Super Little Farmer



1Seeing that I was staring at her dumbly, Zhu Dantong's face finally reddened. She looked me in the eye and then said, Another meaning is, I know how much effort and effort my father has put into this business. He can't, and I don't want this business, where my father has spent his entire life, to fall into the hands of others. You know, in the hands of others, there's not a trace of my father.    


At this point, Zhu Dantong paused and looked at me again. I seemed to understand, to understand, what Zhu Dantong was going to say, and to sink into a little deep thought. What I mean is, if you buy this' Hall Building ', you might give it to my father to run it. That should be a great comfort to my father!    


Ah? He can even come up with a plan like that?    


This Zhu Dantong was a real talent! However, saying it in such a naked manner was too much!    


For some reason, I suddenly felt my heart beating faster and faster! He fell silent for a moment. He wanted to say something, but he lacked the confidence to do so. Looking at the smiling Zhu Dantong, I was finally going to say something fierce: Dantong, what do you mean by this? I'm telling you the truth. As you know, I'm growing too much right now. I don't have enough money, so I'm afraid …    


He wanted to give Zhu Dantong a negative answer, but he was worried that she was under too much pressure, so he paused for a moment and said something else.    


Zhu Dantong, however, looked at me with burning eyes. After a while, she took out a document from her bag and handed it to me. I looked and was stunned. This is the general account of each company I have on hand! The statement clearly shows that I can transfer at least 560 million yuan at that time, and 650 million yuan at one month later!    


Needless to say, the details of this report weren't something that an ordinary person could obtain. Thinking about it, this must have been personally made by Ye Shuizhen, Romer, Ronnie, Zhou Bingjie, Zhou Yajie, the spiritual son, and Ying Zi! Otherwise, his family background wouldn't be so clear.    


I wanted to say something, but Zhu Dantong looked around her, as if she had noticed that no one was looking at us. She blushed slightly, then suddenly raised her body and whispered a few words into my ear. She spoke so fast that I had never heard all of it, but there were a few sentences that fell to my ears: I must marry you, Yunzi! You can't escape!    


F * ck!    


This little girl was forcing a marriage!    


Although I knew that she was deeply in love with me, I did not expect her to say what she was doing at the moment. After all, she was a daughter. After a while, I broke out in a cold sweat. It was obvious that this little girl had already seen through my plan of intentionally avoiding her. She was trying to show me what she was up to!    


With a sigh, I suddenly understood something else: Zhu Dantong had come prepared today, so it was obvious that she was determined to pester me, that we would be tied to the same chariot. Perhaps, her father wasn't as helpless as she said he was, but rather stayed at home to wait for her good news.    


F * ck!    


This little girl brought me into a cage!    


I wanted to argue, or wait and decide, but Zhu Dantong showed no sign of letting me go, and she continued sipping her coffee slowly.    


I suddenly realized that I couldn't figure out what Zhu Dantong was up to. Because I felt that she had gone in a big circle with only one goal, to get me to buy her father's company!    


This was abnormal!    


This was too abnormal!    


I can't do that!    


It had to be known that this was a huge purchase deal worth hundreds of millions of dollars! It would be too hasty to give an immediate reply right now!    


Thinking of this, I didn't care about anything else. I finally raised my head and was about to reject it.    


However, when I raise my head again, I can't deny it. There was nothing else but an inexplicable look of loneliness flashing across Zhu Dantong's eyes!    


My heart gave a lurch. I guessed that it had something to do with her caring for her father. I couldn't bring myself to do it, and even though I was reminded of my father who had died miserably, I still couldn't deny the ultimate idea in my heart. I couldn't help but nod. After a while, he made up his mind and nodded his head once more.    


Seeing Zhu Dantong's faint smile, I suddenly felt a little lonely.    


She was still happy because her father was finally able to fulfill her wish. And me, and my parents?    


Are they all right in heaven?    


She smiled at Zhu Dantong. My heart ached, but I still took out my phone and sent a message to everyone. I entrusted Xie Yating with the responsibility.    


Zhu Dantong finally stood up, thanked me, and left. He didn't even buy a coffee list. I didn't mind that, of course, but I thought she was in a hurry. After a while, his heart felt heavy again. Knowing that the entire history of Jingchu City has been filled with a huge takeover, a deal worth hundreds of millions of dollars was passed in a cup of coffee, and the company I didn't have a chance to buy beforehand has been investigated in detail. Of course, I don't have to worry about that. "I believe that Xie Yuting, Yiko and Zhou Yajie will not harm me.    


However, somehow, I always had an ominous feeling. I kept pressing down on my heart and wanted to say something, but found that I couldn't say anything. He wanted to experience it carefully, but he couldn't understand anything.    


He was a little annoyed, so he lit another cigarette.    


After sitting alone for a while, I got up to pay the bill and then drove away. Of course, I didn't go home. I went straight to the construction site. At present, Wu Kou Road and Wu Zhen Road were both pushing forward with all their might. Obviously, my method of hosting and recruiting a few more companies to bring in capital for construction is not bad. At the very least, it would ensure that the entire road ran smoothly, but it would also make up for my lack of funds. That is to say, with the same amount of money, I can put a large portion of it into road construction, while the other large portion can be used directly for other investments. Well, at the moment my other careers are growing fast. The money earned by other businesses can be channelled directly into this project through my investment company and, in turn, into several of my own companies to develop other subsidiaries, such as the Chief Bow Heavy Industries, the Gadfly Mountains Gardens, the Cloudsoar Logistics, and so on.    


When he arrived at the construction site, all his previous worries and depression were swept away. Because despite the hot weather, the site was busy with all kinds of vehicles going in and out. At this point in time, the spirit seeds were nowhere to be seen. They were probably all at the construction site as well. Thinking of this, I sighed in my heart. This little girl is probably like this entirely because of me. You know, in such a hot weather, in such a poisonous sun, not to mention her, a man like me wouldn't be very willing to go down there a few times. However, she was obviously not in the office right now, so the only option left was to go to the construction site.    


I was suddenly worried. She was worried that she would be ruined by the sun if she worked so desperately!    


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