Star Core War

C16 Three-star Refinement

C16 Three-star Refinement

016th chapter Three Star Vein Refining Stage     3




Qin Tian felt a rumbling sound in his head as a Little Star Shadow slowly appeared. Slowly, more and more spiritual energy poured into the Small Star. The circulation speed of the spiritual energy also unknowingly increased. The third Small Star also became clearer and brighter. Qin Tian felt the Small Star. He knew that he had already reached the Third Star Vein Refining Stage.    


Four hours passed very quickly. Qin Tian slowly opened his eyes. He felt his body. Although the meridians in his body had just started to suffer some damage, however, after being nourished by the spirit energy, he found that the meridians in his body were now even more powerful. His body had also become much stronger than before.    


After jumping off the bed, Qin Tianyi stretched his body. Sounds of exploding beans could be heard all over his body. Qin Tian knew that this was because his cultivation had improved his physical fitness and made his body stronger and stronger.    


Qin Tian thought. In less than a day's time... He was able to reach three stars at such a fast speed. It turned out that the Tao Te Ching was really helpful for cultivation, but it was also very helpful for cultivation. The effect was so shocking. It was indeed worthy of being the treasure of China for thousands of years. He couldn't help but laugh out loud.    


The support of this Tao Te Ching was even stronger than herbs, and it didn't have any negative effects. It could be used limitlessly. This really surprised Qin Tian. With this book in hand, what else could he not achieve?    


His cultivation speed was so fast. Those so-called geniuses were considered trash in front of him. At that time, he would let everyone know whether he was a useless talent or not.    


Qin Tian slowly walked into the Qin Manor, towards the Martial Pavilion of his family. Today, Qin Tian wanted to go to the Martial Pavilion of his family and find a martial skill that could improve his own strength. It could also increase his chances of survival. After all, there were dangers everywhere in this world.    


While walking in the Qin Manor, there were people pointing and whispering to Qin Tian from time to time. Qin Tian knew that these people all called him "trash." He didn't care about these things. At that time, he would let these people know what it meant to look down on others.    


In less than fifteen minutes, Qin Tian arrived at the Martial Pavilion. He walked to the second floor of the Martial Pavilion and slowly strolled around.    


Qin Tian saw many martial skills, but he wasn't very satisfied. He could only find them slowly like a needle in a haystack.    


The Soaring Sword Technique, the sword technique below two stars...    


Earth Splitting Technique, a superior one-star palm technique...    


The Wind Splitting Technique, the Middle One Star Fist Technique...    


Each and every martial skill book was dazzling. Qin Tian did not waste any time on those martial skills. If it was not necessary, Qin Tian would quickly glance over.    


Combat Step Technique, Two Star Upper Graded skill book, movement skill book. One of his own martial skills was reflected in Qin Tian's eyes. Qin Tian looked at the introduction on the book and could not help but feel very satisfied.    


The Combat Step Technique was divided into six styles, containing all kinds of variations. Cultivating it to perfection would greatly increase one's agility and increase one's dodging ability.    


The first style, technique footwork.    


The second style, Flash Step.    


Third style, turn step.    


The fourth style, Teng step.    


The fifth style, Moving Steps.    


The sixth style, Instant Steps.    


Qin Tian read the introduction in the book seriously and recorded down all the things in the book. It took Qin Tian less than fifteen minutes to memorize the book. Qin Tian quickly left Martial Pavilion.    


In the forest behind Qin Manor, sunlight sprinkled into the forest. From time to time, there was the sound of birds chirping. Once Qin Tian entered the forest, he startled a large flock of birds.    


Qin Tian stood in the forest and recalled the movement technique he saw in Martial Pavilion today in his mind.    


The first style of the Battle Step Method needed to be practiced very nimbly, and had to practice some special steps.    


Qin Tian followed the description in the book, made a mark on the ground, and then began to practice alone in the forest.    


Qin Tian followed his own mark and started to practice continuously.    




Qin Tian took a deep breath and stopped. Two hours had passed. He was so tired that sweat kept dripping down. Although it was hard work, it was very rewarding. After practicing for so long, he felt that his flexibility had greatly increased.    


After resting for a while, he continued to cultivate.    


Under the sunlight, a young man was constantly sweating.    




At night, Qin Tian returned to his room and sat on his bed. Recalling today's movement technique training, he couldn't help but feel pleasantly surprised. As expected, the strength of the soul was too important. Talent was too important. In just a few hours of cultivation, he had almost completed the first step. If this was told to the public, it would definitely shock the world. Cultivating martial techniques was not something that could be easily cultivated. It required a long period of cultivation. Only by continuously cultivating layers upon layers would one be able to have some accomplishments. No one had ever heard of someone cultivating martial techniques so quickly.    


Qin Tian did not stop cultivating. He sat cross-legged on the bed and began cultivating again.    




One day.    


Another day.    


Just like that, Qin Tian continued to cultivate for half a month. During the day, he would go to the forest to practice martial arts, and at night, he would absorb spirit energy in his room.    


No one came to disturb him. It was as if the Qin Manor had forgotten about this young master of theirs.    


This half a month of cultivation also allowed Qin Tian to quickly cultivate to the peak of three stars. Indeed, the Tao Te Ching had benefited Qin Tian greatly. It had increased the rate at which he absorbed the spiritual energy. The Tao Te Ching was truly miraculous. Qin Tian's cultivation method was still at the middle of three stars. With the assistance of this book, the absorption of spiritual energy was already so fast. He didn't even dare to imagine that when he obtained a higher level cultivation technique in the future... How fast would his cultivation speed be?    


After half a month of cultivation, Qin Tian's martial skill had improved by leaps and bounds, and he had also cultivated the seventh style of the Nine Spirit Fist. With seven overlapping sounds, the power of the fist technique was astonishing, and it was even more exquisite. Of course, the greatest improvement was still his movement technique, the Combat Step Technique. Because during this period of time, Qin Tian had put more energy on this movement technique. This martial technique, Qin Tian, had cultivated to the fifth movement step.    


The fifth movement, the movement step.    


The circulation of spirit energy could allow one's body to move very quickly. In dangerous battles, it was very useful. It could also be used to escape, and its survival ability would also be greatly enhanced.    


Qin Tian attached great importance to movement techniques. Right now, he was still a weakling. He had just started cultivating and needed a way to save his life, because he could only survive. Your future is limitless. If you can't even protect your own life... Then how could he become a powerhouse in the future? As for speed... It was very important to a martial cultivator. This movement technique was extremely profound. It could greatly increase one's speed, and greatly increase one's movement technique. It could also greatly enhance one's survival ability in battle.    


Now that he had cultivated to the fifth style, he had already reached a level that ordinary people would never be able to achieve in their lifetime. Although this martial skill was only a 2-star martial skill, it was also very difficult to cultivate to the fifth style. Many people would only stay at the third, fourth stance for their entire lives, let alone the fifth stance. The sixth style, Instantaneous Step, was even more difficult. The sixth style was successfully cultivated. This was because the sixth form could allow one to teleport.    


But this was too difficult. The sixth style could only be cultivated by the legendary martial cultivator who had created this martial skill. Qin Tian had only stopped at the fifth style.    


Qin Tian was prepared to go to Round Mountain Forest to train, because martial cultivator cultivators couldn't just stay indoors and not come out. He also needed to go outside to gain experience and experience some battles. He had never heard of a powerful martial cultivator warrior who had never fought before, but had only fought one battle after another. Talent! It was better to improve himself.    


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