Super Little Farmer



3I burst into tears. I looked at her the same way. All of a sudden, I stood up and rushed to the side of the spirit child. Ignoring the fact that I was already enraged, I tightly hugged the spirit child. The spirit hugged me. The two of them were speechless and could only silently shed tears.     2


After an unknown amount of time, the spirit child lightly sighed, "Brother Yunzi, let's go!"    


I finally woke up and nodded. He let go of the spirit and watched as the spirit child picked up the clothes. However, the clothes were still wet. I awkwardly looked at the Spirit Child, but the Spirit Child smiled and took all of the clothes and hung them up in the guest room. In fact, the air conditioner had already been turned on in the guest room. When she saw the arrival of the spirit child, she immediately understood her intention. She wanted to use the air conditioner to dry the clothes, so she couldn't help but praise her.    


"Brother Yunzi, let's take a break!" Ling Zi tidied up her clothes and walked to the side of the bed. She looked at me and smiled. I nodded and walked to the other side of the bed to sit down.    


"Brother Yun, I want you to hug me and sleep!" Seeing my actions, Ling Zi said in a spoiled manner.    


I smiled wryly and looked at the thing that stood tall and straight. I didn't know what to make of it. Ling Zi seemed to understand the awkwardness in front of me. She giggled as she came over and grabbed my thing. "Brother Yunzi, do you want it?"    


I felt more and more embarrassed. However, looking at her smiling face, it was clear that there was no intention to denounce her. Most of it was just teasing, so he nodded and said, "If you want to say no, that is fake. "But …"    


"There's no such thing as' just '. Yan-zi ge, I'm tired, just carry me to sleep!" The spirit child yawned, leaned into my embrace, and closed her eyes. One arm around my waist, the other still holding my tough guy.    


I smiled again. He wanted to break free from the spirit seed, yet he felt that it wasn't good to break free now. At the very least, he wanted to destroy the concept that the spirit seed had just created. After a while, I thought, I was like that just now, I was about to enter her body, but I didn't do anything to her. Now that I was awake, I was even less likely to do anything to her. Thinking of this, I gently hug the spirit that seems to be asleep before lying on the bed on my side. Seiko still had her eyes closed as she faced me.    


After lying on the bed, the spirt seems to be moving slightly, as though it is going to fall asleep on my body. My heart was moved again and I wanted to push her away, because this would be a great test of my willpower. I knew that I would not be able to hold on much longer. I'm doing my best right now. However, there was a limit to everyone's endurance! I was afraid that I would be unable to hold back and do something that would let the spirit child down.    


However, just as I was about to push her, I saw that she still had her eyes closed, as if she was very comfortable and enjoying herself, and my heart suddenly softened. Thinking that she really needed my support, I stopped pushing her and instead hugged her back tightly. The Spirit's hand was still holding my thing, and now it was sleeping on me, as if her hand and mine, the tree between us, were very uncomfortable, so she moved away and let my tree fall between her legs, and then her legs gave a little pinch and held mine gently. Her hand was free now, too, at my waist.    


I sighed again!    


This is totally taking my life!    


I can clearly feel that the flesh on both of Ling Zi's thighs is especially warm and soft, and there's even some hair that makes me feel especially comfortable.    


I felt like this wasn't the way to sleep, and that something was going to happen, so I wanted to say something to the spirit. However, the spirit child still had her eyes closed and yawned, as if she was sleeping soundly. I finally realized that I was being overly concerned, so I stopped thinking about it and closed my eyes for a bit. After a while, I fell into a deep sleep.    


After an unknown period of time, I seem to have returned to my childhood, to that great mountain. So we played happily with our friends, climbing trees and swimming with each other. Somehow, it was back to that summer vacation, when I was there with Reiko to graze. Reiko sat down on the haystack and asked me to help her with her lessons. Ah, this scene is so familiar! Wait, didn't the spirit child get bitten by a snake here? I was startled and glanced around. Sure enough, I saw a triangular snake's head emerge from the haystack, sticking out its tongue and piercing towards the Spirit.    


"Ling Zi, be careful!" Shocked again, I lunged at Reiko and grabbed her to dodge to the side. But the snake followed and came at us again. At that moment, all of the strength in my body suddenly exploded forth and I tightly protected my spirit seed as I shouted. The snake bit my arm.    


"Ah!" It was the sound of the Spirit Child's cry of shock, as if it was in some pain.    


I was surprised, but then I woke up completely. When he looked again, he was shocked.    


Because for some reason, the two of us fell to the ground, and I'm now lying naked on top of the same naked spirit.    


It was still a guest room, no haystacks, no snakes. Only then did I come back to my senses. The arm that had been bitten by a snake and was still in pain earlier had a bloody wound from the corner of the bedside table between the two beds in the guest room when it protected the head of the Spirit.    


I felt that this pressure on the spirit child was too much, so I moved, wanting to get up. At this moment, I was surprised to find that the sturdy item that was caught by the spirit child's legs before I went to sleep was currently enveloped by an indescribable warmth.    


So comfortable!    


Something was wrong! Because of this comfort, I seem to have experienced it somewhere before. Oh, I remember now, it was when I entered Zhou Yajie's body …    


Ah!" It was the sound of the Spirit Child's cry of shock, as if it was in some pain.    


I suddenly realized something and couldn't help but scream in my heart. When I looked again, I saw that the spirit was staring at me.    


Heavens! How did I get into the body like this? The barrier in front of her body seemed to have been punctured by me just now!    


No wonder the spirit child was crying out in pain earlier!    


I looked at him in surprise, not knowing what to think. After a while, he smiled coquettishly at me and said, "Brother Yunzi, I just woke up and saw that you were still asleep, so I didn't wake you up. Heh, but that little brother of yours, it makes me feel a little uncomfortable, so I was just about to move a little … um, this, who knew that with a sudden cry you would hug me and then we would both fall to the ground together, just like that …" The little girl gently explained the whole situation, but there was a specific detail that she hesitated for a moment.    


I was finally speechless. I was flabbergasted.    


Looking at her face, listening to her words, and thinking about the last time she and Yukiko played with that thing of mine, I suddenly understood. Just now, when I was still asleep and was being carried around by my head, I used her dense forest to compare my perky body with mine. Unexpectedly, at this moment, or at some point in the process of her comparison, I started to move, rolling with the spirit to the ground. As a result, my body directly passed through her forest, breaking through the protection of her virginity for twenty-one years, and directly into her body!    


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