Super Little Farmer



3"Sachiko, big sister has brought delicious food!" As the three of us were eating breakfast together, the door opened and a beautiful figure walked in. As she entered, she greeted Sachiko with two large gift bags, the kind that young girls liked. The three of us stopped at the same time and looked around. It was the beautiful reporter, Ronnie. When Ronnie saw Sachiko and me, her sincere smile was even more affectionate; but as soon as she saw the beautiful Aitin beside us, her smile froze and she just stood there.    


"Sister Ni`er is here!" Sachiko saw Ronnie come in and immediately stood up from the table. She rushed over and took Ronnie's hand. I stood up with a smile as well. I looked at the smiling beauty, Ai Ting, and asked Ronnie, "Sister Ni'er, have you eaten breakfast yet?" "If you haven't eaten, then come and eat with me."    


"I ate it when I came …" When Ronnie saw me come, she immediately smiled and explained her situation to me. However, as she looked around, she saw that the pretty girl who was slowly standing up and nodding at her with a smile changed her words, "... But I still want to try out the craftsmanship of Sachiko, so I'm here to eat some! " Without waiting for an answer, I led Sachiko to the table, placed the two large bags of food on my bed, and stood opposite Aitin on the other empty seat. The little beauty also stood opposite me.    


"Elder sister Ni`er, let me introduce you." This is Sister Aitin, brother's colleague; Sister Aitin, this is Sister Ronnie, a journalist, brother's good friend! " The little beauty, Sachiko, is obviously very smart. Just as I was about to introduce her, she had already opened her mouth to introduce Aiten and Ronnie to us. Aitin and Ronnie smiled and looked at each other before nodding slightly. They could be considered to know each other now. A short while later, as if she remembered something, she said, "Reporter Ni`er, I recognize you. You've been to our bar many times. It has always been Zhang Yun who has been in charge of serving you, aren't you very familiar with Zhang Yun? "    


That's right, this really happened. This Aitin has really met Ronnie before. It was me who had reconciled with Ronnie and Zhu Danton, and then sent them away. However, there was something wrong with her words, but I was unable to find out what was wrong.    


"Yeah, I went to your bar a lot. It was Yunzi who was in charge." We, Yunzi, have always been taken care of by you guys, I really need to thank you on her behalf. " Seeing Aitin take the initiative to greet her, Ronnie replied with a smile. However, these words seemed to be a bit too intimate. My name is Zhang Yun, she even called me 'Yunzi'. This name, doesn't it sound a little too intimate? Intimacy? Ah, no! Suddenly, I felt a strong smell of gunpowder. Because suddenly I realized that something was wrong with Etten's words, that Ronnie's words were too intimate, as if they had something to do with the same word: "We!"    


By saying "we," Etten meant that I was close to her; and by saying "we," Ronnie clearly meant the same thing.    


F * ck, what's going on?    


I was just thinking of a solution when the little beauty shouted excitedly, "Two beautiful sisters, sit, let Big Brother sit, let's eat together!" Aiten and Ronnie looked at each other, and then at me and the little beauty at the same time. Sachiko was now leading one person with each hand, and the three beauties sat down at the same time. I got up and helped Ronnie get the dishes and the porridge and sat down to eat. Ronnie was very excited to see me like this. She proudly looked at Aitin and smiled. "Brother Yunzi, I'll just do it myself. Oh, I brought such a happy occasion today."    


Sachiko and I looked at each other, then at Aitin, and the three of us looked at Ronnie at the same time.    


"Well, from tomorrow on, Sachiko can go to school. "Wait a moment, I will bring her to report!" Ronnie smiled when she saw the three of us looking at her. As he spoke, he took out a small packet from his bag. It was a document. I took a look and it turned out to be the receiving document for Jingchu's second high school!    


Too awesome! Jingchu Second High School! It was commonly known as Gaocheng Middle School. It was a century-old school in Jingchu city. It works with Jingchu First Middle School, commonly known as Mingwei Middle School; Jingchu Fifth Middle School, commonly known as Bingli Middle School; and Nanwei Normal University Affiliated Middle School, also known as Jingchu Four Major Schools. The four schools, together with six other schools in other cities and states of South China, are also known as the top ten schools in South Africa. Gaocheng Middle School had always been ranked in the top three, and now that they were close by, they had the momentum to leap over Bingli Middle School and rush to first place! Not only did the school pick up gold and silver frequently every year in the Olympic competition, but it was also not a place for other schools to talk to each other about the talents who entered a higher university every year. It could be said that stepping into the gates of a high school was equivalent to stepping into the gates of Peking University or Tsinghua University!    


Unexpectedly! How unexpected! Sachiko was actually able to attend this school!    


Excited, I flipped through what was going on below. It's just something about Sachiko, mostly connected to me, of course. However, the guardian is me and Ronnie. I didn't mind. I just handed the letter to Sachiko and said, "Sachiko, hurry up and thank Sis Ni`er."    


Sachiko took the document, but before she could read it, she stood up and bowed respectfully in thanks to Ronnie. Ronnie stood up, too, and supported Sachiko. Only then did Sachiko sit down to read the receipt. As expected, she was extremely excited.    


Ronnie glanced at Etten and then introduced me to the rest of the situation. It was just that the school had agreed that the little beauty would go straight to the second grade, that she would be familiar with the school for a month, that the exam would be conducted, and that the final grade would be determined according to the situation. I nodded, but my heart was filled with emotion. I did not contact this school; but I knew that if I did, the result would be no more. Because, the school I contacted is not just one grade lower than this school. They are all so unwilling to accept a lucky son, let alone a high school. Furthermore, I've heard from outsiders that the threshold of this High School is not just that high. Many kids from other families have reached the entry line, and they still need a large amount of money to open a path to enter! He didn't expect Ronnie to have this kind of ability, and he also didn't expect her to have this kind of possibility today! As I thought about it, I immediately understood that this was probably due to her, Ronnie, the top reporter in provincial television stations. These days, the 'King of Uncrowned' was different!    


I was slightly touched and immediately thanked Ronnie sincerely, "Journalist Ni`er, thank you!" Ronnie blushed and stared at me. I felt that something was moving in her eyes, so I panicked and quickly changed the topic. "Come, have some porridge and breakfast!"    


At this moment, Beauty Aitin also received the letter from Sachiko. She looked at it, slightly nodded her head, and returned it to me. I thought for a moment before passing it to Ronnie. "If that's the case, I'll have to trouble you today." Ronnie nodded happily, put it away, and lowered her head to drink the porridge. The other three of us had our heads down too.    


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