emotions in the world had been compressed into a bowl of soup. He had to pour it into Yang Qiu's mouth.    


All the miserable lives in the world kept repeating. Yang Qiu's heart was so bitter that it started to twitch. Even the blood in his body had turned into yellow and bitter water. However, his face remained calm, as if he had turned a blind eye to the illusions around him.    


The ridicule and disdain in his eyes became stronger and stronger.    


"Ignorant kid. Today, I will definitely ferry you ashore!"    


The Guiding Daoist's eyes flickered with five different colors, which were incomparably dazzling. However, Yang Qiu smiled and said:    


"Old bastard, are you really a bald donkey? Look at the group of bald donkeys under you. Why do you have to pretend to be a Daoist? You said that you were beaten to the point that you were looking for your teeth. The God Clan, who was pissing their pants and fleeing for their lives, Yet, you had to pretend to be the bald donkeys of Buddha Realm and come to this world. You have to pretend to be a Daoist of the Daoist Sect again. In this lifetime. . . What a pity, aside from lying. . . Could it be that there is nothing else?"    


Receiving and Future stared at Yang Qiu. Their faces suddenly revealed a smile.    


"Hehehe! Hahaha! This kid is really fated with our sect! Come! "    


Receiving the ten thousand meter tall Buddha Golden Body behind him, he suddenly opened his eyes. After that, a huge golden hand directly covered Yang Qiu's head.    


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