Super Little Farmer



1I don't know how Rommel ended up negotiating with the real estate giants, because I didn't have time to worry about that at all. At the moment, I have to do two things. The first was how to arrange for Yu Ke, a Marines Special Forces soldier, and He Xu, an Air Force Marines Special Forces soldier, as well as a large number of other veterans, Special Forces soldiers, and ordinary security personnel. Second, I have more and more companies at my disposal, so I have to find a way to consolidate them. Otherwise, this company would be hard to manage!    


As for the former, I thought about it and came up with an idea. Immediately, he called Zhou Yajie and told her to rent an empty storage base for these people to live in. In addition, another 1 million yuan has been set aside. In a place near Jingzhen City on my land, choose a place where the mountain water is better preserved, first surround a courtyard, and urgently draw in the four construction teams of the Danyun Building to build three dormitory buildings. It must be completed before the Spring Festival. Let the tension of the younger brother Zhang Jun take responsibility for the overall project. Zhang Jun had been studying for a few years, but he was too honest and could not open the door. Tension asked me to find him something to do, and I asked for it. When he found out that this person was very honest, he placed great importance on him and had him assume the role of Deputy General Manager of Zhang Yun Supervisor. Now that this matter was forced upon him, he could only invite him to come again. I always believed he could give me a satisfactory answer.    


At first, the veterans and recruits were still dissatisfied, but when they saw my sincerity, they stayed for the most part. I divided the three hundred people into two teams, with Yu Ke and He Xu as the leaders. He had Zhou Bingjie organize some clothing, quilts, and beds for him to deal with. Of course, in private, I had also talked with Yu Ke, He Xu, and a few of the other people I had chosen. In private, I had also privately discussed with Yu Ke, He Xu, and a few of the people I had chosen. The few of them calmly replied.    


As for the consolidation of the many companies at hand, it does bother me a little. After spending an afternoon, I finally came up with a more feasible plan.    


Under my proposal, the companies I have will be divided into several groups.    


The first was to establish a new "Gadfly Mountain Vegetable Group" under the jurisdiction of ten wholly owned companies, namely, five companies responsible for domestic vegetables and wild vegetables, three of which specialized in the sale of vegetables: Nanwei Gadfly Mountain Vegetable Marketing Company, which specialized in the sale of wild vegetables throughout the country; Nanwei Province Gadfly Mountain Vegetable Marketing Company, which was responsible for the sale of vegetables in the south of the Yellow River; and Nanwei Province Gadfly Mountain Vegetable Marketing Company, which was responsible for the sale of vegetables in the north of the Yellow River. Each head office has a number of large regional branches, and each major regional branch has a number of provincial subsidiaries, such as the southern branch of the Gadfly Mountain Vegetable Group, the Nanwei Provincial Company of the Gadfly Mountain Vegetable Group, the Shanghai Limited Company of the Gadfly Mountain Vegetable Group, and so on. The other two companies have their own division of labor. One is only responsible for the large wholesale market or trading center of vegetables owned by the group, which is called Gadfly Mountain Vegetable Gathering and Dispersal Corporation in Nanwei Province. The other is only responsible for the large vegetable bases owned by the group, which is called Gadfly Mountain Vegetable Production Corporation in Nanwei Province.    


The other five wholly owned subsidiaries include the South African Gadfly Mountain Vegetable Corporation, which specializes in the import and export trade of vegetables and wild vegetables; the Northern Gadfly Mountain Vegetable Corporation, which is responsible for the vegetables and wild vegetables affairs of the Group in the countries of northern Asia such as Russia, Mongolia, Tajikistan; the Southern Gadfly Mountain Vegetable Corporation, which is responsible for the vegetables and wild vegetables affairs of the Group in Southeast Asia such as Korea, India, Pakistan, Thailand, Malaysia; the American Gadfly Mountain Vegetable Corporation, which is responsible for the vegetables and wild vegetables affairs of the Group in the United States, Canada and Mexico; and the European Gadfly Mountain Vegetable Corporation, which is responsible for the vegetables affairs of the Group in Germany, France, Czech Republic and other European countries such as Germany.    


At present, the Gadfly Mountain Group does not have the strength to look to Oceania and Africa for development, but it will certainly have one in the future. Therefore, in my planning plan, I have reserved the names of two wholly owned subsidiaries, namely, the Gadfly Mountain Vegetable (Group) African Company and the Gadfly Mountain Vegetable (Group) Oceania Company. In addition, there were several companies that were currently limited to a few countries, such as the Gadfly Mountain Vegetable (Group) General American Company, which was currently still developing only in the United States, Canada, and Mexico in North America. It had not yet developed in South America, but it was certain that it would be developing throughout the Americas in the future, so the company used the title of "American" directly.    


Of course, like the domestic development of the company, each foreign development of the head office under a number of national branches. For example, the Gadfly Mountain Vegetable (Group) European General Company is currently under the jurisdiction of the French branch, the German branch, the Czech branch, and the Spanish branch. The rest is yet to be developed.    


Considering that Yukiko had already made vegetables into Indian aircraft carriers and some Thai warships, I had the intention of setting up a wholly owned subsidiary of the Special Vegetable Company.    


In fact, I still don't know how Yukiko did it, but she did it, even though there were a few countries that only managed to get one or two points, but she did it! This is very good! You know, there's more than 100 thousand people working for the British right now. They're all doing things for me, just vegetables and wild vegetables, including the Japanese and the Americans!    


This group is one of several that currently have total assets of more than 1 billion yuan and has always been under the control of, of course, Yinzi.    


The second major group is the Bow Group." It includes five all-capital companies. That is to say, the head of the Bow Heavy Industry Company (Jing Chu), which is developed and produced by the special heavy industry equipment such as the remote cement conveyor pump of the Specialist Group; the head of the Bow Heavy Industry Company (Changsha), which is developed and manufactured by the specialized group of bulldozers, excavators and road rollers; the head of the Bow Heavy Industry Marketing Company, which specializes in the domestic sales of heavy industry equipment; the head of the Bow Heavy Trade Marketing Company, which specializes in the export of various heavy industry equipment; the head of the Bow Heavy Industry Company (Brazil), which produces and sells all kinds of heavy industry equipment in Brazil and even throughout South America. In the future, the business will develop and a new head office will be added appropriately. Similar to the vegetable group, each head office has several branches and subsidiaries.    


This group had the greatest potential, and would continue to be controlled by the spirit children in the future.    


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