Super Little Farmer



3350 million was definitely a huge sum of money in South Wei Province.    1


At the time I didn't understand what it meant. It wasn't until three days later, when Ronnie called me, that I learned that my plans for seven girls had attracted the attention of the party and government leaders in Jingchu. I was a little surprised. After Ronnie explained, I realized that there were four other reasons.    


The first was that for Jingchu City, it could be considered a big company. For no reason other than the huge amount of registered capital. 100 million yuan! Not only in Jing Chu, but in the whole of South Wei Province, this was considered one of the biggest enterprises. At present, most of the companies in the province only had registered capital of a few million yuan, and those that lived past 30 million yuan were extremely rare, not to mention the fact that there were easily over a hundred million registered capital. South Wei Province was an inland province, and its capital, Jing Chu City, was no match for a political center like Beijing or an economic center like Shanghai. It was also no match for a coastal city like Qingdao, not to mention a new and fledgling city like Shenzhen. In those cities, this amount of money might not amount to much, but in Nanwei Province and Jingchu City, this amount of money could definitely attract the attention of Party and Government officials in the province.    


The second was the industry that Zhang Gong had developed. This industry was none other than heavy industry, machinery industry, and equipment manufacturing. Heavy jobs are not going to work. If you look at the former Soviet Union, they were really strong. When they broke up, they could trade the heavy jobs we dreamed of for jeans! Take a look at Japan, Mitsubishi Heavy Industry, the resident heavy industry, which is not well-known? Which is not the national economic industry pillar? Just look at the heavy industry in the Hunan Province next door. That Trinity Heavy Industry, that Sino-American Heavy Industry, they are all extraordinary assets. The heavy equipment produced there occupies 70% of the national market share of the construction machinery!    


The third was the name of the head of the Bow Division, Zhou Bingjie. She had changed her name from Ai Ting from Road and Bridge Company to Zhou Bingjie. This was no ordinary transfer. What I said seemed like a simple sentence, but it was a transfer of hundreds of millions of assets!    


Fourth, the Captain had just been registered for a few days, and already he had 250 million yuan in capital. This was clearly a remarkable achievement. In addition, according to the situation during this period of heavy work, they had chosen a place to build a factory, buying machines, and recruiting people.    


All sorts of strange happenings caused the higher-ups in Jing Chu to pay high attention.    


Unusual movement? This was also called movement? I smiled wryly at Ronnie's explanation. When he thought about the truth of Jingchu City, and the concern of the head of the Party and Government about the good will of the company, he could only smile and say to Ronnie, "I don't have any other intentions, I'm just making a strategic adjustment."    


I said this very discreetly, but the subtext was steel-like: I don't have any thoughts or possibilities. I'll let you guys have some peace of mind! The reason why I said this to Ronnie was because I knew Ronnie's capabilities. I think she could take my meaning and pass it on to the party and government officials in Jingchu.    


The new long bow heavy work, besides the original repair plant, as a "Shanyang factory area", originally chose a warehouse base to do a temporary plant, after I thought about it again and again, finally did not do a second factory area, all moved to the new factory area. The new factory area is my newly selected land, located in Jingchu city Shanhua high and new technology development zone, covering 500 mu.    


The location of the land is better, and the price is cheaper, so I spent only 2 million yuan in total. This is due to the advantages of our industry and the huge amount of registered capital. It has been specially handled and specially taken care of by the Shanhua High & New District Management Committee because it is, after all, the first enterprise with over a hundred million registered capital that has entered this high & new district. Thanks to Ronnie's help. It is said that both the secretary of the provincial Party and the secretary of the Jingchu Municipal Party have expressed support for the installation of my heavy industry.    


Of course, in addition to this, I think, there should be two other reasons. Firstly, the High-Tech District Administration Committee wants my company to have a leading role, so they would rather give me a preferential treatment on my base projects. Secondly, there were the two young and beautiful girls, Zhou Bingjie and Xie Yating. They both had their own ways of doing things. Because I didn't want to come forward, it was the two of them who came forward to negotiate with the high and new district.    


As a matter of fact, I had thought about the lands I owned before. Because that would save me at least 2 million yuan. Although the staff of the High & New District's Merchants' Department has stated that this is the lowest price and I know that it is the lowest price, it is still 2 million yuan! But then I thought about it, those lands in my hands are all mountains and rivers that I left behind on purpose. I thought about the original ecology, so how could I destroy those mountains and rivers just for a company like that? In the end, he gave up on these thoughts and decided to buy the place. Of course, I also secretly believe that it would be better to concentrate the construction of the factory in the hi-tech district, at least in terms of taxes, management, transportation, and so on.    


Good choice, Zhu Dantong's father's construction company also moved in quickly. I didn't want to go to her, because I had to stick to my own ideas and avoid her as much as possible. But Zhou Bingjie didn't seem to care about that, and Zhu Dantong was also very proactive. I got the map in the morning and her team moved in in the afternoon. Zhou Bingjie named this area the "Zhang Gong Heavy Industry Industrial Park". She would give all the roads and greenery in the park to Aitin. Of course, there would also be a few spiritual seeds, and Guo's cement factory would also give ten percent of it to her. The next day, a large group of people arrived at the scene. There was nothing I could do. I, who was originally on the first line of the road, finally had to personally step in to set up a construction headquarters at the site of the park. I met with Zhou Bingjie to confirm their division of labor: I was responsible for the construction of the site, and she and Zhang Jun immediately started to work on the production process.    


Once again, I worked day and night, eating and living at the construction site. Fortunately, the companies were either my own or those of acquaintances, and all they received was a death order: they had to obey my orders unconditionally, they had to carry out the tasks I had assigned them unconditionally. Those who didn't finish well, get lost; those who did well, received money!    


Clearly, these conditions were all not bad. In just a week, a dirt road had been drawn from the core factory district to the main road of the high technology district, and a high standard factory had been set up. As for the office and the employees' temporary residences, they were all building slates. Fortunately, the weather was still hot, so everyone could deal with it.    


For me right now, the most important thing is not money, but time. I have to race against time! I have to be in production as fully as possible!    


Construction is progressing at high speed. On the tenth day, the first main workshop was put into production. Naturally, it was to produce the most important part of the long-range cement pump: the long-range cement paste delivery arm!    


But now there's a very serious problem in front of me:    




I need a lot of steel, and special steel!    


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