Heaven Slautering War God



1When night fell, Li Chen sat cross legged on his bed. Even though the Misty Peak was strange, there were plenty of spiritual strength. Even though Li Chen had not started cultivating the Life Transmutation Incantation, he was still working hard to increase his own strength.    


It was already deep into the night, and the Misty Peak was completely enveloped in darkness. Suddenly, Li Chen who was sitting on the bed felt something brush past his body, and his body couldn't help but release a gold light to resist.    


"What is this!" In the darkness, Li Chen's eyes suddenly opened wide.    


"Follow him!" The Black Phoenix in Li Chen's body suddenly spoke up.    


Li Chen was startled, he looked carefully, and a black smoke gradually disappeared from the window, there was no time to think, he immediately jumped out.    


That strand of black mist was neither fast nor slow, after floating out of Li Chen's house, it went to the next room.    


He also knew the person in the room next door. His surname was Xia, called Xia Quan, and he was only seventeen years old this year, and was at the first level of azygos. According to Li Chen's knowledge, he started to cultivate the moment he obtained the Life Transmutation Incantation.    


Li Chen slightly hesitated in his heart, then quietly followed.    


Borrowing the moonlight, Li Chen carefully laid down on the window. He watched helplessly as the bizarre black mist entered Xia Quan's body, but unlike him, Xia Quan's body did not react at all. He lied on the bed, as if he did not feel anything.    


Li Chen did not wake Xia Quan up, but followed the mist, wanting to see what exactly it was.    


What surprised Li Chen was that the mist went into someone else's room, then followed by a third, and then a fourth ?    


But after a few times, Li Chen was surprised to discover that the color of the strand of black mist had become much lighter.    


After the surrounding people had all gone to their rooms, Li Chen saw that the mist had started to rise shakily, and not daring to fly, Li Chen could only lift his head and chase after the mist.    


All along the way, Li Chen was surprised to discover that there seemed to be a lot of such mist in the surroundings. Some of them were still black, while some of them were grey like what Li Chen had seen for the first time.    


Li Chen chased after the first wisp of mist.    


The Misty Peak did not only have a single peak. Surrounding the peak of the mountain were ninety-eight small peaks. The place Li Chen lived was not the main peak, but a side mountain.    


That strand of mist finally disappeared into a pool of water behind the main peak's main hall.    


Li Chen stayed around the pool for a while, and between them, streams of mist continuously drilled into the pool and disappeared.    


Li Chen was at a loss, and only returned to his room when the sky was bright.    


"This Misty Peak is too weird!" Li Chen muttered to himself in his heart.    


"If I want to master this Heaven's Stolen Fortune, the mysteries of the Misty Peak will have to be unraveled." The Black Phoenix's voice suddenly sounded.    


"You said that this mountain is weird, so you told me to stay ?" Li Chen replied in shock: "Could it be, you also want to cultivate this Heaven's Stolen Fortune?"    


"Where are you going?" The Black Phoenix scoffed, "We, the descendants of primordial divine beasts, do not need this kind of Cultivation Methods for cultivation! I am doing this for your own good, after you learn this Heaven's Stolen Fortune, it will be your greatest fortune, and if it wasn't for the fact that the Sword Seeking Sect's inheritance was broken, you wouldn't even be able to cultivate this Life Transmutation Incantation. "    


Looks like Li Chen and the Ghoolion's conversation with Black Phoenix also listened to every single word.    


"But you saw it too, those people who cultivate the Heaven's Stolen Fortune have a strange black gas wrapped around their bodies!" Li Chen sighed, he was almost certain that the reason why this strange black gas appeared was because those people had all cultivated the Heaven's Stolen Fortune.    


"Tomorrow, go to those people's courtyard and take a look. See if they have any faults!" I do not believe that the top grade one divine arts of the world will end up becoming this trash's Cultivation Methods. " The Black Phoenix said coldly.    


Li Chen rubbed his nose helplessly, but in his heart he had some expectations for the Cultivating Heaven Smiting Art, even the Black Phoenix s would not be inferior to it.    


On the second day, Li Chen pretended to be bored and ran to the room next door where Xia Quan was.    


When Li Chen went over, Xia Quan seemed to have just gotten up from bed. After seeing Li Chen, he thought a bit blankly, as if he had only discovered later that Li Chen was someone who lived next to him, and walked over with a smile.    


The night before they obtained the Cultivation Methods, Xia Quan had even joked with him, talking about how he would become an unparalleled hero in a few days after he had mastered the unparalleled divine arts.    


"Brother Xia Quan doesn't seem to have slept well in the past two days?" Li Chen said, seemingly unintentionally.    


Xia Quan helplessly shook his head when he heard this and said, "I've been sleeping for the past few days and always dreamt of myself in a place covered in grey light. When I woke up, I always felt unusually tired."    


Li Chen's heart was moved. In the two or three days since he had first arrived, he had never had a dream. He did not expect that Xia Quan was actually still having a dream that caused people to feel lost in despair.    


Why was the Heaven's Stolen Fortune so strange?    


Li Chen interviewed many disciples who had entered the sect with him. These disciples were all like Xia Quan, having an absurd dream. Their actions were also like Xia Quan, their movements were stiff and spiritless.    


When he arrived in front of a disciple who had entered the Misty Peak long ago, Li Chen was truly shocked in his heart.    


This disciple was probably only twenty or thirty years old, but the beard on his face looked as if it had not been tidied up in a few years. After seeing Li Chen come in, that disciple only glanced at him for a moment, then continued to cultivate.    


Li Chen was a little nervous in his heart, he had been staying by the disciple's side the entire time. Only after he had cultivated another reincarnation cycle, did Li Chen finally ask carefully: "May I ask ?"    


That disciple suddenly opened his eyes and gave Li Chen a fright, when he heard the disciple ask in a hoarse voice, "Why haven't you left yet?"    


This disciple's voice was even hoarser than Ghoolion's, making Li Chen feel extremely uncomfortable, but he still carefully opened his mouth and asked: "Senior Brother, may I know how to address you?"    


The disciple stared blankly at Li Chen, as though he was thinking about something. His brows furrowed even more, and in the end, he painfully covered his head and muttered: "What am I called? What was his name? What exactly is my name? "    


Li Chen was startled, but seeing that the disciple was actually rolling on the ground with his hands on his head, he anxiously tried to pull it away. He originally thought that he would consume a lot of energy, but he did not expect that, with a light pull, the disciple was pulled up by him, but he was still holding his head, and could not stop himself from muttering.    


"This senior brother!" Senior Brother, don't be so excited! " Li Chen pulled for a while, but realized that this senior brother couldn't listen any longer, so he let go of his hesitation.    


After a long while, the disciple finally stopped moving. Li Chen carefully approached the disciple and poked him: "Senior Brother?"    


The disciple suddenly "shua" looked up at Li Chen, and stared straight at him for half a quarter of an hour. What are you doing here? "    


"My name is Li Chen." Li Chen slowly said. He noticed a rare clarity in this senior brother's eyes. "Did senior brother just remember something?"    


"Li Chen, I have never heard of you." The disciple frowned, but continued to climb onto the bed. "If there's nothing else, don't disturb my cultivation! Hurry up and leave! "    


Li Chen speechlessly stood there, before finally leaving helplessly.    


These people were either crazy or stupid, giving Li Chen the feeling that they were all being sucked out of him!    


Li Chen had a feeling that the Ghoolion in the Misty Peak must know something. Even he, who had stayed in the Misty Peak for only a few days, had noticed that trace of suspicious mist, let alone the Ghoolion!    


When night fell, Li Chen once again quietly arrived at the lakeside.    


He did not go directly to the pool, but instead hid in the surrounding grass.    


If he remembered correctly, it was already the second half of the night when he sensed the strange black fog.    


A figure suddenly appeared in front of the pool.    


Li Chen could see clearly, this must be the Ghoolion!    


He only saw that the Ghoolion was doing something towards the pool, which caused ripples to appear, and then the mist that Li Chen had seen before floated out.    


Li Chen was shocked, he never thought that the fog was related to the Ghoolion!    


The mist scattered in all directions as if they were already used to it.    


Ghoolion stayed there for a while longer, then turned and left.    


Li Chen had been concealing his aura the entire time. When the sky was about to brighten, the mist seemed to have returned to the pool of water as if he had returned home.    


Just like yesterday, some of the mist colors were dark and some were light. However, all of them had returned to the pool.    


He didn't know what was in the pool.    


Li Chen was a little curious.    


The second day, during the day, Li Chen was still walking around. He discovered that those who had been in the Misty Peak for a long time, were staring blankly at him. Although they looked like walking corpses, they did not give up on cultivating.    


After Li Chen wandered around for a while, the Ghoolion finally noticed Li Chen's existence.    


Deep in the night, Li Chen felt a pair of terrifying eyes staring fiercely at him. That feeling finally disappeared, and to his astonishment, he realized that for several days, that suspicious black mist did not appear again.    


Moreover, when he looked at Xia Quan once again, he only felt that Xia Quan's gaze was clear and unrestrained.    


Seeing that Li Chen had arrived, Xia Quan excitedly went up to greet him: "So it's Brother Li. I haven't seen you for a few days, Brother Li seems to be having a good time."    


Li Chen looked at Xia Quan with a puzzled expression. He could tell that Xia Quan had cultivated quite well these few days, and it seemed to be even better than when he was cultivating the Life Transmutation Incantation.    


"And this is all thanks to the Life Transmutation Incantation!" Li Chen laughed.    


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