Super Little Farmer



1At this thought, I thought of Zhou Bingjie's equally wonderful body. His nameless fire was getting stronger and stronger, and he couldn't wait for the night to arrive so that he could crush Zhou Bingjie under his body in three hundred rounds of battle.    


Of course, it's still daytime right now and everyone is busy. This cannot be done, not to mention that I have to rush to the spirit child construction site. Thus, he had no choice but to let go of his heart and walk towards the construction site. The spirit is very solid, because the money is in place, so the progress is very fast. In my estimation, National Day is entirely achievable. After watching the scene, I made some suggestions and ate lunch with the spirit. As he ate, he thought about how he would first have to pay back the 200 million yuan he had earned from the loan. When he thought of this, he realized that this time, he was afraid that he would be in a difficult situation because the first time he had repaired the road, it was within the borders of Jing Chu City. Fortunately, the returned land was within the borders of Jing Chu City; the second time he had repaired the road, half of it was within the borders of Jing Chu City and the other half was within the borders of Jing Zhen City. If it wasn't for the fact that Xie Yuting and Ronnie were smart and that Ronnie's background was not bad, this matter might have changed. Fortunately, Ronnie started a company in Jingzhen under my name with the fastest speed, which is Jingzhen City's Zhang Yun Investment Company. As Jingzhen City's payback company, and with the financial cooperation from the Ying's side, I was able to make things difficult for them. That is, Zhang Yun Investment Company of Nanwei Province, as the main investor, accepts the land returns from Jingchu City, while Zhang Yun Investment Company of Jingzhen City, Nanwei Province, as the former branch of Jingzhen City, accepts the land returns from Jingzhen City in the name of the investors. And today, although the two parts of my road of three repairs weren't that long in Jingchu City, but they still are. The other two parts are located in Jingkou City and Jingshan City.    


With that in mind, I called Ronnie, Xie Yating, and Yizi to prepare for the company, the law, and the financial situation. Xie Yitian and Yizi both agreed readily, but Ronnie seemed to be holding a meeting. She merely mumbled a few times and did not say anything more. Although I was a little curious, I didn't want to think too much about it. I guessed that she really had something on her mind, so I sent a short message to inform her of my thoughts. That was it. After a while, Ronnie texted me again, but it turned out that she was in a real meeting and had made it clear to me that I was coming to her room tonight.    


When I first read this message, I was taken aback. Because I didn't expect Ronnie to be thinking about what to do with me in that kind of situation. After a while, I thought, I was going to go to Zhou Bing Jie's room tonight. Although Ronnie and Zhou Bingjie's sister, Zhou Yajie, and I had once played the thing about the Dragon and the Twin Phoenixes, I don't think that she would mind playing some of these games with Zhou Bingjie. However, Zhou Bingjie and I had been doing it alone, so I'm afraid that's unacceptable.    


While I was thinking about how to handle this relationship, Ronnie sent me a second text, informing me that the meeting today was very important and that she wanted to tell me tonight. She reckoned it would be very helpful for me. As soon as I saw this message, I smiled wryly and scolded Ronnie: Can't you send it all at once? How many times did he have to do this? It made me feel so upset!    


I smiled bitterly and cursed myself again: Ronnie was talking business with me, but I was just a lecherous pervert thinking about my crotch. This is clearly my fault, but how can I blame Ronnie? Thinking of this, he sighed in his heart and no longer said anything. He then replied with a text message. He thought to himself, [This is the first time that this kind of thing has happened, but I don't know what it is!]    


After thinking for a while and not being able to get anything, he stopped thinking about it. He hastily ate lunch and bid farewell to the spirit child. Of course, before she left, she couldn't help smearing oil on Ling Zi's chest a few times. She kept making Ling Zi blush like a peach, her face slightly flushed, and she was slightly out of breath. Only then did she leave with a satisfied smile, leaving only one person behind her to pout coquettishly, "Brother Yunzi, you're bullying Ling Zi again …"    


Although I had heard some of the words, I did not reply. Of course, something new had come to mind. So it turns out that while I was having lunch with the spirit son, I drank that Old Wang's cold tea and had an idea. Because I remember when I was in the mountains, every year, like the Dragon Boat Festival, or the Mid-Autumn Festival, the old people at the top of the mountains would go to those mountains to pick the herb, and some medicine in our mountain would be called cold tea, the effect was really good, seems like the taste is even better than this Wang Lao Ji's! At other times, we mountain people have a cold, or vomiting, or diarrhea, rarely take medicine, are also drinking cold tea.    


He didn't expect the cold tea to be so effective. Or perhaps, there were actually many types of cold tea, and they were just called cold tea.    


This may have a market. It was just that he did not know if it could be developed to mass produce more. Then I thought, I'm already making some drinks, like the mineral water of Gadfly Mountain, the spring water of Gadfly Mountain, the pure water of Gadfly Mountain, and if you add this cold tea, the chain of products will be longer. I think the product chain of this beverage can be extended a little bit more from the previous lunch. When I was drinking Old Wang's cooling tea, the spirit fruit juice that I was drinking had also triggered my train of thought!    


He hurried home, turned on his computer, and went online to collect data. If he didn't look, he wouldn't know. But upon seeing it, he was shocked!    


Making beverages was a big market. There was nothing else in it. There was a market, but there was only money!    


Take the cold tea industry as an example. There are only two brands, the first and the second, Wang Lao Ji and Pan Gao Shou. The market is as high as 1 billion yuan a year! As for the other brands, they were not among them!    


F * ck! This was equivalent to stealing money! My mind immediately opened up. If I can develop my own products and make myself a cold tea on the Gadfly Mountain and join the war, even if I don't take a third of the money, I can still get one percent. That would be 100 million yuan! F * * k, incredible! Well, the project was decided!    


As for other beverages, such as carbonated beverages, they had no technical content or nutritional value, so they were not interested. Furthermore, the industry had already been completed by Coca-Cola and Pepsi.    


As for tea and beverages, the two foreign brands, Master Kang and the domestic Wahaha, were currently in an intense competition. This piece had some technical content. However, I don't have the exclusive technology or recipe right now. I can't do it well, so I won't do it for now.    


It won't do, it won't do, what else can I do?    


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