Super Little Farmer



2Naturally, I knew what the little beauty's smile meant, but I ignored it and continued to eat my lunch. After lunch, I took my leave from the three beauties and took out eighteen thousand yuan from the bank. I put away my two hundred yuan worth of change and headed straight for the Spring River Hotel. Arriving at the hotel annex, I took out my cell phone and dialed He Guoqian's number. After a while, he received the call. After confirming that I was downstairs, he was overjoyed and hung up. It was only about five minutes before he appeared in front of me. Behind him was a middle-aged man.    


He introduced the middle-aged man to me. He was one of his subordinates, a full-time driver in the procurement center. I nodded and got to know the chauffeur named Wang. He Guoqian passed me another envelope. As soon as I saw the bulge, I knew it was ten thousand dollars in cash that he had promised me.    


After bidding He Guoqian farewell, I and Driver Wang boarded a minivan in front of the attached building, but it was also a double-seater minivan. However, compared to Zhang Jun's car, the one in the hotel had a completely enclosed cargo area.    


Driver Wang was obviously skilled, driving fast and steady. In just three hours' time, they had already arrived at the city. By about six o'clock in the afternoon, we had reached Puxu Town. Considering it's not realistic to go into the mountains at this late hour, I asked Driver Wang to drive straight to Zhang Jun's house to meet him.    


Zhang Jun did not expect that I would come looking for him this late. He was obviously startled when he first saw me, but when he saw me, he immediately came to greet me. I introduced him to Driver Wang. We were both in the same profession and spoke the same language, so we got to know each other after a few words. As if knowing we hadn't eaten yet, we let his wife take it, and we went in to tea and chat. I briefly explained the purpose of my visit, and also explained that I had to go into the mountain tonight. Driver Wang did not know what was reasonable, so he did not say anything. Zhang Jun, on the other hand, was stunned. Obviously, he did not expect it to be this late. I still have to go into the mountain. I told him that I had been entrusted with it, and that I had to enter, and made two more requests to him. Zhang Jun knew my personality, so he stopped trying to persuade me. Hearing that I had two requests, he nodded and asked me to tell him.    


I was about to mention something when his wife brought the food over. I sat down with Driver Wang to eat, but Zhang Jun had already eaten it. He didn't eat it now, so he brought the wine to accompany me. As I ate, I talked about two things I wanted. First of all, Driver Wang was going to stay here for the next few days, or perhaps he was going to stay in Pu Su Town. Estimated time: about five days. Listen to me. Second, if I really get the goods, I might need Zhang Jun's help. Upon hearing that, Zhang Jun nodded his head in agreement.    


After dinner, with the help of Zhang Jun, I took the last bus back to the village. It was at the same intersection as last time, and I got out of the car. However, the moonlight had already disappeared. Fortunately, Zhang Jun had provided me with a flashlight. I used it to travel through the night towards my home. Fortunately, I had gotten used to it and was familiar with the route, so I thought it would be easy to climb the mountain by myself this night. After about three hours in the mountains, I finally reached home. Almost without cleaning anything, I unrolled the mattress that had already been rolled into a bundle, took out the quilt, and slept with my clothes on.    


The next morning, I was awakened by the chirping of birds in the mountains. As usual, he used the mountain spring water to wash the spider's body and took out another large cold potato for breakfast. However, he still looked around. It doesn't matter if I don't look at it. When I saw it, I felt happy inside.    


Wonderful, what you see, or what you reach out your hand to, are wild herbs, such as wormwood, shepherds, dandelions, bitter herbs, green vegetables, and so on. They are everywhere in the woodlands, and there are even some sprouts in the crevices of a few stones, verdant, fresh, tender, and still fat! I looked at the two large bamboo forests nearby. I didn't know if it was because of the weather or the mountain, but quite a few leaders had already emerged from the ground at this moment. I know this is winter bamboo shoots. This kind of bamboo shoot is usually not used for bamboo, because the quality of this kind of bamboo shoot is not high, so we usually scoop it up to eat. In our mountains, we usually only keep spring bamboo shoots, because that is a good bamboo shoot, and can also produce good bamboo shoots. It's just that I don't have any chicken woman bamboo shoots around here, and of course I won't be able to find any chicken woman bamboo shoots. However, I'm not worried at all, because having a bamboo shoot like this is enough to explain everything.    


I made up my mind and headed straight for the side of the mountain. After about fifty minutes of this, I finally arrived at Boss Liu's house. Old Liu, the most respected person in our mountain, when my parents passed away, it was still him who gave us' longevity '. Although he was almost eighty years old, he was still very well-built. He did not expect me to come, but let me in affectionately. I saluted respectfully and followed him into the room. When his two sons, Liu Changgen and Liu Changzhu's wife, saw me arrive, they also put down the work they were doing, and said, "Good luck!" One of them made tea, and the other brought some wild fruits. The two brothers, Liu Changen and Liu Changzhu, had been working outside all year round. Only the two women were left at home to take care of the old couple.    


I felt the special affection of the people in my hometown, and I also felt the heavy characteristic of the mountain people. It moved me. I took a look at their house. It was a stone house unique to this mountain. Old Liu's two sons were already in their fifties, but they were still working outside. Even his grandchildren, Liu Leyan, Liu Leyun and the others who were in their thirties were still working outside. With so many people working already, their family's income is considered the highest in our area, but we only have a few coins a year. I was just thinking about it when Liu Leyun, Liu Leyun and the wives of my uncles and brothers each came back with a big basket full of wild vegetables. I know that the wild vegetables they beat are not only for food, but also for money. They are all used to feed the pigs! This is commonly known in our local area as "sowing pigweed".    


I know most of these people, they are all women from our mountain, they all marry to the local area; there are also two who marry to the outside of the mountain, such as Old Liu's granddaughter, Liu Luozhi. As for the ones who marry from the outside, there seems to be only one, and that is my brother's lover, Sister Guo Qing.    


I greeted them one by one, then took my eyes off and spoke to Old Liu. Obviously, Old Liu knew that there was something important that I had come to beat him up for. So I waited for me to speak, with my hookah in my mouth. I knew what he meant, too, and immediately came up with an idea: I would ask Old Liu to help me organize the entire mountain village to help me with the wild herbs, including shepherd's shepherd, artemisia, dandelion, bitter vegetables, green vegetables, winter bamboo shoots, and chicken stalks; of course, those that were fresh and tender couldn't be made too old, and it would be best if I could get them all together and tie them up in little bundles and wash them. How much do I have in cash?    


Old Liu listened attentively the whole time while he muttered to himself about his pipe. At first he didn't say anything, but when he heard I was buying him in cash, he started to move, almost choking. Luckily, I reacted quickly, so I caught him and started to beat his back, which made him feel better, but he still coughed for a while. His two daughters-in-law stopped at the same time and looked at us both.    


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