Super Little Farmer



2When I saw that I was willing to buy, I managed to pull down the shares of William Shirt in less than half an hour and have a further 32% of the company's shares. That took out more than $13 billion of my own money, but I already own 1% more than my largest shareholder, the Wilhelmsonian family! This is almost an announcement of a change of ownership. The Wilhelmsonian enterprise immediately transferred funds to block, but I took back all the remaining money to attack Wilhelmsonian chemical fiber. Even though I lost more than 700 million dollars, Wilhelmsonian chemical fiber's share price once again fell by 11%! As for the money I took from the Wilhelmson Clothing Company, it was also announced that I had taken it back, because the Wilhelmsonian family had made me a fortune, up to $2.3 billion, with all their efforts to stop me. So, for the rest of the day, I made $1.6 billion, and I managed to mess up the Wilhelmins and the Wilhelmins. The Wilhelmsonian chemical fiber fell 47% in four days. As for the Wilhelmsonian clothing, even though the current price is stable, it is the result of the Wilhelmsonian family's full support. I think that as long as there is a little bit of financial strength, anyone can defeat it in a short period of time!    


After a busy day, I came back with a staggering $3 billion in liquid money. It was enough for Zhou Bingjie, who came to England with me, and my beautiful sister-in-law, Han Ju-er, to gape. But I didn't care. What I care about is a phone call, or a letter. That is to say, to me, I don't care how much money I've made in the past few days. I care about the importance that a certain person or a certain group of people attaches to me.    


Sure enough, around six o'clock that evening, a message came from a waiter in the hotel lobby: Two gentlemen would like to meet me. I sighed in my heart. I reckoned that what was about to happen had finally arrived. I immediately agreed to it. He brought Yu Ke to the coffee shop on the first floor and met up with the person. They were two white men who were not very old. He didn't say much, just respectfully gave me a letter and left without even drinking from the coffee shop. I also knew that they should be like this, calm and collected, took the letter, and let them go. When they left and went back to their rooms, I opened the letter and read it as I had guessed: it was the letter I had hoped for!    


It was written by a young man I had once met, a new generation head of the Williamson family, Lin Lang Williamson, son of old Williamson, and Sally's brother. Back when he was not Wilhelmson's boss, he had come to China with Sally to take part in the cutting of the decorations at one of Zhu Dantong's father's construction sites. It was during that event that I accidentally rescued the big stars Han Bing'er, Sally and Zhu Dantong and was later caught by Yi Jing. That day, in a way, was also the first turning point in my new life. Because from that day until today, I walked a brand-new path of life, different from my previous working life, completely relying on my own strength to develop my own industry.    


In a way, this young man is still my rival!    


Things have to be told from the beginning. When I first started dating Sally and Han Bing'er, Sally said to Han Bing'er, "You just watch him once." At that time, Han Bing'er was a little bashful and joked around with Sally. At that time I did not understand, but later on I found out that Sally was trying to persuade Han Bing'er to go see her big brother Lin Lang, because Lin Lang had seen Han Bing'er many times! Sally had wanted to have a good time with Han Bing'er and her brother. As Lin Lang's younger sister, she knew what her older brother meant. However, Han Bing'er was still young at that time, only nineteen years old, and she was developing her career and didn't have any intention of talking about love. In the end, because of my appearance, her heart somehow fell on me and she eventually became my woman.    


In fact, the matter between Lin Lang and her, on that deserted island, Han Bing'er had told me everything, but I didn't have the slightest bit of acid in my heart. I just felt very happy. Judging from today's situation, the real reason why Lin Lang and his sister Sally attended the cutting ceremony of Zhu Dan Tong's house was probably because of William's investment company's capital injection. The real reason was that Lin Lang came over on his own accord after learning that Han Bing'er was going to participate in this event. Han Bing'er and I deduced this answer on that deserted island. At that time, Han Bing'er's face was slightly red, but she agreed with my deduction.    


What I didn't expect was that my former rivals would meet again today, not because of the man I once fought for, Han Bing'er, who has now become my woman, but because of another girl, Lin Lin, my sister, and my daughter, Sally Willison!    


To put it bluntly, I had spent so much energy, prepared so much money, made so many twists and turns, and made so much fuss. To put it bluntly, I meant it: for Sally! I moved to Japan for today. In fact, I was in England for a while at first, but I didn't have the means to do anything about it, and I had to do something about it in the end, thinking I was going to force the Wilhelmins to send someone out. Anyway, there's one thing, he's in the open, I'm in the dark, and I have time, energy, and money, and I'm not afraid. I can afford it. Furthermore, I believe that with such a large commotion in the UK, this Wilhelmsonian enterprise would definitely be able to find me. Otherwise, they wouldn't be able to create such a large family enterprise with the qualifications or capital!    


And this letter shows that I have achieved my goal. I have successfully coerced my adversary into a compromise!    


The letter, of course, was essentially an invitation to meet me in the VIP room on the top floor of the Elizabeth Hotel. Of course, I knew the meaning behind this. I smiled to myself. After some thought, he asked Yu Ke to make the appropriate preparations. Finally, he discussed some details with Zhou Bingjie before he gave up. The next day, we had a full day's rest. Of course, some undercover acquisitions were still going according to plan. On the afternoon of the third day, I left with Yuke and headed straight for the Elizabeth Hotel.    


When we reached the first floor, there were already two white men who were waiting downstairs to receive us. When they saw us, they immediately invited us upstairs. Yuke, my bodyguard, was carrying my handbag up the stairs with me. In this bag, besides some necessary information, there were also some special weapons. Unless, of course, there was a special reason, these murderers would not be used. However, we had to be careful not to sail for ten thousand years, and we had to be wary of others. After discussing this matter with Yuke, I decided to make some preparations. Of course, for now, both of us have a gun certificate.    


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