Super Little Farmer



2He spent more than 20 hours on the plane before finally reaching his destination. The moment he left the airport, he saw Liu Zhiyun personally coming over to greet him. Today Liu Zhiyun is no longer the head of a single technical department like he was in the past. Instead, he is the head of the Bow Heavy Industry in the Americas. At this stage, though, there are only four companies in the Americas, three in the United States, Mexico and Brazil, and another joint venture. The Brazilian company is now fully on track with a production base and a distribution company, which are currently in short supply. According to my plan, Liu has recently opened a second production base. In fact, he had already completed all the preliminary work. Originally, he would have invested in the second production base a year ago, but after receiving an urgent order from me, he temporarily withdrew, took the funds to Mexico, and set up a wholly owned company in Mexico. He also formed a joint venture with a local person. The joint venture later signed a deal to buy $15 million worth of equipment from the South River Heavy Motor, which was later brought to a standstill by a professional eye to see what was wrong with the equipment and technology. Thus, just the amount of money that the South River Heavy Auto had to pay was enough to make the newly established joint venture, Spirit Transport, a lot of money.    


Of course, I'm happy to see Liu Zhiyun. This time, he came because he was invited. Liu Zhiyun's car in Mexico is the Mercedes 600 I designated. He brought two at once, one for me, the other for Sally, Jock, and others. Ding Qiongjue very sensible, quietly sat in the passenger seat, Liu Zhiyun and I sat in the back, speeding away. I found out on the way, because I knew I was coming, and rented a hotel on the spur of the moment. I smiled, understanding. The convoy soon stopped in front of the María Isabel Sheraton Hotel. Liu Zhiyun was very polite and had actually reserved such a high-end hotel for us. However, this didn't seem like much to me, because I had a private room at my own Sheraton Zhang, and it was the most luxurious presidential suite. This suite is only for my use and is not open to the public. But here, as I am also a senior member of Sheraton, I am warmly received. Maria Isabel Sheraton gave us a housing ratio, which was arranged in accordance with Liu's request. I have one room for myself. Sally and Xie Yating in one room, Ding Yaoyue and Ding Qiongjue in one room, and Yu Ke and another bodyguard, Wang Zhen in another. Originally, I did not bring Ding Yaojue and Xie Yuting here. However, these two little girls stubbornly pestered me and agreed to come along.    


After a night of rest at the hotel, I inspected my two companies under the leadership of Liu Zhiyun the next day. The first was the company of the head of the bow, Heavy Industries (Mexico), which consisted mainly of a production base and a sales company. This is the full capital of Zhang Gong Heavy Industries, with a total registered capital of 2 million US Dollars (US Dollars). (TL: US Dollars: US Dollars: US Dollars: US Dollars: US Dollars: US Dollars: US Dollars: US Dollars: US Dollars: US Dollars: US Dollars: US Dollars: US Dollars: US Dollars: Mr Liu holds a 15 per cent stake. I reward this 15% with 10%, and the other 5% with his own money, which I sell to him at a lower price. The company mainly produces the full range of products of the company and then sells them all over Mexico. The second was the "Spirit Transport Company", which was obtained from the name of the Spirit Child and me. I own 51% of the shares, and the two local brothers in Mexico have a total share of 49%. The company has a total registered capital of US $2 million and is mainly involved in road and bridge construction. Now the company has plenty of money. Because there is solid evidence that the design of the original Nanhe Heavy Automobile is defective and that the Nancho Heavy Automobile cannot be resolved, the Spirit Transport company has received huge amounts of compensation, namely US $3 million, plus the refunded principal of US $15 million. Now, the Spirit Transport company has as much as US $45 million in cash on its books!    


Listening to Liu Zhiyun's introduction, I couldn't help but sigh. The amount of money that the Spirit Transport Company now had on its books had been paid by the original South River Heavy Motor, and this debt placed a heavy burden on the South River Heavy Motor, which was later released by me, intentionally or unintentionally, to further depress the share price of the South River Heavy Motor, allowing me to hold the South River Heavy Motor in secret. That is to say, the amount of money that the Spirit Transport company has right now is all earned by me with a few turns of my hand! Thinking about it, in the whole process from the destruction of the Nan River Heavy Motor to the control of the Nan River Heavy Motor, I had never been angry at all. I had always spoken and laughed in such a light manner, but I won in the end.    


After a good look, he met with the two other shareholders of the Spirit Transport Company, the Agrolius Brotherhood, and left for the hotel. Later, we had a small meeting at the hotel. I told Liu that I had prepared a total of 2 billion yuan in cash, of which 7 billion yuan, or about US $1 billion, would be used to expand the production and R & D of Bow Heavy Industries. The Chinese company received 400 million U.S. dollars, or about 3 billion yuan. The foreign company, including three wholly owned companies owned by Liu Zhiyun, will receive the remaining 600 million dollars in capital. Liu Zhiyun was truly excited this time. He had always been a patient person, but after hearing about the funding situation, he was quite excited. I understand that. If I didn't have so much money on my hands that I couldn't figure it out, I would have done the same thing the first time I heard of it.    


Over the next few days, we took a good look at the scenery of Mexico. Ten days later, considering that our visit this time was mainly about getting to know the market as best we could in the shortest time possible, we decided to split up into three groups. One was Ding Yaoyue and Ding Qiongjue, with Yu Ke as her bodyguards. Under Liu Zhiyun's guidance, they went to Brazil, mainly to understand the development of the Brazilian company, and to prepare for the research and development of the company. At the same time, they had to go to Peru, Agen and other countries to learn about the market. The other was Sally and Xie Yuting, who were under the leadership of Wang Ce, who was under the leadership of Liu Zhiyun's assistant, Wu Lai. The few of them knew that I understood the situation. My martial arts were good, so they didn't try to persuade me. They only felt that this arrangement was not bad.    


My plane flew first to New York; I stopped in New York, and five days later I flew straight to Los Angeles. Because I was always tired and busy and had to play, I got on the plane and went to sleep. In a daze, he noticed a lady sitting beside him. She seemed to be wearing a pair of sunglasses. Of course, I didn't think too much about it and went back to sleep.    


At some point, I was awakened by a huge vibration in the fuselage. Instinctively, I woke up and sat up a little to look out. There were thick clouds outside, and then I looked in and saw the large sunglasses of the woman next to me. That woman looked like she was Chinese. When she saw me clearly, she couldn't help but exclaim: Zhang Yun!    


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