Super Little Farmer



4The eleventh major group was also integrated, namely, Zhang Yunxin Industrial Group. The Garden Company, Cleaning Company, Pipeline Company, etc., which will be controlled by Zhou Bing Jie, will be upgraded and integrated, and will continue to be controlled by Zhou Bing Jie. The twelfth largest group is the Zhang Yun Investment Group, which integrates the existing Zhang Yun Investment Corporation and its three subsidiaries, the newly established Zhang Yun Real Estate Company, Zhang Yun Real Estate Company, Zhang Yun Residential Company, Gadfly Mountain Tourism Company, Sally's Economic Assessment and Analysis Agency, Xie Yating's law firm, Zhang Yun Insurance Corporation and a number of other industries, and is controlled by Sally.    


Okay, a whole 12 big groups. He didn't know, but he was shocked when he saw it. At this time, I realized that I actually had hundreds of different sized companies on my hands, and my total assets were almost ten billion yuan!    


Who would believe that I, a young man with nearly ten billion yuan in assets, would always be borrowing money for tens of millions of yuan? F * ck!    


But then again, it was true. Because I don't have much liquidity. Yes, it means that I have the funds that I can control directly. All this money is in the hands of these little girls, and I don't have much. Thus, I was always able to borrow from them. In fact, the money was mine, and I could use it whatever I wanted, but I let them do it now, so I had to say hello to them about how to move the money and how much each time, so I said "borrow".    


It seemed that he would need to increase the amount of money he had in the future.    


With that in mind, I added a few more lines to the plan. One of them was a brand-new personnel proposal. My idea is, in the future, these 12 groups will form into a large group group. Of course, it's unknown whether or not this society will have the concept of a group, but at the very least, I have that idea. In reality, it's still a large group, but it's just a relatively large group. Of course, apart from a company that has the support of people under its jurisdiction, people of the same level also need their help. Otherwise, it would be impossible for something like me to operate. Therefore, I intend to specialize in seven immediate departments and two offices of the group. The Finance Department will continue to be headed by Yukiko as Treasurer. Human Resources Department, by Zhou Yajie also as human resources director. Brand Promotion Department, Ye Shuzhen also served as Brand Director. In the marketing planning department, Ronnie was also director of planning. Department of Legal Affairs, by Xie Yating as Commissioner of Legal Affairs. The main customer service department, by Alting also serves as the customer service director. Outreach, with Sally as Outreach Director. Rommel is also head of the Cluster Office. The Press Office is headed by Zhu Dantong, who also serves as a dedicated press spokesman. As for Zhou Bingjie, she would also serve as my secret. This position is equivalent to "secretary". She has always wanted to be one, and I also want her to be one.    


This was the beginning of the plan. In other words, apart from the Spirit Children, the rest of these girls held important positions in the group in the vertical and horizontal aspects. They were also the president of a large group, thus helping me with some things. As for Zhang Jun, Tension, Zuo Li, Liu Zhiyun, and a few other elders, they were all promoted to the level of General Manager. However, although these people are loyal to me, I am certain of their ability. They are not very professional and need to be improved. Therefore, I decided to earmark an additional 3 million yuan a year to hire dozens of professional managers to help me manage my operations and management at the group or head office level. This is my second request. The third was the profit ratio of the various groups and headquarters. In my paper, I explicitly requested that the profits made by the head companies and the various groups, that is, 50 per cent of the total profits after the various operating costs, be immediately invested in the expansion and reproduction of the enterprise, and that the other 50 per cent be distributed among the groups: the first 10 per cent be transferred uniformly to the designated bank account of the group as the reserve of the group; the second 10 per cent be transferred uniformly to the other bank account of the group as the liquidity of the group; the third 10 per cent be retained by the groups as the reserve of the group; and the fourth 10 per cent be retained by the groups themselves as the liquidity of the group. The fifth 10 per cent is used by groups themselves, but only for scientific research and innovation.    


My goal is actually very simple, actually just two: first, at any time, is to ensure that I have sufficient funds at my disposal, including liquid funds and reserve funds. To tell the truth, I've been afraid of poverty all my life. Now that I have so many machines to make money, my first thought is to prepare for a rainy day. I clearly remember the crisis that occurred in Hong Kong when the creator of the new TV set, the Wong brothers, was in Hong Kong. However, at this time, the two CEOs' reserve of billions of dollars was put to use, so Cumulative Electronics was able to quickly overcome this crisis. No one wants such a thing to happen, so I intend to do the same. If I had $1 billion in cash in reserve in the bank, I think I would be able to rest easy! Of course, for the time being, there are four ways for me to use this reserve: RMB, US Dollar, Euro, and Gold. Presumably, the proportion of gold should be 40% of the reserve and the rest 20%. This matter is left to the Spirit Child to handle. Well, it was necessary to set up another ministry, called the Ministry of the Interior, with the Son of Heaven as the Director of Internal Affairs! Second, I think there are two ways to get profit: open source and throttle. Throttling is very important. Right now, I'm in a large group. If I were to save a little bit of money every year, it would be a lot of money. But I still think, relative to throttle, to make big money or open source. If this method was used, it would be like printing money! But how to open up my source, I have only two ideas: research, innovation.    


I tasted the sweetness in scientific research. For example, the reason why I was working hard as a bow captain was because I had created a unique world, and now I was earning a lot from it. As for innovation, this is also the case. The reason why I started this business was because I relied on selling vegetables. Especially selling those small vegetables.    


Clearly, this text had the approval and support of everyone. That night, when I discussed the details with some beautiful girls, they all agreed and finally voted for me. The next step was to integrate all aspects after New Year's Day. I meant to complete the integration before the Spring Festival, and all the women nodded in agreement.    


It wasn't until very late that they all went back to their rooms. I had always been very tired, and thinking that tomorrow would be New Year's Day, I didn't go to steal flowers or make willow trees, but went straight back to my room to rest. However, just as he was about to take a bath and go to bed to read his book, his phone rang again. He looked at it and found it unfamiliar. He thought for a moment before answering it. When I heard the voice on the other end of the phone, my heart immediately sank and my face immediately hung up …    


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