Super Little Farmer



1After the girl and I were rescued by the PLA troops, we split up after a brief meeting. At that time, I was 12 years old. That girl should be over 20 years old. She was very beautiful. From then on, they never had the chance to see each other again. However, along with my brother, I also took the opportunity to relieve several people, including a teenage high school girl. The girl was older than my brother and me, but her fate was rough. Because in one day she had lost four of her closest relatives: when the flood broke out, her father had gone on a motorcycle to get people to run away, and unfortunately had been washed away by the flood; her mother had gone alone to save her grandfather and grandmother, and the water had rushed in and all three of them had perished. It was only because of this that this girl had the chance to be saved by her family, which were kept in a large wooden bucket in the countryside, which was used to store rice. Because my brother and I were rowing a boat to save people, I happened to see this barrel, to save this tearful girl. Afterwards, he brought it directly to the flood control headquarters. He happened to meet old General Wang. Old General Wang, who was fighting against the flood, didn't put on any airs. After listening to my introduction, he only told the two of us to keep the girl and let us return to our own team.    1


And only today do I know what happened ten years ago: the middle school girl I saved was this big sister Guo Qing! It's just that I haven't been able to recognize her since the age of eighteen. Of course, this was also Guo Qing's big sister's fault, she had not been able to explain the whole thing. Otherwise I would have recognized it.    


After my brother and I handed her over to Old General Wang, Old General Wang's Queen of Justice, Hao Yun, rushed over. After learning about Guo Qing's situation, he took the initiative to raise her. It was only because he saw Guo Qing suddenly lose all her family members, that Wang Haoyun took the initiative to assume the role of "mother" as an unmarried woman. As for Old General Wang, he naturally became a 'grandfather'. Only, she didn't expect that Big Sister Guo Qing would never change her opinion of Wang Haoyun, who was only ten years older than her, ever since the first time she called him "mother". In fact, Guo Qing couldn't change her mind no matter how many times Wang Haoyun tried to persuade her to be the "big sister". Wang Haoyun didn't have a proud expression on his face. As time passed, he accepted this fact. As a result, it once again affected her own marriage. In the end, in order to raise Guo Qing, she chose not to marry him. Of course, for a long time, no man really caught her eyes. This delay lasted for ten years.    


In the end, Wang Haoyun was able to learn of my situation through his relationship with his father. Afterwards, he also came to know that I was the one who had saved her life in the past. Later, my brother and I grew up. Big Sister Guo Qing was determined to repay this debt of gratitude. With the tacit approval of Old General Wang and Wang Haoyun, she took the initiative to get acquainted and to get engaged with my big brother Zhang Gang. At that time neither I nor my brother recognized her, and she did not want our family to know that she had come to repay her gratitude, so she did not make it clear, but only created an extremely fortuitous opportunity for her to be acquainted with my brother. At that time, she only wanted to know either of us, and it turned out that the first person she knew was my brother. After they met, my brother's looks, knowledge, and character made her agree with him. Unfortunately, after my brother met with misfortune, I was the only one left to take care of this' unmarried sister-in-law '. After that, everything about me, sincerity, courage, character, etc., truly impressed her.    


After that, Old General Wang became seriously ill and dispelled the public's criticism. He had his daughters and 'granddaughters' invite me over to explain my illness to them. Of course, he wanted me to take good care of his' granddaughter ', Guo Qing's elder sister. Seeing that I nodded my head in agreement, Old General Wang quietly left. I took care of the old man's new affairs. And then one day, while I was holding Big Sister Guo Qing's arm and chatting, I came across her "mother" and Big Sister Hao Yun's true thoughts: So, I also couldn't forget that little boy who took away her first kiss more than ten years ago and had a life-and-death relationship with her! Now, of course, the girl had grown up and was a handsome man in the economic world!    


Afterwards, after receiving this information, with the support of all the girls in my family, I began to intensely pursue this big sister Wang Haoyun. After three years of love, big sister Hao Yun finally agreed to my request.    


Thinking about the whole process of me and big sister Hao Yun knowing and dating, I felt a warm feeling in my heart, a warm feeling once again. Seeing that she and Aitin were having a good time, he felt quite pleased with himself. He gave each of them a slap on the butt and let them tease themselves. Then, as usual, he put on his tracksuit and went out for a run.    


The island was still the same. The island in the early morning was exceptionally tranquil and tranquil.    


This island, to me, should be a lucky island!    


Seven and a half years ago, I met the big star Jade Lady Han Bing'er by chance on that passenger plane. Although we killed all of those criminals, the two of us got off the plane. After floating on the sea for more than ten days, they finally made it to the island before the storm came. And then he lived on the island for a year and a half. Later on, Han Bing'er became pregnant with me and I was forced to go to sea before I was finally saved. Four years ago, when I found out that more and more girls around me were unwilling to leave me, and that I was also unwilling to abandon any of them, under Han Bing'er's resentful gaze, I wiped off my cold sweat as I thought of a way out. It was only by chance that I thought of this island. After some investigation, it turned out that this was a nameless island in Australia. He had first acquired a Sudanese state in the name of investment, and then bought the island for more than $700 million. Over the next year, I spent more than four billion dollars to build a livable living area on the island, as well as a super-strong protection organization and the roundabout highway. Two months ago, our family moved to this island. In fact, we often leave the island. In order to strengthen the island's connection with the outside world, I spent a lot of money to prepare four items: first, the satellite. That's right, the satellite, and it's three of them. Two are private satellites I own, one on loan. This guaranteed the absolute freedom of my island and of external information. The three satellites cost me more than three billion dollars. Secondly, I bought a super luxurious cruise ship for only us people to use. In fact, I have five cruise ships on hand right now, but only this one is for the rest of us. The other four are for my company. As for this special cruise ship, due to its complete capabilities and advanced equipment, its air defense and anti-submarine capabilities were comparable to some destroyers. There were even 12 directors on this cruise. Anti-submarine, anti-ship, anti-aircraft, three types of 4 each. As for the rear end of the cruise ship, there was also a specially designed helipad. This super luxurious cruise cost me another 1.8 billion dollars. Its name, like that of the island, was Gadfly Island. Third, I really bought a destroyer. To my surprise, this fully functional Russian destroyer cost only hundreds of millions of dollars, cheaper than my luxury cruise ship. Of course, I also spent $1.1 billion to build a benign deep water port on the island for the destroyer and the super luxury cruise ship. It took me quite a bit of energy to buy this big guy. A few of my women didn't want to buy it, but I decided to guard against it and decided to buy it in the end. This fellow had truly made Yu Ke and the others too happy to keep their mouths shut. Fourth, I bought four helicopters at once. Two specially designed shipborne models, normally used to link the ship to land. The other two were passenger helicopters, also for communication with the outside world. To that end, I built a row of ten helipads on one side of the island. This cost me close to 1.7 billion dollars.    


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