Star Core War

C1094 Disperse

C1094 Disperse

1Dispersion, chapter 1094.    


Qin Tian, who was hundreds of thousands of meters away, was also going to face a test.    


At this moment, above Qin Tian's head, there was already a thundercloud forming. The range of this thunderclouds was rapidly expanding. In a very short period of time, this thundercloud had expanded to a few thousand meters in size. After it had expanded to a few thousand meters, the thundercloud continued to expand. He didn't know how big the thundercloud would expand to. The thundercloud appeared here, causing a large area around Qin Tian to appear. Everything became dark.    


The reason why such a large piece of thundercloud had appeared was because of Qin Tian. All of these thunderclouds were aimed at Qin Tian.    


This was because Qin Tian was cultivating in the grasslands. After absorbing the Blood-colored Spiritual Energy for two hours, he had successfully broken through to the Eight-star True Core Stage. Now, a new Small Star had appeared in Qin Tian's mind. He now had a total of eight Small Star in his mind.    


Qin Tian had only cultivated for two hours on this grassland. He had successfully broken through and became an Eight-star True Core Stage martial cultivator. His breakthrough had gone very smoothly. It could be said that Qin Tian hadn't encountered any problems during his breakthrough.    


With the help of the Blood-colored Spiritual Energy from the grassland and Qin Tian's powerful body, it only took Qin Tian two hours to break through from the peak Seven-star True Core Stage to the Eight-star True Core Stage. The speed of his breakthrough was extremely fast and shocking.    


Now, Qin Tian had officially broken through to the Eight-star True Core Stage, and had become an Eight-star True Core Stage martial cultivator. The Blood Spirit Realm also had a reaction, and was about to send down lightning. When the thundercloud in the sky was fully formed, lightning would strike Qin Tian's body.    


At this moment, Qin Tian, who was standing on the grassland, was very happy, and his face was full of joy.    


The main reason why Qin Tian was so happy was because he had successfully broken through to the Eight-star True Core Stage, and had successfully become an Eight-star True Core Stage martial cultivator.    


One should know that an Eight-star True Core Stage martial cultivator was already a very powerful martial cultivator. A martial cultivator at this level was relatively rare. To be able to become an Eight-star True Core Stage martial cultivator was an incredible thing. This was because it wasn't easy to break through to the Eight-star True Core Stage. A Eight-star True Core Stage martial cultivator was a very powerful combat strength even in the vast Stellar Core World.    


And to be able to break through so smoothly and become such a powerful martial cultivator, no matter who it was, it would be a joyous event. Qin Tian was no exception.    


At this moment, Qin Tian was very happy, and his entire being was filled with joy. No matter who saw his face, they could all see it. He was in a very good mood right now. Qin Tian was so happy about the thundercloud that appeared in the sky. He wasn't worried at all.    


Qin Tian wasn't surprised at all about the thundercloud appearing in the sky. He was still very calm. Because this wasn't the first time he had encountered such a thing in Blood Spirit Realm. He had already encountered it many times. Once Qin Tian broke through, an additional Small Star would appear in his mind, and he would encounter the thundercloud.    


So now, when Qin Tian faced these thunderclouds, not only did he not have a shred of fear in his heart, but he was actually very expectant in his heart. The thundercloud in the sky sent down lightning.    


Because Qin Tian knew that these lightning would not hurt him. Furthermore, he could also use these lightning to temper his body, making his body stronger.    


Qin Tian remained calm as he looked at the thundercloud on top of his head that was constantly expanding. He also thought of a problem in his heart.    


"I wonder how big the range of the thunderclouds will be this time?" At this moment, he was also curious. The range of the thunderclouds this time... How big would it be? Qin Tian was so concerned about this issue. It wasn't because he was afraid that the range of the thunderclouds would be too big. It was because he was afraid that the range of the thunderclouds wouldn't be big enough.    


Because in Qin Tian's heart, he also hoped that the range of the thunderclouds would be bigger. If that was the case, then the lightning that fell from the thundercloud would be even bigger.    


In Qin Tian's heart, he also hoped that there would be more powerful lightning that struck his body.    


If this thought was spread out in Qin Tian's mind, he would definitely be treated as a madman by others. Others would really think that Qin Tian had lost his mind.    


This was because ordinary people could not avoid lightning at all. It was just a tiny bit of lightning. It had a very terrifying power, and many martial cultivator's bodies couldn't withstand it. When ordinary people encountered lightning, they would always think... How could they avoid the lightning and avoid being struck by it? In their hearts, they absolutely did not want the power of the lightning that struck their bodies to be too great.    


However, Qin Tian just wanted the power of the lightning that struck his body to be greater.    


Of course, he had his own reasons for having such thoughts. Because now, as Qin Tian's strength continued to increase, his body became stronger and stronger. An ordinary sized lightning struck his body. It was really difficult for him to cause any major damage to his body. His body could easily resist it.    


Every time Qin Tian's body was struck by the lightning, it was even harder for him to withstand it. * Hong Long...... * But now, as his strength increased, the effect of the lightning on his body would be enhanced. It also became more and more inferior, and the effects became much weaker.    


Therefore, Qin Tian wasn't afraid of the lightning striking his body. The more powerful the thundercloud was, the better it would be. Because of this, he could make use of the lightning. Make it stronger.    


Soon, Qin Tian threw all the distracting thoughts out of his mind, and didn't think much of it. He raised his head and looked at the thundercloud in the sky. He waited for the thundercloud in the sky to stop spreading and thunder to descend.    


At this time, only a short while had passed. The thundercloud in the sky had not stopped spreading. It was still rapidly spreading. And now, the range of the thunderclouds's spreading had already exceeded 10,000 meters.    


Qin Tian, who was waiting in this grassland, didn't know that the thundercloud that he had drawn out had attracted the attention of a powerful Alien King in the depths of the grassland. Moreover, this Alien King was still rushing towards him.    


The thundercloud above Qin Tian's head was continuously growing. As the thundercloud continued to increase in size, the thundercloud produced a rumbling sound. The activity in this place became even greater. The large area around the thundercloud had long since turned completely dark. It was as if the end of the world had arrived in this region, and waves of incomparably oppressive aura were being emitted. It began to spread across the entire world.    


Within the terrifying thundercloud, massive bolts of lightning continued to rise and fall. It flickered with a dazzling luster, and the aura emitted by the lightning was... It was extremely terrifying, and there was no doubt about it. How powerful were these lightning?    


Soon, the range of the lightning in the sky had expanded to more than twenty thousand meters. The range was extremely wide and shocking. However, what was even more shocking was that after the range of the thunderclouds had expanded to more than twenty thousand meters, there was still no sign of stopping. The thundercloud was still rapidly expanding, and was now spreading to over thirty thousand meters.    


Very quickly, in less than ten breaths of time, the range of the thunderclouds had expanded to over thirty thousand meters.    


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