Super Little Farmer



4The rest of the problem was easy to solve. It was nothing more than letting me speak English and Mandarin. I tried it out easily. My fluent English and pure Mandarin obviously surprised her with my excellent voice; as for my undergraduate degree, the female boss didn't ask me much. And let me try to sing again. I'm curious, why should I sing as a waiter? But I did it anyway, because it didn't bother me.     1


In our mountain it was common for me to sing, but I had trained my voice to be pure; and my voice, and its quality, had inherited the virtues of my father, and had been nurtured by the mountain for many years, to be both empty, heavy, and magnetic; and the mastery of the music now helped me. Father knew two kinds of musical instruments, Erhu and the bamboo flute. These two instruments were very common in our mountain. Almost all the men used them, and my father was an expert. My brother and I inherited them from our father. On the other hand, after so many years in that mountain, I had mastered the art of playing a beautiful melody with just a single leaf. This was another skill that my brother and I had learned from my father, not to mention that I had mastered it by sparring with my brother. So now let me sing a song, and of course I sang it easily.    


The song was an old song, the one that Mr. Jiang Dai had sung, "The Scene of the Northern Kingdom". I liked the song, perhaps because in the process I thought of my dead parents and my brother, and I unconsciously infused a feeling into the song. So it wasn't until long after the entire song was finished that the old woman remembered to wake me. Apparently, there were traces of excitement beneath her calm surface, because her eyes had already told me everything.    


When she looked at my papers, when she confirmed that they were written by me just now, her eyes, which had been somewhat excited, were now filled with surprise. This is not surprising. Many young people nowadays are used to using computers. The keyboard is very familiar, but the handwriting is very poor. I was different. Not only was the computer very fast, because I had practiced martial arts and paid attention to speed and accuracy. More importantly, my father had repeatedly asked me to practice calligraphy when I was still alive. My father wrote a good book, and I inherited it, and my stern father nodded at my cursive calligraphy. Of course, this could also be related to the materials that our mountain could provide. It may be difficult to spend some money on pens in our mountain, but there are endless hares and endless bamboo, and with these two things I can make a brush myself in less than half an hour, let alone my father! For some reason, this calligraphy piece was good, but it wasn't that bad either. Thus, I had written down that one page just now, using the signature pen provided by the HR beauty supervisor. It was actually written in the calligraphy manual passed down by my father.    


Next, this female boss told me that Su Hua's Bar had decided to hire me. With a monthly salary of 1,000 yuan, plus other things like attendance awards and service awards, I could get up to 2500 yuan. I could start work tonight, but I couldn't do it alone for the previous week. I had to start my internship and get some training. I nodded in agreement. After leaving the bar, he picked up the little beauty from the library and went home with her. Only then did I remember that this female boss seemed to be similar to the two people I knew. One was the beautiful reporter named Ronnie, who was "walking in light" in front of me, and the other was the head of the provincial police department, Director Luo.    


I tried to understand some of it, but I couldn't. At one point, I even wondered if this old woman and Ronnie were both the daughter of that Director Luo. However, I soon rejected that view again. Because just now, apart from the fact that she and Ronnie had a slight resemblance and they were both very pretty, this female boss was different in many ways. Besides, Ronnie and that Director Luo obviously didn't have much resemblance and if I were to say that she was the daughter of Director Luo, perhaps even I wouldn't believe it. However, since no matter how much I think about it, I still can't understand it. Thus, I decided not to bring the little beauty home.    


In the evening, I left the little beauty to study alone and went to the Suhua Bar with my undergraduate degree. The personnel director only glanced at my diploma before calling another supervisor to come and receive me. When I looked at it, I saw that it was another beauty. At this moment, I realized that there were a lot of beauties in this bar. Suddenly I had the feeling that I had suddenly understood why the matron's face had darkened during the day; only, when I tried to make it clear, it didn't seem to be the case, and I didn't seem to understand anything.    


When this beautiful director in front of me saw me, her eyes lit up, and she smiled as she took my transfer order from the personnel director. I was surprised to see that in the instant that the beautiful director and the beautiful supervisor had handed over my transfer order, the director of personnel had given the supervisor a wink. I didn't know what this eye meant, but this beautiful supervisor blushed a little and patted the HR manager's shoulder coquettishly, still looking at me with a smile. I suddenly had a strong feeling that I was prey. I don't know why I feel this way, and I'm surprised I do, but I do.    


What happened next was simple. I kept my diploma and followed the beautiful director to the backstage for my training. The training was very simple. It was just a few requests. The first, of course, was a relaxed smile. That, of course, did not trouble me. There was no helping it, my appearance probably inherited two of my mother's traits. The first was that I had a pair of large, intelligent eyes, and the second was that the corner of my mouth had a slight smile. I could almost smile without trying to do anything. It was natural, and one of the reasons people called me handsome; but I was more convinced that my father had once commented on my natural smile, which, if I was sincere enough, would give me a natural intimacy that would be helpful to my career.    


Secondly, he paid attention to his ears and eyes, and his movements were quick and accurate. For example, pay attention to the people who need to drink and what to drink. Don't let these people wait for too long, and don't get it wrong. Also, when you bring wine to one table, do not overturn the wine at the other table. This didn't trouble me, because my memory had always been good, and my martial arts training ensured that I could deliver the wine easily and quickly.    


Thirdly, it is our attitude and etiquette. This includes our clothing, neither servile nor overbearing attitude and so on. Attitude, for me, is also a small problem. Even if I didn't practice kung fu, with the many years I had spent nurturing Big Mountain, I could guarantee that my head would be calm. My attitude was of course neither servile nor overbearing; as for the clothes, they were all provided by the bar.    


Finally, we have to be firm about this: the customer is God, and God in the bar is right in everything. I know that this is the order of almost every place of consumption, and though I disagree with it, I nod my head in agreement.    


My understanding and the results of one night's training had obviously impressed this beautiful director named Ai. For the other two boys had been trained for two days, and yet they were one way or the other, and I had done almost perfectly, or completely, what they wanted me to do. This even led the beautiful director to ask me if I had ever worked in a bar or a hotel before, and when she received a negative answer, she was still skeptical. I don't care about her. I just do my own thing.    


When he got home at night, the little beauty had already fallen asleep on Big Sister Guo Qing's old bed. I took a light shower and climbed into my own bed. However, not long after I laid down, I felt a soft female body crawling beside me and lying down. Needless to say, it was that little beauty. I turned on the light to look at her, but she was still sleeping soundly, as if she had no idea what she was doing. I tried to leave her, but she was holding my right arm tightly. I finally stopped struggling and cast aside all thoughts. Just like last night, I gently embraced the little beauty and fell asleep in a short while.    


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