Super Little Farmer



3On demand, at least 180 million in cash was needed. At this point, Reiko would have 185 million in cash. Ye Shuzhen had received the original payment, and Ronnie's 5 million yuan was an additional payment!    


As he thought of this, he came up with another idea. [If I want to play, I might as well play big one!]    


Next, he called Yinzi and informed her that he would transfer 15 million yuan from Zhang Yun's investment company to the Spirit Child's account. In fact, the investment company's money has been left here as a reserve for a long time, very little transfer, my idea is to use it in an emergency, I didn't expect it to really work today!    


At this point, the total amount of spirit stones on the book was 200 million yuan, which was truly 2 million yuan more than the original plan! Presumably, this was a really great result. I told the data to Reiko, who said thank you quietly and thanked her for the text message. I didn't say anything, but I was secretly laughing inside because I had already heard the obvious excitement behind her calm voice. I didn't say anything and just told her to hurry up and buy the land.    


After settling the matters here, I did not stay any longer and headed straight for Ye Shuzhen's office. Together with Xie Yitian, the three of them went through the paperwork and the contract before having lunch together. In the afternoon, the three of them went to the head office of Kindali Company to discuss the acquisition with the three owners. After strenuous negotiations, Kindali finally took a step back and agreed to cut the asking price by 3 million yuan on the original proposal. While it was still hot, I invited the three of them to dinner. The three of them went to the Gadfly mountain together. After the meal, the drinks were almost done. The three owners actually took the initiative to request for the contract to be signed on the spot. I hadn't expected to get such a kick out of drinking alcohol. Of course, I was looking forward to that. Even though the three of them had agreed to it, they did not sign it out for fear of any unforeseen events. Seeing the three of them take the initiative to ask for it, of course I would be happy. Xie Yuting was very good at handling matters. When the time came, she handed over the revised contract. Both sides signed the agreement. "I believe that we can only meet tomorrow and seal the contract signed by both parties. I will be able to complete the acquisition if I pay the sum!    


I don't know how I got back that night. When I woke up the next morning, I found myself in my own bed, wearing only a pair of shorts; I could see that I had been bathed and had changed my clothes. She sighed in her heart, but at the same time, she felt a little strange. She didn't know whether it was Ye Shuzhen or Xie Yitong who helped me. When I thought about it later, it was probably Ye Shuzhen, for one thing, and I was sure that she was now attaching a great deal of affection to me; at least she had been married to a man of the opposite sex. Even if you beat me to death, I wouldn't believe that Xie Yuting would be willing to do such a thing for me! Of course, this sort of thing is fine as long as you know about it. Thinking of this, he did not say anything else.    


After eating breakfast late, his phone rang again. It was a call from Secretary Luo from the provincial government informing me that the provincial government had determined that the "South Council" would be held in the "Plum Garden", a guest house of the provincial government, at 9 a.m. sharp, as originally planned. The provincial leader wants me to sign my two projects the day after tomorrow, and now it's time to see what I mean. Of course, I had to nod my head in agreement, because this was something that had already been agreed upon. In fact, after meeting with Governor Xiao several times that day, I informed the provincial leaders about the key figures in Starwood and Paulie. Governor Xiao had made it clear at the time that a special person from the provincial government would send over an invitation. Presumably, this matter had already been arranged. Sure enough, in some of the details of the subsequent handover with Secretary Luo, I already knew that the provincial government had already invited the top executives of the Paulie Group and Starwood House to come to Southway. Of course, I provided the names of the people invited.    


As a result, I spent the rest of the day and all the next day preparing for it. Although the main body's work had already been completed, I continued to refine it, going through the details again and again to ensure that nothing went wrong. As for the afternoon of the second day, he continued to receive the representatives from the Xida family. They arrived early as appropriate, both for my sake and because they had received an invitation from the provincial government. Because it was a VIP, the provincial government arranged for them to stay at the Spring River Hotel. That evening, the provincial government specifically invited these guests to dinner. As for the evening, Xiao Xin, acting as the governor of the province, and a few other provincial leaders came to visit their clients one by one. Since Starwood had actually come for my sake, Governor Xiao had asked me to come and pay him a visit. His original intention was that the Paulie Group would ask me to come forward as well. I tactfully rejected it, just having Loremei and the others accompany me around. "Prefect Xiao was taken aback, but he guessed that I might have some meaning of my own. Knowing that I had been manipulating him from behind, that he had used the resources of the government to get to know me as the boss behind his back, he understood and left, smiling.    


There was no suspense about the next day's work. The opening ceremony was in the morning, and the first signing ceremony was in the afternoon. My two projects are third and fifth respectively. The signing address was Spring River Hotel's International Banquet Hall. The third project is the introduction of the Sheraton project. By Sally on behalf of Nanwei Zhangyun Hotel and Resort Management Co., Ltd., signed a contract with Starwood Hotel and Resort Management Group. The former officially authorizes the use of Sheraton, a brand owned by the former, and a wholly owned subsidiary, Zhang Yun Sheraton Hotel and Resort Management Co., which specializes in the operation of Sheraton Hotel. Starwood will send a professional team to manage the hotel.    


The signing ceremony was attended by Governor Xiao, Deputy Governor Yuan and the high-ranking officials from the Chinese side of Xida House. It also announced the introduction of the first international brand and the world's top 500 companies. It also announced that Nanwei Province from some of the world's top brands of hotel brands. The ceremony was witnessed by the state and state heads of the province, the major hotel heads of the province and more than a dozen mainstream media reporters from the province.    


The fifth project was for Romer to represent herself, Zhou Yajie, Ling Zi, and others to sign with the Pauli Group. The project involved the direct introduction of almost 2 billion yuan, and the indirect introduction of yuan. It was the first major project of the "Nanchi Conference" with more than 1 billion yuan, and was later announced by the media and industry people. It was one of the three most expensive projects in the "Nanchi Conference". According to the agreement, Luo Mei represented Nanwei Province's Zhang Yun Investment Corporation and Zhang Yun invested in Jingchu Branch, which would receive about 700 million yuan. Zhou Bingjie, Zhou Yajie and Ling Zi represented the other three branches, Jing Zhen, Jing Shan and Jing Kou, which would share the remaining 1.2 billion yuan! All payments will be made within one week of the signing of this agreement. Within three working days after payment is fully made, Zhang Yun's investment will deliver the red line map of the land to Pauli.    


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