Super Little Farmer



4Brother Yun, do you want me to inform little sister Yating that she will bring that butt of yours to you so that you can have a few bites of it?     0


F * ck me! Look at what you're saying, it's too embarrassing.    


My teeth are a bit bitter. In fact, I didn't need to look at anyone to know from the voice that it was Zhou Bingjie. Besides this little girl who dares to say this to me, I'm afraid no one else would say such a thing!    


Sure enough, when I turned around, I saw Zhou Bingjie walking towards me with a smile on her face.    


I glared at her, but Zhou Bing Jie didn't seem to mind. She walked to my side lightly, and without caring about my attitude, she whispered in my ear, "Brother Yunzi, Jiko's butt won't be any worse than Sister Yating's. How about we find some time later to let you have a bite to enjoy yourself!"    


I immediately became angry!    


This little girl, who's she learned to talk like this from these days?    


I came to see her again. Zhou Bingjie, on the other hand, made a 'chi' sound and immediately left. She headed straight for the washroom, leaving me with an incomparably beautiful view of her back. For a moment I couldn't hate it. This was because just as she said, her equally plump butt was not any worse than Xie Yitian's. It seems that her sacred land, after my development and nourishment, is even sexier than Xie Yitian's. Of course, my eyes were more attracted to it now. For a moment, I immediately thought back to the time when I fought with her in bed, and the supreme pleasure of touching that sacred place. For a moment, I was filled with emotion. Zhou Bingjie finally reached the door and walked in softly. However, the instant she closed the door, I could clearly see the mischievous look in her eyes.    


I swallowed reluctantly and lowered my head to think about my own business. Not long later, Zhou Ya Jie, Ai Ting, Yi Jing, Zeng Hai Ying and the others arrived at the main hall. Breakfast was soon ready. After everyone finished their breakfast, they all left. However, Zhu Dantong, Ronnie, and Xie Yuting were left behind by me. But Sally took the initiative to stay behind, wanting to follow me. The three women I left looked at each other. They didn't know what was wrong with me, but they still listened to me. I don't care about Sally. After the three ladies have sat down, I turned on my computer and opened up the outline that I wrote this morning, explaining my intentions.    


At this point, the three ladies finally felt that I was going to make a big move again. Moreover, it was an extremely large sum of money. According to my assumption, I would build a primary road in that fan-shaped area, connecting the provincial capital Jing Chu City and Jing Shan City, which was located in the middle of the arc outside the fan-shaped area. In the middle of this main road, at the junction of Jing Chu City and Jing Shan City, I would construct two additional main roads, one connecting Jingkou City and the other connecting Jing Zhen City. If they were successful, they would link the four cities through the umbrella bone-shaped main road. Or, it could be said that they would connect the three cities with the capital city.    


Of course, this is just my initial assumption. The actual operation is extremely difficult. The first point, among other things, was the question of funding. According to theoretical analysis, it would be impossible to fix three main roads in this world without obtaining more than 2 billion yuan. As for my current funds, the maximum amount I can transfer is 300 million yuan, and at least 200 million of it is from someone else, so I will have to pay all of it back. I can use it temporarily, but it won't last for a long period of time. The second point is technical. This was because this sector was a barren mountain area and construction was extremely difficult. And we don't have the relevant experience or equipment. The third point is planning. According to the current situation, although this area had a plan, it was only a rule. As for the rule, it would probably have to wait for at least five years or even 10 years. That is to say, if we want to build this road, it might affect the local planning. Moreover, it was not an ordinary influence, but a decisive one. It did not affect an ordinary city, but the core city of Nanwei Province, the provincial capital of Jing Chu. It did not affect a city, but rather the four cities of Jing Chu, Jing Town, Jing Shan, and Jing Kou. If that was the case, this plan would definitely reach the province, or even the State Council! The fourth point is the question of returns. If all of this is negligible, then the income of this 2 billion yuan per year alone is not low. How we achieve this income is also a problem. That is to say, our rewards cannot be too low. However, in this piece of barren land, not to mention the rewards, it would be hard to even earn back some of his capital. So, we are facing a venture capital investment. Even as stated in the State Council document, there was a big problem with the return on land on both sides of the road. One, the procedures are complex, the two land returns after the profits are very suspenseful things!    


When I brought up this idea, and the list of questions that might arise from it, several women, including the three beside me and Sally, who was sitting on the sofa, fell into deep thought. I was thinking too. But no difficulty or reason seemed to deny me. I have a strong feeling that this is done, this is done. And then I remembered last night in bed. It seemed that Zhou Ya Jie, Ling Zi, and Ronnie, these three beauties, were all good people wherever they went. Any one of them could marry a good family. Now they wanted to sleep with me, not alone with me, but with me. This was not in the feudal society of ancient times, but in the present reality society. Logically speaking, this should not be possible, but it was a fact! As they said this morning, there was a bond between the three of them and me. Although they thought that the bond was the one underneath me when they joked, and it always made them want to, we all knew that the real bond was the indescribable feeling between us! He could give up his life for the other party!    


The four of us have come together, just as we have come together; and if these four cities can really repair this road, and have this bond, then they should come together. If the four cities were to come together and develop in unison, then their strength would be extraordinary! It would be huge! Here, 1 + 3 would never be equal to 4! It was larger than 4! Therefore, if I use this reasoning, I am sure that this matter can definitely be done!    


This road must be built, and it must be built! No matter how difficult it was!    


The four girls did not say a word and only thought about it. Zhu Dantong still raised some objections, but after I explained a bit, she didn't reject me and just looked at me with a gaze that seemed to be able to melt me! Ronnie's eyes were filled with love as well. Apparently, she finally understood what I'd done this morning. As for Xie Yitian, she surprised me because I could clearly see from her eyes that besides admiration, there seemed to be something else. As for Sally, she was even more extraordinary. The expression in her eyes and on her face could only be described with one word: wild with joy!    


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