Super Little Farmer



4"Yunzi, Yating and I both know that you need a lot of money right now. But we don't have enough money, so we can think of another way! " Seeing that I had raised my head to look at her, Ronnie tried to persuade me softly. After thinking for a moment, she said, "We can lend you some money!"     3


When I heard the first words, I also said that Ronnie already had a way to raise money; and when I heard the last sentence, I finally gave a wry smile!    


Is this a way?    


I've tried it many times!    


When I think of the face of Division Chief Ding Yao, as well as that proof of credit, I am speechless. Loan? This life was probably impossible! In his next life!    


Thinking of this, I sighed and shook my head.    


What's the matter? Yunzi?    


Seeing my frustration, the two beautiful girls looked at each other, and eventually it was Ronnie who said, You don't want a loan?    


Don't want a loan? That's not it! On the contrary, I want to borrow money, but the bank doesn't lend it to me! I smiled bitterly and thought for a while before explaining my opinion.    


Upon hearing my words, Xie Yitian and Ronnie looked at each other before giving a strange smile at the same time. This time, it was Xie Yitian who explained in detail to me. "Brother Yunzi, in the past, the bank didn't lend you any money because they thought you didn't have anything to use to suppress them. But now, it's different. You have thousands of mu of land on your hands!"    




This time, it's my turn to be stunned!    


That's right! I didn't have anything to hold me down before, but now I have the land to hold me down!    


This was indeed a good idea!    


As soon as my train of thought came to life, I was so excited that I immediately stood up. I tightly held onto Xie Yuting's hand and repeatedly asked her, Really!    


I knew, of course, that it was true. But I still need her to nod. Seeing Xie Yating nod her head gently with a blushing face, I suddenly felt dizzy again. Nothing but that happiness comes too soon. I've always been pressured by this money to the point that I can't breathe. Today, I've suddenly received this news. If this pressure of mine could be relieved, how could I not be excited?    


I thought for a moment and let go of her hand. I didn't notice that she was blushing so much that it was about to come out. I didn't notice that Ronnie was looking at her strangely and was only thinking about her own matters. After a while, I finally made up my mind. I turned around and said to Ronnie and Xie Yuting, "I'll have to trouble you guys again with this matter!" The two girls nodded seriously.    


It was unknown whether the two girls were doing things efficiently or the banks were doing it efficiently. In short, it was only two days later, on the first of November, that Ronnie sent a message from the bank to the effect that the loan had been successfully repaid. Around 12: 00 that day, a text message was sent to my cell phone, indicating that I already had 200 million yuan and 5.5 million yuan in cash on my account.    


When I saw the number, I was stunned. It seems like I'm pressing down on land worth 241 million yuan, why is there only 200 million or so? Fortunately, my reaction was fast. After a short moment, I understood that this bank had most likely been discounted! He was angry, but there was nothing he could do. This was much better than the last time he refused to lend! In his heart, he was once again furious. "F * ck, when I have money in the future, either I don't have a bank, or I open a bank myself, or I let those bank people come and beg me to save it!"    


The money is here. Alright, I'm going to be an administrative officer!    


In the afternoon, when I called, everyone came back. As I ate, I reported on what had happened during this period of time. Next, I mentioned that with Ronnie and Xie Yuting's help, the loan had already been successfully written off. The total amount was more than 200 million yuan! When everyone heard this, they were all amused. Next, I announced the distribution of the money.    


The first is Zhang Yunsheng Supermarket. I will directly give 2 million yuan to Ye Shuzhen. This was because this supermarket had to be developed to open more stores. This was the result of my thoughts at noon. After discussing it with Ye Shuzhen, I decided to use this as an opening. That's right, because this store has been opened many times, at least three times at a time: one, there are more terminals, so many of our own products can be quickly launched into the market; two, there are more terminals, which can maximize brand recognition; and, third, there are more terminals, which can improve my ability to sell among the various suppliers, and I can also take more of their money!    


The second is the Gadfly Mountain chain of food estates. I will direct 1 million yuan to Romel. Unlike fresh supermarkets, which can take up a lot of suppliers' money, restaurants can recycle large amounts of cash in the shortest amount of time. Therefore, this project should also be vigorously developed. In addition, the Gadfly Mountain food market and Zhang Yun's fresh supermarket had a certain common interest in property. They could advance and retreat together. This was a good condition for the signing of the property.    


Third in the list were Yukiko's vegetable companies and wild vegetables companies. I negotiated with Yinzi and the two companies paid a total of 5 million yuan. Until today, these two families still only ate in the exclusive market. If the effect was good, then he would earn a lot of money!    


The fourth was actually the two sisters Zhou Bingjie and Zhou Yajie, who were from a vegetables company. I paid a total of 1 million yuan at one time. Mainly is the further expansion of the vegetable company in the port at the terminal network point.    


The fifth place was allocated 1 million yuan to the Gadfly Mountain Tourism Company, which Ronnie was currently in charge of. At the current stage of the project into the low tide, as long as daily maintenance, for next year's preparation can be enough, at the current stage should not invest too much money.    


Sixth, was the cement factory's investment of 2 million yuan. The main thing was to expand the production line.    


Seventh, invest 6 million yuan into the logistics and warehousing companies of the director, add the necessary equipment and make the necessary expansion.    


At this point, I paid 54 million yuan to each branch. I still have about 150 million yuan on hand, except for a portion of the money I left behind. This money, as I say, is all invested in the investment company, mainly for road repair and supporting services.    


Hearing my arrangements, no one has any objections. After the meeting ended, everyone went back to their work. On the same afternoon, the funds were delivered according to my arrangements.    


With adequate financial security, the speed of the officers had increased significantly. Taking the road construction as an example, Aiten, Ronnie, and Xie Yuting decided to start the fourth to seventh section of the road construction project after linking it to me. Of course, all use the bid system, and each reference company needs to fund the construction.    


I thought it was unlikely, but I asked them to try. However, when he saw the scene before him, he was shocked. It turned out that the capital of the people was quite thick. What everyone lacked was engineering. As soon as my big project came out, there was immediately a large amount of companies carrying money to contact the project. In the end, we chose six new companies to participate in. Damn, just the deposit alone amounted to 2 million yuan.    


As I was thinking about how to proceed, my cell phone rang again. When he opened it, he saw that it was a call from Ye Shuzhen, telling him that they had something to discuss. I didn't know what was the matter, but I made an appointment with her and drove on. Of course, his train of thought on the road had changed. He wasn't thinking about engineering, but rather thinking about Ye ShuZhen's tall chest and her elegant buttocks. She had been divorced for so many years, but her figure hadn't changed at all. That butt, that chest, they were still as enchanting as ever. Every time I looked, it made my heart race. No wonder I have such lustful thoughts right now!    


Of course, I'm just thinking about it. Let me take another step, ah, I don't have the guts!    


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