Super Little Farmer



3"Mr. Zhang, you might be curious as to how did we get together in such a big hotel." That Cheng Da Jin seemed to understand my doubts and immediately smiled, "It's like this. The second largest shareholder of the Jingchu International Conference Center, Mr. Hu Mingda, is actually the chairman of the Tongdao International Hotel. Also, our two hotels usually have business ties with each other, so we came here together tonight! "     4


I gasped again.    


Hu Mingda! Awesome person! He was an outstanding signboard figure in Jing Chu, oh, no, in the entire South Wei Province. It is said to be worth more than 18 billion yuan. His industries involved real estate development, construction, water conservancy development, especially the hotel business reputation both inside and outside the province. In the early days, he was said to have started with a price of 3,000 yuan, and in just five years, his assets amounted to 15 million yuan. The 15 million yuan was later used as the basis for the creation of the current Tongdao International Hotel. Despite the setbacks, he managed to persevere for three years before it was completed. And at this time, just the value of the land occupied by Tongtong International Hotel was over 500 million yuan. Not to mention that after the establishment of the Tongtong International Hotel, it would become the first five-star hotel in Jingchu city and even in Nanwei Province, so good business was not a problem. It was said that he had withdrawn his total investment in only eight months. It was only on this basis that the current Tongdao Group developed. There were three listed companies under his banner.    


However, why would such an awesome company look for a little guy like me?    


"Mr. Zhang, let me introduce you again. This will be Minister Zeng Wei, the marketing strategy department of Tongda International Hotel; this is Manager Gao Da, the marketing department of Jingchu International Conference Center. " When Cheng Dazhang finished introducing the two hotels, he didn't seem to have expected that I would be thinking so intensely about him and the two young men behind him.    


Those two young people looked like they were older than me, but compared to those two marketing directors, they were still much younger. They passed me their business cards. I took them one by one and returned the greeting.    


He finally recognized the person. However, they still didn't know why they were looking for me. However, I was able to keep my composure. Because I've already thought about it. I didn't break the law, I didn't break the law, it's no big deal! Thus, he still calmly looked at the four of them. The Spirit continued to let me hold my hand, but stood aside, silent, watching me confer with them.    


"Mr. Zhang, can I have a word with you? Or do you want to stay at our hotel? " When Cheng Da saw that we all knew each other, he tentatively suggested it.    


I thought for a moment that it was already very late and I still had something to do tomorrow, so I didn't want to waste too much time. I immediately smiled and said to the four of them, "It's already too late today. If there's anything you need help with, please tell me. "    


"It's like this. We would like to know if the wild vegetables at the Spring River International Hotel were provided by you?" Yu Kai asked.    


I nodded. He thought to himself, "They are looking for me. It seems to be about this wild vegetable. What is it?"    


"I would like to know if Mr. Zhang's wild vegetables can be provided to our two families?" The one who spoke was Cheng Da Jin.    


A thought struck me. As expected, it's about wild vegetables. I was asked to provide them with wild vegetables at the two hotels. However, how could Xu Yanguan be worthy of the four executives of these two hotels coming to find me? Besides, they must have done a lot of work and paving before they found me so accurately. At the very least, they had to know my name. I, on the other hand, am not as powerful as Hu Mingda. It will take some effort to find my name. The second point was that they could accurately block me and find me at this time and place, but it wasn't a simple matter. Without three days of tracking and understanding, it was almost impossible to be this accurate.    


Apparently, these two hotels have spent a lot of time searching for me, as well as the wild vegetables I provided. Furthermore, from the looks of the current situation, they have even more time on their hands!    


As for the question he just asked, I'll have to think about it. It seems that the more wild vegetables I sell, the better it is for me and the villagers. Therefore, it was definitely possible to sell it to them. However, I'm afraid we won't be able to get this amount of supplies in a short time, because we don't have enough manpower. It wasn't that the pickers couldn't keep up, but the transport couldn't. However, after some thought, I found out that I had signed a contract with that fatty He Guoqian, and could not provide any supplies to him within three months. I had not thought it possible, so I signed the contract; and now it seemed that not only might it be possible, but also that someone else had come to see me, and that there were two of them in the first place.    


My heart skipped a beat because I suddenly realized that I seemed to have been killed by Fatty He. He seemed to have anticipated the situation today, so he signed the contract and it lasted three months. But right now, we haven't even served wild vegetables for a month!    


I certainly can't break the contract. Although I was not very happy with the way Fatty He had "caged" me, I did not want to blame him. For one thing, he did it for a reason, because it ensured their hotel's superiority; and for one thing, he was kind to me in some way, and I had already accepted him mentally, and I didn't want to blame him.    


Thinking of this, I slightly nodded towards the four and said, "It's like this, this wild vegetable might not be able to be provided to you for now!"    


The four of them were clearly disappointed, but from Cheng Da's manner, it seemed that they still understood and expected this to happen. He felt a little strange. When he thought about it later, he thought, they can even understand so many details about me, let alone my contract with He Guoqian.    


It looks like there's a traitor in this Spring River International Hotel!    


Thinking of this, a smile suddenly appeared in my mind! I'm really crazy, what business do they have, what does it have to do with me? Perhaps they had not obtained this information through an insider, but through some other method. Or perhaps?    


Just as I was thinking, Yu Kaiming politely said, "Mr. Zhang, what is the reason we want to know? But is there a problem with the supply of wild vegetables? "    


Right, what was the reason? Is there a problem with the supply of wild vegetables? No! No problem!    


I thought for a moment and organized my thoughts before saying, "For this reason, there are three of them. One, my supply of goods cannot keep up. This kind of wild vegetable was not as good as the other dishes. Only fresh dishes were needed for the dish to be served. But with my current transport capacity, I only have enough to supply the Spring River International Hotel. As for the supply of wild vegetables, I can guarantee it with a hundred percent certainty, not a problem at all. "    


"The two of them are the same price." You may not know, I offer the Spring River International Hotel these wild vegetables, because it is the exclusive market, the price can be high. If there are more supply points, this price may fall.    


"Three, and most importantly, I have signed a contract with the Spring River International Hotel. At least three months ago, they could only provide their own hotel. After three months, their hotel will have priority to renew the contract!    


It was actually like this? Everyone was stunned. Disappointment naturally appeared on their faces.    


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