Super Little Farmer



0I was so shocked that I forgot to swallow the food in my mouth. The chopsticks that reached into the bowl wouldn't be able to come with the food. It took me a while to regain my senses. Looking at my sister-in-law's blushing face, my head started working at a high speed, and it was soon clear that this was the tension of working on the same site as me, Li Zheng, and Zhigao. Last night, I told their wives about my embarrassing incident; their wives told my sister-in-law about it today; and then my sister-in-law came to question me!     4


Seeing her expression, I could not hide anything from her. I told her everything that had happened to me. Of course, when I accidentally saw the mountain peaks on her chest, I automatically skipped over them. After listening to my story, my sister-in-law didn't say anything, nor did she say anything. It took me a while to realize that I had not eaten, but was staring at her. First I blushed a little, and then I motioned for her to eat. As I was eating, my sister-in-law said at a leisurely pace, "Zhang Yun, do you want to try the taste of a woman?"    


"Pah!" The bowl in my hand was too big for me, and since it was too small for me to eat, I ate too much. So, under my sister-in-law's suggestion, I started to drop the bowl for a meal. Luckily, I reacted quickly and caught the bowl once again with a flip of my hand.    


Seeing that I was staring at her with a weird expression, my sister-in-law seemed to panic a little. After a while, she seemed to have gotten hold of something and her blushing face became calmer and calmer. I heard that Zhu Zhi's daughter looks pretty good! "    


Being stunned by my sister-in-law's charming demeanor, my brain short-circuited and I blurted out, "I'm not looking for her!" If you want to find someone, you need to find someone as beautiful and gentle as sister-in-law! " When my sister-in-law heard this, she panicked and seemed to be flustered. She stopped eating and knocked my head with her chopsticks. With a blush on her face, she quickly left the room. When I saw her expression, I immediately came to my senses. I knew that I had said the wrong thing, so I didn't dare to follow her out. Sometimes, he would sleep on the bed and sweat profusely. He thought that he was flirting with his sister-in-law, and his brother in the underworld would come to him to fight for his life. At other times, he would wonder what the girl's taste was, and he would really want to have a taste of it. While I was lost in my thoughts, I suddenly fell asleep. I didn't know when my sister-in-law Guo Qing had come back to my room.    


When I got up the next day, my sister-in-law had already bought me some steamed buns and porridge as usual. As I ate the steamed buns, I stole a glance at my sister-in-law. However, I discovered that she was surprisingly calm and didn't seem to be in the wrong. It was as if last night's incident hadn't happened at all. When I was satisfied, I said hello to my sister-in-law and went out to the construction site. "At the moment when I turned around, I could clearly see my sister-in-law looking at me with an earnest and affectionate gaze; but when I focused on her, she was as calm as ever, as if nothing had happened." Maybe nothing really happened! " After confirming that everything was calm, I finally decided that I was seeing things. After saying this to myself, I went back to my work.    


However, ever since then, the wife of Zhu Zhi has been particularly fond of talking to me. Every time he saw me, he would call himself his mother-in-law, making everyone laugh. Zhu Zhi treated me very warmly, no matter what he was doing, as long as I entered the cafeteria, he would immediately stop what he was doing and speak to me.    


Again this afternoon.    


Seeing me enter the cafeteria, Zhu Zhi immediately stopped his work of preparing food for the other laborers and handed the spoon to one of the teachers who came to help with the cooking. He walked over to greet me while wiping his hands. From the way he treated me, those who didn't know me could only say that we were old acquaintances who saw each other every day, and that most of our son-in-law didn't have that kind of relationship.    


Still flattered, I handed over five yuan, which Zhu Zhi accepted, then selected a stainless steel lunchbox and went inside. When he came out later, he found a good meal, even some Red Braised Meat and Hot Pepper Egg Fried Rice. I'm sure that five yuan would never be able to buy these dishes anywhere!    


Seeing this situation, a few labourers at the side laughed, and one of them teased, "Old Zhu, by your way of doing this, don't tell me you really view us, Little Zhang, as your son-in-law? "How about, with the same amount of money, our dishes are just that much worse?" Just as Zhu Zhi was about to start a conversation, the wife of Zhu Zhi who was inside coincidentally came out. When she heard this, she scolded half-truthfully: "So what if I regard him as my son-in-law?" You scoundrels, don't you see that Xiao Zhang is eating too long? How can you not eat? If you want him to be so young, handsome, and polite, I would be willing to marry even if I had a woman, and even if I had good food for you to eat! If there's none, then let's pull them all down …    


Those laborers were not afraid of Zhu Zhi, but they were afraid of this woman, who spoke carelessly and cursed fiercely. When they heard her words, they all shut their mouths. I thanked them for the meal and, ignoring their meanness, took it to a corner and wolfed it down.    


After a quick meal, everyone went back to the workshop to sleep. As a laborer who lived outside the construction site, I had nowhere to sleep, so I found a place on the site that was a little shady and fell asleep immediately. Ignoring the heat and the good and bad of the place, I quickly fell asleep after a long morning's hard work.    


There was someone! In my sleep, I suddenly felt someone move around me. I stood up like a carp, my hands moving at the same time. In a flash, I had the man under my control: my right hand was around his throat, my left hand was around his right arm, and he was holding it behind his back.    


"Ouch!" The man screamed. It was a very crisp female voice. I took a closer look and saw that the one I had subdued was actually a top-notch beauty! That beauty was even more beautiful than his own sister-in-law, Sister Guo Qing. It was hard to look at her directly.    


Obviously, this beautiful girl didn't know any martial arts and was harmless to me. I heaved a sigh of relief. After glancing at the beauty before me, I didn't pay any attention to her and immediately fell back to sleep.    


"Hey, get up!" The girl turned off a small camera she was holding in her left hand. Seeing that I was going to sleep again, she motioned for me to get up. I had already seen the machine in her hand and guessed that it would be worth some money. After thinking about it for a moment, he realized that he had been too smart when he made his move. If it wasn't for the fact that the girl had been carrying the machine with her left hand, I might have knocked the machine to the ground when I subdued her. Subconsciously, I looked at the girl's right hand and saw that her fingers were holding two small clumps of cement stains. His heart skipped a beat. He looked at his own body and saw that there were two cement stains on his clothes. He immediately guessed that when he had fallen asleep, he had gotten these two on his clothes. He had just been sleeping soundly and had not cared about them at all. This girl seemed to have good intentions in her heart. She had come to help him, but he had made her look like this. Just as I was feeling ashamed of myself, I heard the girl call me this. I stood up without a word.    


"I'm a reporter from Nanwei Television Station. I want to be a civilian." the beautiful girl said. "At the construction site, I only see you sleeping here. Can you help me?"    


I was wondering what such a beautiful person with such a camera had come to the construction site for, when I heard it, and realized at once that she was a reporter for the news. For a moment, I was a little impressed by the girl in front of me. Such a hot day and such a messy place, she had actually come here. She truly had mastered the basics and possessed the potential to be a good reporter.    


Appreciation is praise, but it does not mean that I will cooperate with her work. Actually, it wasn't that I didn't want to cooperate, it was that I didn't like to be on TV and in the newspapers like this. More importantly, I was so sleepy right now that I had to sleep!    


Then I shook my head at him, ignored her, sat down on the floor, closed my eyes, and went back to sleep. Seeing me like this, the girl didn't seem to be mentally prepared. She blanked out for a while and then seemed to be angry. She raised her leg and lightly kicked me. "Hey, don't sleep anymore. Help me!"    


I shook my head. Thinking it might be impolite, he opened his eyes and said to her, "No, I'm very sleepy. I still have things to do in the afternoon. I want to sleep! "    


"You only know how to sleep!" The beautiful girl lightly kicked me again. "Look at how lazy you are!"    


Boom!" There was a loud noise in my head. I couldn't hear what she said at all. I just stared at the scene in front of me …    


It turned out that with this kick from the beautiful girl, the long skirt immediately opened up. Lying on the ground, I opened my eyes and looked up, and instantly saw the situation of the girl's dress: pink panties of the same size and style as those worn by my sister-in-law, Guo Qing!    


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