Super Little Farmer



2Hearing this, I felt a surge of excitement in my heart. My machine sold for $720 thousand in Brazil. 7 stations is over 5 million dollars. Aside from the 1 million dollar down payment, the amount of over 4 million dollars that can be retracted at once. Apart from the necessary transportation fees, I have a huge amount of US dollars!    


He thought for a while and sighed, "I have some experience with domestic capital, so I don't have the money to transfer money. However, I can't use foreign currency, and this $1 million deposit has been going on for months without any money being generated." Well, I'll have to find a way to resuscitate these dollars this time.    


In fact, I had a few dollars before that, like selling heavy jobs to India, Pakistan, and the United States. These dollars, apart from some of the chassis used to buy heavy industry equipment, were mostly reserved and had not been used. So while I was desperately trying to mortgage the bank's land, I was keeping more than three million dollars in the bank. This time, the amount of money I have left in reserve exceeds 8 million yuan!    


After reporting the matter to me, Liu told me in detail about the other matters, which were the results of his study in Brazil. His conclusion was that we should, and we should, be able to, build local plants. In order to ensure that the work was done properly, he suggested that a branch should be registered in Brazil, some local staff should be recruited and a factory should be built in Brazil. As for the purchase of the land, since he had received my orders last time, he divided the people he had brought along into three groups, and after traveling all over Brazil every day, he finally chose five places to choose from, and only after reporting to me did he decide on his next course of action.    


When I heard this, this Liu Zhiyun is quite smart. I immediately agreed with him and made it clear that the $8 million I had at hand would grow in the next week, to an estimated $12 million, because while he was away, we had sold several more heavy jobs abroad, and he would be able to settle the bill by himself within a week. All he had to do was give me a tip. As for the land, you can show it to me in the form of an e-mail. Liu Zhiyun answered on the other side. We exchanged a few more words, then hung up.    


Remembering Liu's purchase of a sub-factory in Brazil, I remembered the progress of the sub-factory in the country. This had always been a busy business with Pauli and Sheraton, and the opening of a branch factory in the country had never been of much concern. Thinking of this, I called the spirit children. The spirit child had to spend a lot of time in order to get through. I sighed to myself, thinking that if it was my number, she would have picked it up quickly. Thinking about this, I sighed again. This spirit child really has a lot of things on her hands right now. Not only will she be in charge of this place, but she will also be assisting the Paulie Corporation in buying land. En, looks like I should hire a few more professional managers! Otherwise, these girls would have all died from exhaustion!    


While his train of thought was still unclear, the spirit child on the other side replied with a smile. Of course I'll ask her about it. After saying a few words to me, she was a little excited to tell me that she had already identified the locations of the five sub-factories in five parts of the country, including Changsha, Shenyang, Xiamen, Xuzhou and Yinchuan. At the moment, she was negotiating with Zhengzhou and Xi'an simultaneously, as well as looking for two candidates in both cities. She wanted to tell me earlier, but when she realized I was very busy, she didn't disturb me and only prepared herself for everything. She didn't expect me to call her right now!    


I sighed and felt warm again. That was all. I could feel her love for me by saying, "I'm too busy to bother you," and by saying, "Get ready in every way." It was a private matter: private matters, still from the point of view of loving me, kept me from being distracted and worried, and public affairs, worked hard to get the job done and not to drag it out of the way!    


I wanted to say something, but in the end I could say nothing. I wanted to make a few jokes and take advantage of the little girl, but I found that I was choked with sobs and could not make jokes. He had no choice but to give up and stay still for a while before calmly saying to the spirit, "Alright, let's go back early tonight!" The spirit over there seemed to be able to understand my mood, and happily responded!    


In the evening of the same day, Seiko returned early. I went home in front of her. When I got home, I went online to read what Liu Zhiyun had sent back, and after thinking about it carefully, I let Xie Yitian understand the legal situation in Brazil. I then e-mailed Liu to inform her that he had registered with the local company of "Captain's Heavy Industries" with a registered capital of $1 million, hired a well-known lawyer as his legal adviser, and hired an executive vice president to take charge of the local business and rent the related office building. While all these work is done, register the local "Bow Captain", "Gadfly Mountain", "Zhang Yun", "Yun", "Ai Ting", "Rushing Cloud" and other brands.    


Only then did I break out in a cold sweat. Fortunately, when my brands were registered in the country, they invited Ronnie. This little girl is a graduate student and has good English skills. Especially since she has always been a journalist, she has seen a lot of things in the world, so when she registers these brands, she has used the matching registration method in both English and Chinese. In fact, in many cases, it would not be like this if I were to register in English instead of Chinese. That is, I don't need to spend any more money to promote the brand's English logo. This was because they had been promoted together in English and Chinese when promoting these brands. Now, they had been assimilated into the minds of ordinary people.    


According to the information provided by Liu, most Brazilian officials use Portuguese, but English is also a very important language; in Chinese, it's a bit worse. But now, it's better. I have the English logo to match with it, so I can directly replace it! Of course, I would especially like to remind Liu that all registered brands should be appropriately changed in Brazil, that is, the main logo in Chinese remains the same, and the corresponding English logo should be replaced with a Portuguese logo, but the size, specifications and style of the characters remain the same. I think it would be better to open up the market. A moment, I added. To register, you need to know the meaning of Portuguese. For example, you must be certain of what the word "cloud" means in Portuguese, and never do anything like what the word "Sprite" did.    


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