Super Little Farmer



1It had to be said that this Romer's meticulousness had really brought a lot of money to everyone. Now, this Gadfly Mountain teahouse was the only teahouse in Nanwei Province! More importantly, Rommel had already opened a tea house abroad: one in Japan, two in Korea, and one in Chinatown, San Francisco. Of course, only the Japanese house was officially open for guests. The other three families were in the process of renovating it, and were about to receive guests. The next step for Romer was to open a shop in the area where the Chinese lived and the countries with the habit of drinking tea.    


I mean, the teahouse and coffee shop will be upgraded to the South Wei Province Gadfly Mountain teahouse marketing organization and the South Wei Province Gadfly Mountain coffee shop marketing organization, the same level as the head office, directly under the group.    


While making the teahouse, Rommel deliberately develops and cultivates his own brand of tea. Fortunately, Gadfly Mountain has always had its own unique flavor of tea production. Although the annual production of tea is not much, but the tea production is good in the origin of the tea, and the method of stir-frying tea is special, so the flavor is unique. The tea of the Gadfly Mountain was like silver needles. As a result, Rommel created a brand of tea called "Gadfly Wild Tip", which was promoted by Ronnie and I, along with "Gudang Hair Tip", "Jun Shan Silver Needle" and "Yi Qingyuan Wild Needle King". Not to mention that these four people had two needles, the green tea brewed looked exactly the same! Needless to say, this brand had only been released for a year. He had really gained quite a bit. He had already formed his own brand and gradually acquired his own customer base.    


My idea is to set up the Gadfly Mountain Tea Industry Corporation of Nanwei Province, which has two subsidiaries: one that specializes in the production, development, manufacture, and sale of Gadfly Mountain, the tea base, and the other that specializes in the sale of other brands of tea as agents.    


The restaurant group had been controlled by Rommel in the past, and she would continue to take full responsibility for it.    


The fifth group was the Sugar Liquor and Beverages Group. So it became, under the jurisdiction of 7 subsidiaries. What I mean is that the organization will be set up the same as before. I will just upgrade the subsidiary under my jurisdiction to a head office, and each head office will then be under a few provincial subsidiaries. Today, the Gadfly Mountain Fruit Wine, the Gadfly Mountain Spring Water, the Gadfly Mountain Ice Green Tea Ice Black Tea, the Gadfly Mountain Mulberry Fruit Juice, and the Gadfly Mountain Mulberry Juice Drink Mulberry Mulberry Mulberry Mulberry and Mulberry Juice have all opened their markets throughout the country. In fact, from the beginning, I followed Wahaha's lead as an agent, but no one paid any attention to it. Then I made full use of my own channels, and, damn it, it quickly took shape. At this time, a large number of agents came looking for him. Of course I'd be happy to give it to them, but the agency threshold has risen a lot, and all of it has to be paid in advance. Despite this, the enthusiasm of the agents was unstoppable. I took a lot of money back. As soon as this money was in his hands, he would immediately start a new project.    


In the beginning, most of the team was sent from the Vegetable Group. At the beginning of making these drinks, I really needed a lot of manpower. In the end, it was this tactic that had succeeded in getting all the agents to join in on the mission. As a result, the sea of people lost its effectiveness and most could only retreat. But I did not simply ask them to withdraw or disband them. Instead, I took two steps: I left a small part of the teaching staff in charge of the original beverages, and most of them made new beverages immediately. In the beginning, for example, they only made spring water from the Gadfly Mountain, and once successful, the agents came and made fruit juice from the Gadfly Mountain. When the agents came, most of them made fruit juice from the Gadfly Mountain, the mulberry juice from the Gadfly Mountain, and the mulberry juice from the Gadfly Mountain, as well as the mulberry juice from the Gadfly Mountain. As a result, the agents helped me make money, and the original group was dispersed across the product lines, and most of them were promoted and made happy. "Thankfully, there are a lot of product lines in this beverage. After making water, tea, fruit and fruit drinks, fruit drinks, and fruit juice, my functional beverage will be made public again …    


Today, this later group had already stepped into the ranks of the 1 billion yuan group! I decided that this group would be controlled by Ronnie in the future.    


The sixth group is the Road and Bridge Group. This is my base camp, over 1 billion years ago, under Zhou Bingjie's control. The seventh group is the construction of decorative group, Dan Yun building, Zhang Yun decoration, controlled by Zhu Dantong. The eighth group is the warehousing group, which is raised from the original Zhangyun warehousing and the Gadfly granary merger. There are more than 40 branches and 11 warehouse bases under the jurisdiction of the seven main companies. Zhou Yajie was in charge.    


The ninth largest group is the Flying Cloud Transport Group, under the jurisdiction of the six main companies, such as the Flying Cloud Passenger Transport Company and the Flying Cloud Logistics Company, with a total assets of over 1 billion. Flying Cloud alone governed four systems: Flying Cloud Passenger Transport (South High Speed), Flying Cloud Passenger Transport (Intercity), Flying Cloud Passenger Transport (City Transport), and Flying Cloud Passenger Transport (Taxi). Rushing Cloud Passenger Transport (the south high speed) is mainly luxurious passenger car running high speed transportation; Rushing Cloud Passenger Transport (the intercity) mainly attacks the cities and provinces; Rushing Cloud Passenger Transport (the city transportation) mainly carries out the internal passenger transport in the cities, that is, the bus company, which has already participated in the bus passenger transport in more than 60 cities; Rushing Cloud Passenger Transport (the taxi) is mainly a taxi company, which has been operating in 14 cities all over the country, 14 companies have put in nearly 800 taxis for passenger transport.    


The scale of the galloping cloud logistics is larger than the scale of the galloping passenger transport. What made me most happy was that Zhou Yajie, who had been in charge of this area, had actually spent more than 22 million yuan to buy back five 2000 ton cargo ships and set up the "Flying Cloud Shipping (Inland River) Company", which specializes in river shipping.    


In short, I already had my own two major transportation systems for the transportation of cars and ships, as well as three major transportation systems for trains, aircraft and ocean-going cargo ships, which had already taken shape on a relatively large scale. According to Zhou, she was in contact with the shipyard in hopes of owning her own ten thousand ton cargo ship. If private capital could get into the aviation system, she would need to buy a plane to transport it. That's fine. I didn't think of the ten thousand ton freighter, but it seems feasible. I reckon a ten-thousand-ton ocean-going freighter would cost more than a billion, which I can afford. It's worth a try. As for the plane, I had already thought about it. As long as there was a chance, I would definitely have my own shipping company. Therefore, the responsibility for the ninth largest group remained with Zhou Yajie.    


The tenth largest group, however, was relatively small, namely the Shipment Brand Apparel Group. There are already 7 subsidiaries in this area. I mean to unify them into a new group, which will continue to be under Aiten's responsibility. If necessary, she will invest another 100 million yuan to support them!    


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