Super Little Farmer



0After thinking for a while, he still couldn't come up with anything. He was a bit sad, so he decided to follow the old method. If he couldn't figure it out at the moment, he would put it aside and wait for a chance. He threw it to the side and stopped thinking about it. After a while, I felt that this matter did not give me much time. With the speed that Zhu Zhitong and Zhu Dantong were progressing at, I fear that it would not even take a year to complete the task. That is to say, I have to complete this unique condition in such a short period of time.    


F * ck!    


I secretly roared in my heart, feeling a bit annoyed. However, just as he got angry, another thought flashed through his mind: I can't think of a way to get everyone in the family together for a meeting and then come here together. Thinking about it, this was definitely not a bad idea!    


With this train of thought, his mood suddenly became cheerful. He parked the car by the roadside and sent out a short message group, then drove home by himself. However, before he could get home, his phone rang again. It was Ronnie. I thought something was up, Ronnie said quietly. She won't be back in the evening, and she has to work overtime.    


I was full of suspicion and didn't quite understand what she was doing, but I did. After a while, she smiled again, feeling that this time, Ronnie had really put on the air of a little girl, which was quite interesting: I'm afraid that I don't care about her, but she actually let me watch the Southway News Simulcast. You know, I have to watch the Southway News Broadcast right now, not just because Ronnie is there, but because I can draw a lot of useful information from it. Thus, hearing Ronnie's words, I subconsciously started to ponder. Looks like this little lass is trying to make me understand how hard she has been working. At this thought, my heart gave a jolt, for I thought in my mind that Ronnie was hinting at me, that she wanted me to watch Southway News Correspondence, that she wanted to show me how hard it was for her, that she wanted me to care for her in the dark. In fact, I hadn't cared for her in the past few days, but if I asked her to help me in any way, she must have missed me a little, so she gave me this sort of beating. Well, forget it, I'll feed her tonight. After sighing for a while, she thought of her wonderful body and an inexplicable fire rose up in her heart. At that moment, her mouth became dry. After a moment, he felt a little uncomfortable and was slightly stunned. He knew that the thing below was trying to hold its head high and raise its chest, afraid that others would not know that it had been enraged!    


F * ck!    


I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. They had just had a good meal of Romel and Zhou Yajie yesterday, how could they be like this today? He sighed and went home!    


Go home as usual, park, enter the house, surf the Internet. After a while, he remembered that Liu Zhiyun and a few others were still in Brazil. After thinking for a while, he called them. Not long after, Liu Zhiyun answered. The two conversed for a while before greeting each other. After learning that the airlift had arrived and was in the process of equipping, they estimated that they would be able to complete it in the next few days. I said 'thank you for your hard work'. After a short break, he went straight to his point. Since the few of you are now in Brazil, it would be better for you to work harder and see if you can find a suitable place to build a factory. Of course, the price of land is relatively low, but the transportation requirements are relatively good, and it would be better if you could find a relatively concentrated industrial area or an economic zone similar to the one in the country. Although I didn't point out my purpose, Liu Zhiyun is a spirit at the moment, so he knew what I was implying and immediately agreed. I told them to be careful, and hung up. He continued to surf the Internet for information and collect it.    


By dinnertime, everyone except Ronnie had arrived, and as we ate, we watched the Southway news broadcasts from six-thirty to seven-thirty. I wanted to tell everyone about the hotel's needs right away, but since Ronnie had pointed out to me the South Wei news network, I decided to let them all watch!    


Not looking at this was good, because the first thing that caught my eye was a map, which I had drawn with a red pen in the form of an umbrella or a crescent-shaped map of the four cities of Jing Chu, Jing Zhen, Jing Kou, Jing Shan, and so on. Before we people could react, the camera shifted to a meeting, and when I saw those people, I was shocked speechless, because the person leading them was the Secretary of the Provincial Committee, Secretary Zhang of the Provincial Council, who was obviously the Governor Guo, and then moved around to look at the other heads of the other people in the room.    


The more I read, the more shocked I became. At the beginning, the other girls who were eating did not notice, but now, for some reason, they had all stopped eating and were watching TV. Moments later, the video of Old Professor Zeng speaking appeared on the television again. The camera flashed, revealing a busy road. I am too familiar with this road, it is the Jing Chu Road that I built!    


The more I looked at it, the more I had a premonition. I always thought something big was going to happen. He then carefully read the announcer's introduction. Sure enough, something big had happened!    


The three-day expert conference held by the provincial government of Nanwei province concluded today and formally adopted a proposal: Jingchu, Jingzhen, Jingshan and Jingkou four cities will develop together to form a new urban agglomeration, because this core area is shaped like a crescent moon, and the mother river of Nanwei province, Jingchu River, forms a crescent water bay in the local area. The provincial government conference named this future urban agglomeration as the "Moon Bay" city agglomeration.    


This wasn't all. Because this is a set of feature news. Other than this headline, there was also the next two lines, three lines. Every one of them can make us gape as we sit at the table...    


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