Star Core War

C86 Search

C86 Search

0Article 86.    


After Qin Tian had absorbed the Blood-red Mark, his strength had improved tremendously, and he had reached the peak of the Nine-star Vein Refining Stage in just a short period of time.    


Qin Tian had only cultivated for a short period of time, but he had already reached the peak of the Nine-star Vein Refining Stage. If this news was spread out, it would definitely shock countless people. No one had ever heard of anyone who could improve so quickly. Qin Tian was the one and only.    


Qin Tian calmed down very quickly. He took out a first grade herb. He began to absorb it. Soon, he found that the spiritual qi in his body had reached the saturation state. He could no longer absorb the spiritual qi. Qin Tian knew. The next time he advanced, he would reach the Bone Refining Stage. He was looking forward to it. What kind of strength would he become after reaching the Bone Refining Stage?    


Qin Tian soon let go of these thoughts. Now, it was better for him to cultivate in a down-to-earth manner. He discovered that he had been cultivating in this place for a long time, and his current spiritual energy had reached its peak. Qin Tian's strength had also improved a lot. He found that he had unknowingly cultivated the Light Cloud Art to perfection. Now that he circulated his cultivation technique, the absorption speed of his spiritual energy was very fast. With the help of the Tao Te Ching, the absorption speed was even faster.    


Qin Tian knew that if he wanted to increase his strength again, he would have to start from the aspect of martial skills. Now that his Nine Spirit Fist martial skill had been cultivated to perfection, he had also just cultivated the first style of the Raging Flames Nine-fold Fist. This martial skill wouldn't be able to improve much in a short period of time, so he could only use the Raging Flames Nine-fold Fist more. Only by familiarizing himself with it could he cultivate the second style faster.    


Qin Tian had already practiced the fifth movement technique of the Battle Steps Technique a long time ago. Now, he was very familiar with the fifth movement technique, the 'Shifting Steps'. He also had a vague feeling about the sixth movement technique, the 'Transient Steps'. Qin Tian thought for a while. He should first cultivate the sixth movement technique of the Battle Steps Technique, and then cultivate it to perfection. He would go out after that.    


Thinking of this, Qin Tian sat down and started to adjust his condition and absorb the spiritual energy.    




The group of people from the Luo Family were still searching in the Round Mountain Forest. More than ten hours had passed. They had been searching for a long time, but they still couldn't find anyone from their families. However, everyone was still searching diligently. None of them had any complaints. They had already encountered more than a dozen battles during their search, and they had killed a lot of Savage Beast. They had obtained a lot of Savage Core, but not a single one of them had been injured. They had also encountered a lot of martial cultivator warriors in the Round Mountain Forest, none of them were spared. All of them had died under their hands.    


Their strength was just too powerful, and they could run amok in this place.    


"Archdeacon, archdeacon, good news. The information is displayed on the disc. Someone from our family has appeared 80,000 miles northeast of us. It is very likely that he is the person we are looking for." A surprised cry sounded in archdeacon's ears.    


When archdeacon heard this, he immediately said in surprise, "Everyone, move forward at full speed. Hurry up and get there." After saying that, he immediately took the lead and rushed out.    


This news made everyone's spirits rise. They finally found it. There was news, so they restrained themselves from following archdeacon in high spirits.    


At this moment, in a cave eighty thousand miles away, there were two men sitting. They were martial cultivator warriors from the Luo Family. Roga Tang, Luo Mingbing, and Luo Mingbing were standing guard around the cave. They didn't follow Ninth Deacon out, but managed to escape.    


Under the cover of Ninth Deacon, Roga Tang ran with all his might and finally returned to the cave safely.    


At this moment, the two of them were sitting in the cave. Both of them were sitting in silence. The atmosphere was very solemn. After a while, Luo Mingbing slowly said, "It has been so long, but Ninth Deacon has not returned yet. Do you think it will be..."    


"That's impossible. Ninth Deacon is so powerful, how could he not be able to escape?" Roga Tang immediately interrupted Luo Mingbing's words.    


"Ninth Deacon is very powerful, but it has been so long. If he is still alive, why hasn't he returned yet? Ninth Deacon is indeed powerful, but can it be that the Wind Beast is weak? " Luo Mingbing said loudly.    


" It might be that Ninth Deacon is injured. He should be healing in a certain place. We can't conclude that Ninth Deacon is dead so quickly." Roga Tang hesitated when he heard what Luo Mingbing said. In his heart, he agreed with what Luo Mingbing said. Although he didn't want to believe that Ninth Deacon was dead, it seemed like Ninth Deacon had encountered some misfortune. The Wind Beast was so powerful that it had completely routed their army. If Ninth Deacon had escaped from the Wind Beast, he would have rushed back to treat his injuries as soon as possible. How could there still be no movement from him until now?    


"Don't waste any more time in Round Mountain Forest. We should hurry back to our family and report this news to them. Right now, Ninth Deacon's life and death are unknown. It's better to return and report this news as soon as possible."    


"Wait for a while. Perhaps Ninth Deacon will be back in a while. We can't give up now."    


"We can't drag this on any longer. Regardless of whether Ninth Deacon is alive or dead, we have to report this to our family. Do you know who Ninth Deacon is? He is the only son of the supreme elder. We have to report this matter to the supreme elder and let him make the decision. " Luo Mingbing said loudly.    


"You also know that Ninth Deacon is the supreme elder's only son. It's because I know that... That's why I didn't dare to go back now. You should know that once this news is sent back... When that time comes, the supreme elder will hold you accountable. Can you and I afford it? Do you and I still have lives? "    


Hearing Roga Tang's words, Luo Mingbing fell silent. The scene fell into silence.    


Roga Tang saw that Luo Mingbing couldn't speak, so he knew that his words had fallen into Luo Mingbing's heart. He didn't disturb his thoughts and let Luo Mingbing think calmly.    


Roga Tang took out the disk, and when he saw the information on it, he let out a sigh.    


"Then what should we do now?" Luo Mingbing thought about it and asked Roga Tang. He was a bit moved by Roga Tang's words.    


"We don't have to worry about it anymore. The family has already sent someone over. They are about to find us. In that case, we don't need to guess Ninth Deacon's life or death anymore. " Roga Tang showed the disc to Luo Mingbing. Just now, Roga Tang took out the disc and looked at it. He immediately saw a family member approaching him at a very fast speed. This disc was specially used by the Luo Family to search for his family members. Now, he saw that the family had sent someone to look for him. Roga Tang knew that the news might have already spread to the family. It was highly possible that Ninth Deacon was already dead. Ninth Deacon's Life And Death Card had shattered, and his family knew about it. That was why he sent someone to Round Mountain Forest.    


When Luo Mingbing saw this, he sighed as well. He also knew that Ninth Deacon had most likely been killed.    


The two of them looked at each other and saw helplessness in each other's eyes. This incident had caused a huge ruckus.    


The two of them immediately walked out of the cave and waited for the people of the family to arrive.    


In less than fifteen minutes, a group of twenty martial cultivator warriors appeared in front of them. They looked at them seriously and confirmed that they were indeed sent by their family.    


They looked at them seriously. The leader of the group was actually archdeacon, and there were seven deacons following behind him. They were startled by this. If they sent out so many deacons at the same time and caused such a huge ruckus, the result would be obvious.    


Looking at the group of people, they gathered their thoughts and immediately went forward to greet them.    


"Welcome, deacons, and lords."    


"Roga Tang, the family has sent six of them. Is there only the two of you left?" archdeacon asked in a deep voice.    


"Now, only the two of us are left. Three martial cultivator have died. Ninth Deacon's life and death are unknown." Roga Tang answered carefully.    


"Ninth Deacon is already dead. You all are together. If you don't know his death, why did you say that Ninth Deacon's life and death are unknown? Tell me quickly."    


Although Roga Tang had a feeling that Ninth Deacon was dead, he suddenly heard archdeacon say that Ninth Deacon was dead. His heart couldn't help but tremble. He quickly calmed himself down. He said seriously, "archdeacon, the situation is like this..."    


Roga Tang was seriously recounting what had happened to them. He was telling them everything in detail, from the time they went out to the time they encountered the Wind Beast. He was telling them every detail in detail.    


Everyone present was listening very seriously, without the slightest bit of impatience.    


... "Ninth Deacon will stay. I don't know what will happen next. I don't know how the battle between Ninth Deacon and the Wind Beast is going. This is the situation." Roga Tang said slowly.    


"Archdeacon, I have been waiting for Ninth Deacon in the cave for a long time, but I haven't been able to see him. I have been waiting for you all." Luo Mingbing added.    


"That's all. Then according to what you said, you guys encountered the Wind Beast. Although the Wind Beast is very powerful, Ninth Deacon's strength isn't bad either. Later on, he fought the Wind Beast alone, so he shouldn't have been able to escape. " archdeacon said with doubt, and then immediately continued, "Now, take me to the place where the Wind Beast is fighting, and take a look at the scene. See if there are any traces, and you will know how to go. "    


"Archdeacon, I remember."    


"Then let's not delay any longer. Let's set off immediately. Jiatang will lead the way. "    


Soon, everyone set off. Everyone quickly ran.    


Two hours later.    


"The place where we encountered the Wind Beast is right in front of us." Roga Tang pointed at the place where the bloody smell was coming from and said to everyone.    


Very quickly, everyone walked over a hundred meters away.    


What entered everyone's eyes was blood everywhere. The ground was filled with broken limbs of Savage Beast. The entire ground was blood red. At least dozens of Savage Beasts had died here. It looked extremely tragic.    


Everyone was a martial cultivator who had walked out from a mountain of corpses and a sea of blood. Naturally, such a scene wouldn't scare them. Each and every one of them was looking at the scene calmly.    


Everyone slowly walked in.    


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