Super Little Farmer



1Just like that, Zhou Bingjie and I supported each other back to the small courtyard I rented. As soon as he reached the door, he saw a man and a woman enter the small courtyard as he was walking out toward Zhigao's wife. He was shocked and stopped in his tracks. After a while, he finally recognized that it was me. He immediately cried out in surprise, "Lucky brat, is that you? "Aiyo, it really is you!"    


She was a typical rural woman with a loud voice. The moment she cried out, I could hear a large group of birds chirping in the courtyard. They were all pleasantly surprised.    


"Zhang Yun is back? Where is it?    


"Is it Brother Yunzi?"    


"Where is he?    


"Quick, let me look at big brother Yun.    




Oh, almost in an instant, there was a crowd in front of me. F * ck, and it's a young beauty.    


Behind her was Zhu Dantong, who was walking out side by side with Yukiko. They were talking about something as Aiten and Ronnie walked out of the bar in a row, holding hands with two beautiful girls each. Behind them was the beautiful manager of Su Hua's bar!    


Behind the group of beauties were Li Zheng and his wife, Xie Hui and Tension Grandmother.    


For a moment I just stood there. To think that both the spiritual son and the spiritual son would come, but how did they do it? After a while, I understood. With Zhang Jun and Lefty and the others, Ying Zi and Ling Zi wouldn't have to think too much about things when they came here. It seemed that the relationship between the spiritual son and the spiritual son had always been very good. However, he didn't know why the son of the spiritual son would have such a good fight with Zhu Dantong. The two of them were steady people, and as they walked out side by side while chatting, it perfectly matched their statuses and personalities. To my surprise, the beautiful boss of Su Hua's bar also came. I don't even know her name!    


A group of women came to see me, but then they saw that I was holding a young beauty in my arms, and they stopped at the same time, as if looking at each other. Everyone's smiles froze at the same time. It seems that almost every one of the beauties in this group, except for the one who didn't hold hands with me, had done so in their own circumstances, and yet almost all of them, like Zhou Bingjie, who held hands with me so intimately in broad daylight and so brazenly, were the first to ever do so.    


Zhou Bingjie also did not expect that such a large group of beautiful women would come to welcome them. She was very confident in herself, but now, in front of her eyes were a few beauties whose beauty was on par with hers. There was even a lucky girl who was more beautiful than her! At this moment, she was also stunned.    


Fortunately, I'm awake." At that moment, I greeted everyone present one by one with a smile, and introduced Zhou Bingjie to everyone, claiming her to be the sister of my former colleague. I had accidentally suffered a serious injury during this trip, but the two of them had risked their lives to save me; I was worried that something would happen to me, and this sister had even specially sent me here. It was all right to say goodbye, but Yinzi and Zhu Dantong looked at each other and gave me a deep look at the same time. After a while, Zhu Dantong took a step forward and held onto Zhou Bingjie's hand. She smiled and said, "What a beautiful girl! "Little sister Zhou, who do you think Zhou Yajie is?    


That Zhou Bingjie finally reacted and replied generously, "She is my blood sister!"    


Zhu Dantong gave me another thoughtful look, and together with Yinzi, took Zhou Bing Jie's arm affectionately, and immediately began to chat, heading for my room. The spirit looked deeply at me as though she wanted to get closer to me, but it seemed that she was considering the time and the people in front of me. She only smiled at me for a moment, then exchanged glances with Ronnie and Aiten before greeting the beautiful boss. I was left alone at the entrance to the small courtyard. At this moment, those few women also seemed to have noticed that something was wrong. They greeted me and disappeared without a trace.    


I smiled wryly and was about to go back to my room when the lucky guy came back and put his arm around me. I could barely stand on my feet. Sachiko finally reacted because I had just said that I was seriously injured. She turned pale with fright and hurried over to help me. I smiled at her and said I was all right. I took the little beauty's hand and we went back to my room.    


When he entered the room and arrived at the back, he found that both beds were occupied by people. One bed was occupied by three people, while the other bed was occupied by four people. They were having a heated conversation. Seeing me come in, I squeezed in a little. I sat on the bed with Yinzi, Zhu Dantong and Zhou Bingjie, while Sachiko sat on the bed with Lingzi, Aitin, Ronnie and the beautiful old woman.    


After a short conversation, I understood the situation. As it turned out, three days ago, Yinzi and Lingzi had entered the city in Zhang Jun's car. Ronnie happened to be here that day, so they got to know each other; then they got to know Zhu Dantong, Aitin, and the little beauty. As for Zhu Dantong and the others, they had been anxiously looking for me these past few days. When I left, I made arrangements, but said that I would be back in three or five days. I didn't know that I would be gone for a dozen days, and even worse, my cell phone couldn't be reached. They didn't know what had happened to me. Then, seeing the arrival of Confucius and Yukiko, Yukiko, who was familiar with my personality, decided: I must have had a serious accident, and my life was at stake. Everyone was anxious, not knowing what to do. Fortunately, with Zhu Dantong and Yukiko there, the two of them consulted and acted separately: Ronnie, using her resources to find people; Etna, to take care of Sachiko; Sachiko, to transport wild vegetables into the city; Yukiko, together with Tension, to sort and sell wild vegetables and other green vegetables; and Zhu, to report to the police and to communicate with them in a timely manner. As for the beautiful boss, she found out about my situation from Aiten, Zhu Dantong and Ronnie by chance and was very concerned about it, so she came over to take a look.    


I sighed in my heart and immediately expressed my gratitude to the beautiful boss. With my declaration, everyone was amused. Looking at my awkward state, it was only then did Sachiko tell me that the beautiful old mistress was actually Ronnie's elder sister, the one named Romer!    


A thought struck me. [This is exactly what I thought!]    


I was happily talking to everyone about my situation in the past few days, which was, of course, an accidental injury by a bee, and so on. Although I didn't want to say much, everyone was still speechless. Even Zhou Bingjie, who witnessed the whole process personally, had a complicated expression on her face. However, I didn't want to talk about the process. With just a few words, I quickly erased it. No one asked any more questions. But I clearly feel that these beauties have questions in their minds. As for the spiritual son and the spiritual son, they were both mountain people, so they naturally knew how powerful this wasp was. Now that they knew that I was fine, they were finally able to calm down.    


I persuaded everyone that I was all right and asked Yukiko to borrow my cell phone. My own mobile phone, however, was damaged and unusable the day I fell off the cliff. Yinzi gave me the phone, and I immediately dialed He Guoqian's number. When they heard that it was me, they immediately burst out laughing, obviously very happy. Then he started to laugh and scold me, calling me "where did you go to pick up girls these past few days". I didn't answer, I just laughed, but in my heart I was thinking about how to talk to him and settle the bill with him.    


"Come and get the check, 440,000 yuan!" On the other side, He Guoqian seemed to know my thoughts. He also laughed with me a few times, then took the initiative to speak!    


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