Super Little Farmer



2It was still the same bank! I failed a third time. Of course, I looked for other banks in turn. Somehow, the failure of the loan with this woman surnamed Ding seemed to be known by the other banks. Because when I talked to these other banks about the loan, they all mentioned Vice President Ding without exception. The end result, of course, was that I continued to return empty-handed. The only two things I got were: The first reason was that your company had no real assets to back it up, and was unable to obtain a loan. We were unable to help her; the second was the name of the female vice president, whose last name I finally knew was Ding Mingyao!     4


Even though my teeth were chattering with hatred, there was nothing I could do. I don't understand either. Why does this Ding guy disagree and other banks know about it? When he returned home, he asked Zhu Dantong about it and found out that there was a credit channel between the banks. As for me, I don't have enough credibility!    


I didn't succeed in borrowing money directly, but it didn't bother me, and in the end I did. It wasn't any other loan, it was a car loan. Using the excavators and heavy cars as a counterweight. Of course, this was done according to Zhu Dantong's suggestion, and it really helped me a lot.    


For example, my newly formed machinery company used this mortgage to buy four excavators and 30 heavy trucks at a time. The original budget of 5.5 million yuan, now in the form of mortgages, has been bought more vehicles, but also saved nearly 800 thousand yuan. Not only that, but the rest of the money was spent on renting other equipment, including 4 excavators and 20 heavy trucks.    


The recruitment staff for Yinzi were also all in place. One was a technical professional, thanks to the appearance of two old professors. Many of their students took the initiative to take a part-time job here. As for those who were in the school, they treated me as an internship area. Second, the engineers, including the excavator operators, because I got a monthly salary of 6,000 yuan, really got a few good people. As for the team, it was relatively easy to recruit. What's more, I have the team of Zhang Jun and Luo Zhiwei? Once the vehicle is confirmed, the first thing I did was to transfer Zhang Jun to be the managing director of the new machinery company, also serving as the general manager of the new company. The original logistics fleet was managed by Luo Zhiwei, and his job was also the general manager and general director of the logistics fleet, except that this general manager was the vice general manager of the vegetable company.    


The funds were in place. The personnel arrived. The vehicle hardware is in place. Now all he had to do was wait for the results of three things. First, of course, was the detailed map. Second, was the preparation of the road pipeline. Thirdly, and most important to me, is the question of the return of the road. This has already been reported to the province, we are also in the process of drawing up the relevant contract, synchronized reporting. The first and the third were not things that I could accomplish alone, and I did not have the answers right now, so I had to deal with the third.    


Zhu Dantong sent her cousin Sun Te, who presided over the geological survey. This middle-aged man was clearly a skilled talent, and he did things in an extremely meticulous manner. The afternoon he came to report to me, he arrived at the construction site. I had the Spirit arrange for five technicians to follow. Yukiko wanted her cousin, Liu Ruohua, to join her. I know that kid, too. He did things very meticulously. There were four more people, two of them fresh out of college, following Sun Te. While Sun Te was doing a detailed survey, I worked with Zhu Dantong to connect with telecommunications, electricity, running water, sewage treatment plants, and so on, all the related preparations were in place. At first, these departments didn't believe we were going to build roads in those places, so I ran into walls; then a few times I got better, because it seemed like they got the news from somewhere and supported my work. And only then did I know that I was going to pay for all these pipes.    


Damn, just this alone would cost tens of millions of dollars! I almost froze at the news. Afterwards, he thought that there was no other solution, so he finally agreed. After he obtained the requirements for the various pipelines, he would deal with them himself. I didn't say a word on the way back. Zhu Dantong was more meticulous, she suggested to me on the way, since this road is new anyway, I might as well dig up all the underground and prepare for a third hand. First, make a big pipeline and put all the pipelines, such as electricity, telecommunications, optical cables and so on, in it. Second, make a sewer for sewage treatment. I thought about it and decided it was good. Later on, he remembered that his villa was filled with piping liquefied gas, so he added a bit more. This underground area also had a pipeline, which was called liquefied gas pipelines. Zhu Dantong was very excited to see me agree with her and come up with a new point of view. Her beautiful eyes stared at me for a while, but she refused to leave. This made me feel unfree again, so I had to slip away. "Seeing me like this, Zhu Dantong gave me a meaningful look, then stopped talking and followed me.    


With that in mind, Zhu Dantong, Yinzi, and I split the responsibility. I am in charge of the purchase of liquefied gas pipelines; Zhu Dantong is in charge of the purchase of sewage pipes and water pipes; Yinzi is in charge of the purchase of cables, optical cables, etc. Of course, this was not an immediate purchase, but a preparation, such as size, composition, price, and so on. I think I can do it as soon as the documents are out. For me, time is money, and I can't afford to waste it.    


I'll be there in half a month. Even though I'm tired, I'm very happy. All sorts of preparations were in place. But the comments from the province worried me. According to the original plan, he should have given me a definite answer within the next 15 days. However, today, the reply he gave me was only three words: Still under discussion!    


I spent the night in a state of depression. I don't understand why it took so long for such a thing to happen. After dinner, Zhu Dantong came to walk with me. It seemed that she already knew of this matter, so she came over specially. At this moment, I finally understood that there are 'unspoken rules'!    


Unwritten rules?    


I started. I don't understand what that means.    


Zhu Dantong looked at me deeply for a long time before she said, I need to get some food!    


At this point, I understand that this "hidden plan" is to take the kickback! I was a little hateful, but my innate character made me feel depressed again. I wanted to resist, but I found I was powerless. He knew that Zhu Dantong was right. After thinking carefully for a while, he finally made up his mind.    


Then I took two steps away. The first step was to ask Old Professor Zeng and Old Professor Luo to take the field directly and use their relationship to find the relevant department heads. The second step, I personally came out and told Yinzi to prepare 1 million yuan to pay the "hidden rules" to the key figures according to the clues provided by Zhu Dantong.    


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